“The key message of this year, of 2021, is this journey of self acceptance.”
Sherling is an Earth Healing skull, he works with the Merlin consciousness.
Every year for the past few years Sherling has come forward and allowed Alphedia Arara to channel him for a forecast for the year ahead.
This message was channelled on the 6th January 2021.
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Channelled Forecast from Sherling:
“Greeting, greetings, greetings, I am Sherling and I am very honoured indeed as always to be able to come forward and to use this channel as a voice.
Not only on behalf of myself but on behalf of all the Crystal Skull Conclave.
And so within the Earth Project the year 2021 has commenced.
This is a year where the New Earth timeline trajectory starts to crystallise into form.
The dreams that have been dreamt by the light workers are now starting to manifest.
You may wonder why you are therefore in a global pandemic but remember that this situation has been created.
The light has won but the darker energy forces are still trying to regain control, are still trying to drag humanity backwards.
But it can no longer be so.
Those who are choosing to stay in the fear matrix, those who are allowing it to be reinforced into their holographic matrixes are choosing to stay in third dimensional duality.
The great gift, the great opportunity, that is offered throughout 2021 for those who have chosen to ride through the portal, to ride on the back of the Rainbow Serpent who has guided you all through the Uluru portal to the New Dawn and who are now ready to step into their leadership roles.
This is a year to find yourself, to find your role on Earth as the Master souls that you came here to be.
Yes, challenges will still be presented to you.
Yes, there is still work to be done in the final clearing and purging of your matrixes and know that this is important to do this work.
That you continue to heal, that you continue to let go of all that you have been sacrificing, that has held you back.
And that will be a big part of the energy up until the Equinox in March.
This is the final burning down in order for the Rainbow Phoenix to surface, to rise, to shine bright at the Equinox moment.
You will be being prepared for this, yet only the highest level of initiate souls will go through this Rainbow Resurrection at this point.
It will be available to you all of course, from this point onwards but many of you who are Guardians of crystal skulls, who feel the call to be keepers of the crystalline wisdom and the knowledge of the Crystal Skull Conclave will be the pioneers birthing through the Rainbow Phoenix Portal.
Now, what is the Rainbow Phoenix about? The Rainbow Frequency is the unification process, the unification of all parts of yourself even the parts that have been dwelling in darkness, that have still been attached to the ego and that are reluctantly but gratefully returning to you.
Now you may wonder why I use the word reluctant, it is just part of the shortening of the DNA within humanity.
It is the final throw back to the grand experiment that had caused humanity to move into this place of inner slavery, disempowerment and disconnection of the oneself.
So for the first three months of this year, will be focussing on the unification, we will be focussing on the integration into this new way of being and to further your crystallisation within your DNA and your bone structure.
Now many of you are working with the Diamond ray, another name for the Diamond ray is the Rainbow Ray.
These rays are just terminology you have given to a frequency. But when you imagine a rainbow, the rainbow energy connecting with you, you see colour.
If you have never connected with the Rainbow Frequency before I connect you in with this now.
Now when I say the Diamond Ray to you, the colour will have gone, crystal clear clarity will come into your vision, for this is the ultimate frequency.
Many of you will be ready after the Equinox for full embodiment of the Diamond Ray.
But to get here you require to make the choice. The choice to step fully onto the Fifth Dimensional Ascension Path.
To fully work diligently in healing and clearing all that is holding you back from this full unification of the oneself.
And preparation work will begin for this in February.
Now what for those who are not ready yet to go through these great portals, you will continue on in your journey working at the pace that your soul has chosen.
And it is key for you to call in your guides daily to assist you, start a daily practice of invocation for your team.
Some of you may have heard of the Council of 12, your 12 main guides assisting you on Earth.
They are often comprised of Ascended Masters, Star Beings, Angels, Elementals and perhaps other consciousnesses from the Animal Kingdoms.
Some of you are only at the level of feeling comfortable working with your Angelic guide, maybe even your Spirit guide, and that is all okay.
Wherever you are at your path you are accepted.
And the key message of this year, of 2021, is this journey of self acceptance.
This journey of returning to the one soul within.
Many of you will do this by connecting with the Star brethren, many by connecting with the Crystal brethren, and many will do this by connecting with the Angelic and Elemental brethren.
For they are your allies and your team but you require to recognise them, you require to recognise the energies that support you.
Perhaps the Dragons are your key allies to make the inner shifts of healing.
Perhaps the unicorns are your key allies to bring in that Divine Love that is lacking.
Many of you are still going through this experience of lack of self acceptance.
For it is the year of accepting oneself, returning One to whole completion and perfected form.
Now I have talked about the energies up until the Equinox in March, as the year moves on the astrology lightens the mood.
The summer months will still be being affected by the viral impact going through humanity at this time.
But what is this virus? This virus is mutating fast, it is mutating fast because it is, as I have stated, a tool to keep you in shortened DNA form.
Those who have the consciousness to understand my words will understand what I am saying and if you do not that is okay, it is for you to do the work, call in your guides read the books, whichever way you receive the information, to reach out and ask for help from someone with knowledge to move into this place of understanding.
But what you are seeing happening is self responsibility.
People are being asked to be responsible for self care.
Now some choose to do this and get sick, some choose not to do this and get sick.
It is not about the illness.
It is about taking that action step to realise that the care of the self is first and foremost the most important aspect of all.
You have been trained to not be selfish, you have been trained to be community minded, you have been trained to be disconnected from your own inner intuition and truth.
And really this year, and over the summer months, it is about this return to reconnection with the self and how the self interacts with the world around it.
Now, your governments agendas are to spread fear, to spread the need for compliance, and they do this through the guilt matrix, the fear matrix, restrictions, but also appealing to comply, and the compliance matrix is strong on earth but not after the Phoenix has risen.
The compliance is the compliance within, but most of humanity is completely disconnected from within.
And the journey to the Equinox in September is really over this six months this journey to within-ness.
If you see yourself all as dots of light, for it is your light quotient that matters, if your light quotient is high you can withstand much of what is thrown at you.
But in order to keep your light quotient high daily practice and structures will be your friend, whether it be sitting meditating with a crystal, walking barefoot on the earth, hugging a tree, leaving seeds for the birds, caring for another, supporting somebody who is requiring assistance, offering your gifts and talents, your unique abilities to assist.
Many light workers are still hiding trapped in the fear and the remembrance of the witch hunts and the persecutions that have occurred before when people have shown their light, have not complied with government orders.
Now I am not telling you to break the law, this is not what this message is about, I am saying that protection comes from within.
Just as you go out into the snow with a coat on and hat and shoes it is important to protect the self energetically through being love, through visualisation, through whatever tool or guide feels the most appropriate for you to work with.
Really this is the year of strengthening your inner light team, deepening your connection with your guides, deepening your connection with Mother Earth, listening to her intuition.
It is not a year to allow the ego to dominate, and this is why a lockdown has occurred again for lockdowns are an opportunity for self reflection.
They are an opportunity to look at what your triggers are and where you are out of balance.
If you find yourself alone, but uncomfortable with this look at why.
Maybe you are being asked to be the hermit and to master that aspect of being comfortable within.
And just like any initiation or vision quest, it is not easy, it is a challenge.
So this is a year of self analysis really if you wish to harness and utilise the energies.
So many are in a rush to eradicate the virus rather than accepting the virus, just as you accept the tree that stands at the bottom of your garden, just as you accept the bird that sings and the animal who visits daily.
Viruses are frequencies, they are a vibration, and if you do not have within your matrix the requirement to be affected by this vibration you will not be.
Now many souls are choosing to part Earth at this time. It was always predicted and many are choosing this as their out.
It may not be logical, it may not make sense, but understand that you have free will and choice in every action.
Your ego self may tell you ‘I did not choose this’ but if you connect in with your higher self and say ‘why? why has this appeared? why have I chosen this? what lessons am I to learn to heal?’ that would be a more appropriate way of living your life.
I know the words I am saying may trigger some of you.
That is okay, look at why you have been triggered, look at what part, what aspect of you has been triggered by what you are hearing in this transmission.
And to the latter part of the year, from the Equinox in September to the Winter Solstice this will really depend on the work you have done up until this point.
What you experience through your Earth walk.
Again you have the choice, all I am going to say to you is utilise the energies well.
This is the year to work, to do the deep inner work, is the year to rise, rebirth in all your Rainbow glory.
But you will all do this at different paces and different stages.
Many of you are listening to this from your heads, trying to analyse my words but this transmission is to be listened to through the heart.
I have put codes and frequencies into the channel’s voice to activate a portal in the heart if you are ready to be in your heart.
Just like Merlin and the matrix, I have chosen the Merlinite crystal form.
This is the year for the magicians to work their magic and many, many, many of you light workers are here as energy magicians, the alchemists, the transformers, this is your time and many will seek your help.
If you are thinking of starting a spiritual business, this is the year. If you are already running a spiritual business this is the year.
But put the structures in place for you will be busy, strengthen yourself through chakra work, do your meditations daily but also do your protection for many will spin this year and don’t be under any illusion that the other agendas won’t try to fear and play, but we do not wish to dwell on them too much do we now.
For we are to stay in the heart, to return to the Oneself, to amplify your inner intuition and to dedicate the time to spiritual practice.
If you have children it is important that you start to teach them what you know, it is important that you start their spiritual development for it is easy to allow them to sit on computer screens for they are happy in that world but it is important to daily get them outside to engage with nature, to connect with a crystal, but most of all to start to meditate and connect with their guides this year.
For shifts are occurring within the Earth’s Grids and many light workers and many Earth healers have been sent to Earth to assist with these Earth shifts.
If all goes well there will be a shift at the Summer Solstice (Winter of course in the Southern Hemisphere) but it really will depend on the work you do as light workers up to this point.
So all in all I wish you well, thank you for hearing my words. I encourage you to listen again through the heart with the mind not so engaged now it has already heard the words I have spoken.
So I encourage you to listen through the heart, through your feelings. Blessed Be, Adoni.”