Sunday 10th September 2023
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
(There is no video or recording of this distant healing session)
Repeat of Anka Abundance Healing
Lots of you contacted us to say you missed the Anka healing and would like to repeat it in the portal. We are making this Sunday’s healing a repeat of Thursday’s session. If you already do it and wish for more help on your abundance frequency then it is fine to rebook and get extra healing. If you missed it you have a chance not to take part.
What I became aware of in the healing is that I knew I was abundant and how to be abundant but I had a belief I could loose my abundance. This had turned into a subconscious fear that affected my whole abundance frequency as I was not trusting the universe to have my back and provide for me always.
I know this comes from getting very ill a year after leaving university and having just secured my dream environmental lobbying job. At the time I lost my ability to move, read, write, my job, flat, car and fiance. My whole material world was stripped away from me I couldn’t watch TV or speak to friends on the phone. Anka said this trauma was still within me in the heart that it could happen again so she worked on clearing this in the session.
It is amazing what can be lurking in your matrixes unbeknown to you. Thankfully we have powerful beings like the Dragon skulls ready and willing to help us with our transformations and healing.
Have a great weekend love Alphedia x
Ps Equinox Virtual Retreat will be out next week
Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu and their beautiful 10.5 inch Scottish Serpentine Dragon Skull Anka to utilise this Abundance Portal that Mother Earth is opening this day.
Every so often when in her daily communications with Mother Earth Alphedia is told of energy Abundance Portals that are to open and be a blessing, to be utilised for the good of all.
When Mother Earth chooses to open these energy frequency Portals it is usually to balance the Earth Merkaba Grid of Light and to bring in more joy and delight to all.
This time however this portal opens to support the movement more fully into the Seventh Dimensional New Earth Template anchoring.
Changes will be occurring in the natural world and the human collective consciousness in this portal.
Anka Dragon Skull is offering to support you in your own inner abundance transformation.
Blocks you have been coming up against will come to the light fully to help you navigate through them and make the changes required to be abundant in happiness, health, wealth, joy, your spirituality and relationships.
Even if you feel abundance already in these areas of life you will be able to have an upgrade of your frequency to enable you to experience more abundance of energy and light into your matrix.
In this Abundance Portal healing Anka will work on supporting you in your connection with Mother Earth so you can be nurtured and receive more abundance from her.
Allow you to see where you limit your abundance frequency and support you in recalibrating it.
She will also offer you an abundance transmission to aid you in changing your attitude to abundance and your Divine right to access this.
At times on Earth we all require the support of others including Mother Earth to enable us to evolve and grow as soul’s of light.
Experiencing what brings our heart’s abundant joy. (Which will be different for everyone).
In this 1 hour healing:
- The first twenty minutes of the transmission Anka will connect us deeply with the nurturing abundant love of Mother Earth.
- The second twenty minutes of the transmission Anka will be healing your abundance frequency and recalibrating it in this portal.
- The last twenty minutes of the transmission Anka will heal your attitude to being abundant and support your Divine birthright of being abundant and living abundantly in all areas.
Channelled Message from Anka:
“Greetings beloved ones of the light.
How exciting to be on the cusp of another Abundance Portal opening.
Mother Earth is wishing for all on the Earth to live in abundance frequency now.
Let me support you in transforming your life.
Choose today to take action in this Portal in recalibrating your frequency.
It is a choice to be abundant.
It is a choice to stay in old habits, ignorance and a place of non action in your life.
Now that energy flows to where thought is focused.
This is the secret of manifestation.
When you are unobservant to your abundance state, and not constantly choosing to be abundant, due to thought forms, societal conditioning, fears, anger or lower emotions – then you do not grow.
For a plant to flourish it requires the nurture from the soil, the water from the rain and the light of the sun and the love of its environment.
This abundance portal is an opportunity to love yourself enough to be abundance and to grow in this New Earth Template into your full radiant light.
As always Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Anka.
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
Your name will be placed under Anka and connected in by Alphedia Arara to Anka at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before and after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Anka and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Anka and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
There will be no live audio, video or recording of this real time transmission.
It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness, meditate and enjoy.
Testimonials from Previous Group Healings
“Thank you Anka such beautiful healing energy! Always soothing and reassuring xx”
This was powerful …..the last ten minutes searing….. Eshana Dragon Group Healing
That was very powerful Alphedia! Lots of healing happened, chakra healing, healing on the right side of my head and much more.. thank you Zooranka & Alphedia Zooranka Crystal skull group healing
Feel great! Very subtle to start with. My whole body felt like every part had been ultrasonically cleansed and then magnetically aligned leaving me neutral, peaceful and very present. Sherling Group Healing
“Very powerful, direct energy to my back and to my heart then it radiated all over me. So loving and soothing. Helped erase mind worries. Then I radiated energy to peace in world. Thank you! love to all.” – Ardmano Group Healing
“It’s awakened my own spiritual path again!! Been more focused xxI love the skull healings think they are great.” – Sherling Group Healing
“Thank you and Rafundus so much for this wonderful, profound healing!Incredible, honestly. ” – Rafundus Dragon Group Healing