This new series will include 6 sessions to work on our Eyes, Hair, Teeth, Ears, Joints and Sleep
Eyes Sunday 29th September, Hair 6th October, Ears 13th October, Teeth 20th October, Joints 27th October, Sleep 3rd November 2024
In this new series Karula the Atlantean Crystal skull will be offering us energy healing in a series of 6 sessions and an extra bonus session for those booking all 6 at the start.
Karula is a stunning 5kg Clear Quartz crystal skull with Rainbow inclusions.
She holds the Rainbow Ray of consciousness to support us in returning to wholeness within.
In this series we will look at healing any karmic and ancestral patterns as well as energy blocks affecting these body parts and processes in this lifetime.
The sessions will be one hour of remote energy healing sent directly from Karula to the group.
The 6 healing sessions can be booked individually going forward.
Channelled Message from Karula
“Greetings dear ones I am delighted to come forward and offering these powerful healing sessions to support your health and well being.
As the vibration of the Earth rises your Divine Blueprints are changing.
This means you are moving to a place of higher frequency and issues which may have been subtle in the lower realms can become more overt.
In these healings I offering you a Divine Blueprint recalibration as well as healing on the top most issues in your matrix affecting these organs, systems and processes within the body.
This series covers areas of your life that may not be life threatening to keep well and healthy but will enhance your life experience dramatically in its quality.
As you evolve your consciousness evolves too and your realise the importance of vibrational healing and prevention.
As more layers of illusion lift of you, you can start to step out of the grids conditioned into humanity about healing.
I look forward to offering you these empowerment healings to support your life in body on Earth.
I will funnel in Atlantean healing frequencies which supported humans at the time of Golden Atlantis too.
Healing the Eyes with Karula Crystal Skull (Individual Session Booking)
Sunday 29th September
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
(There is no live video link or any recording of this distant healing session)
In this session Karula will be working on our eyes – many of us will end us wearing glasses a some point in our lives
Your eyes are a key sensory organ, feeding information to your brain about the outside world.
Your eyes do the “physical” part of seeing. The signals they send allow your brain to build the picture that you see.
The leading causes of blindness and low vision are age-related eye diseases.
Those diseases include age-related macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.
People can also suffer from squints and eye injuries from scatches and abrasions as well as cuts or flying projectiles from tools.
74% of people in the UK wear corrective eye wear or have had laser eye surgery and 64% in USA.
Spiritually, eye issues can indicate not wanting to look at a situation or not liking what you see in life.
People with eye problems often find it challenging to accept support from others and to see their own beauty and magnificence.
In this 1 hour healing Karula will:
First 20 minutes work on healing your top most presenting eye issues from long/short sightedness to major eye issues.
Next 20 mintues she will work on any ancestral and karmic issues that have caused you to manifest eye issues.
Last 20 minutes she will work on downloading into your eyes the divine blueprint of eye perfection to support your in experiencing the return to perfect eye sight. She will work also on healing any underlying beliefs that your eyes are unable to heal.
Book individual session £12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
Please contact [email protected] as a catch up session can be arranged
(please do not book individually if you have paid for the whole series option)
Healing Your Hair with Karula Crystal Skull (Individual Session Booking)
Sunday 6th October 2024
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
(There is no live video link or any recording of this distant healing session)
In this session Karula will be working on our hair. Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the skin dermis layer.
Our hair is a defining characteristic and offers protection from the sun’s rays and the cold. Eye lashes and brows keep dust and rain out of our eyes.
The hairs in our nose and ears keep germs out and other foreign objects and hair helps to regulate our body temperature.
Our whole bodies are covered in hair except our palms, feet soles and eye lids.
How much hair a person has depends on age and sex. About 30% of a woman’s body is covered in terminal (thicker) hair and 90% in mens.
The top hair issues are dandruff, dry hair, hair loss, greasy/oily hair, split ends and sensitive scalps.
One of the most distressing for people is hair loss this can be caused by scalp infection, stress, dry hair breakage, a reaction to medication, poor diet, and even tight hairstyles.
With men it is often genetic but Karula will work on how you feel about being bald.
Women after having a baby or during menopause can also suffering hair loss and balding which can cause psychological pain and stress due to hormonal changes.
Medical treatments such as chemotherapy can also affect your hair condition and texture often with many experiencing hair loss.
Some people find they have excessive hair growth which can be difficult particularly for woman with excess facial hair.
Our hair is very associated with our identity and how we present to the world and when we feel good about our hair it brings us upliftment and joy.
Spiritually hair is associated with a person’s ability to feel safe, to communicate with ease and to feel good about your role in life.
People who stress too much and worry about things are more prone to hair issues
In this 1 hour hair healing Karula will:
First 20 minutes work on healing your top most presenting hair issues.
Next 20 mintues she will work on any ancestral and karmic issues that have caused you to manifest hair issues.
Last 20 minutes she will work on downloading into your hair the Divine blueprint of health to support you.
Book individual session £12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
Healing Your Ears with Karula Crystal Skull (Individual Session Booking)
Sunday 13th October 2024
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
(There is no live video link or any recording of this distant healing session)
In this session Karula will be working on our sensory organ of our Ears.
Your ears are organs that detect and analyze sound. Located on each side of your head, they help with hearing and balance.
When sound waves enter your ear canal, your eardrum vibrates.
This vibration passes on to three tiny bones in your middle ear. The ossicles amplify and transmit these sound waves into your inner ear.
Once the sound waves reach your inner ear, tiny hair cells called stereocilia transform the vibrations into electrical energy and send it along nerve fibers to your brain.
The ears play a vital role in your ability to balance too.
Your inner ear contains semicircular canals filled with fluid and hair-like sensors.
When you move your head, the fluid inside these loop-shaped canals sloshes around and moves the hairs.
The hairs transmit this information along the vestibular nerve to your brain.
Finally your brain sends signals to your muscles to help you stay balanced.
Some issues affecting the ears are wax build up, age related hearing loss, auditory neuropathy, ear infections, auditory processing disorder, Ménière’s disease and ear cancers.
Spiritually ears represent the capacity to hear. Ear ache is caused by anger and not wanting to hear what is being said. Too much turmoil in your life and children who get ear issues is often about parents arguing.
In this 1 hour healing Karula will:
First 20 minutes work on healing your top most presenting ear, healing and balance issues.
Next 20 minutes she will work on any ancestral and karmic issues that have caused you to manifest ear issues.
Last 20 minutes she will work on downloading into your ears the Divine blueprint of health to support you.
Book individual session £12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
Sunday 20th October 2024
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
Teeth Healing with Karula Crystal skull (Individual Session Booking)
£12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
In this session Karula will be working on our Teeth.
Teeth play an important role in eating, chewing and nutrition. They are different shapes and sizes to bite, tear, crush or grind food before it is swallowed.
They also help us to form sounds and speak clearly, and they are an important part of a person’s smile.
Dental problems include cavities, teeth sensitivity, tooth erosion, gum infections, and gum diseases.
Some people have an overcrowded mouth resulting in squint teeth and wisdom teeth can have issues coming through when we are older.
We are born with two sets of teeth, our milk teeth and then adult teeth.
Teeth can cause pain and discomfort, may affect a person’s ability to eat, and may have a negative impact on an individual’s self-esteem.
Our teeth are one of our ectodermal organs and as such, in common with other ectodermal organs such as hair, skin, sweat glands and salivary glands, they are located close to the extremity of the body.
Teeth spiritually represent decisions, long standing indecisiveness can lead to root canal.
An inability to break down ideas for analysis and taking a decision on a situation can lead to teeth problems.
Your teeth are happy when you feel you are taking right decisions in your life for you.
In this 1 hour healing Karula will:
First 20 minutes work on healing your top most presenting teeth issues.
Next 20 minutes she will work on any ancestral and karmic issues that have caused you to manifest teeth issues.
Last 20 minutes she will work on downloading into your teeth the divine blueprint of perfect teeth to help you.
Book individual session £12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
Sunday 27th October 2024
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
Joints Healing with Karula Crystal Skull (Individual Session Booking)
£12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
In this session Karula will be working on our Joints.
The six types of freely movable joint include ball and socket, saddle, hinge, condyloid, pivot and gliding.
Joints come in many shapes, sizes and types throughout your body.
They give your skeleton its shape and help you move. A joint is any place in your body where two bones meet.
You have over 100 joints in your body of various types,
What are common conditions that affect joints?
Joints can be affected by anything that damages your bones or connective tissue, including arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendinitis and osteoporosis.
You can also experience pain in your joints from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and sports injuries, bone fractures, dislocations and sprains.
Exercise and movement helps our joints to stay supple so does healthy diet and supplements like collagen especially as we age.
Alphedia finds sunflower oil causes her joints to get very sore if she eats it in food so dietary changes can help you also.
Spiritually joints represent changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements.
If you have joint pains this represents not flowing easily with change in your life and knowing that your life is going in the best direction.
In this 1 hour healing Karula will:
First 20 minutes work on healing your top most presenting joint issues.
Next 20 minutes she will work on any ancestral and karmic issues that have caused you to manifest joint issues.
Last 20 minutes she will work on downloading into your joints the divine blueprint of perfect joints to help you.
Book individual session £12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
Sunday 3rd November 2024
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
Sleep Healing with Karula Crystal skull (Individual Session Booking)
£12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
In this session Karula will be working on our Sleep.
Sleep is a period of reduced activity and is associated with a typical posture, such as lying down with eyes closed in humans.
Sleep results in a decreased responsiveness to external stimuli.
Sleep is important to a number of brain functions, including how nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other.
Recent findings suggest that sleep removes toxins in your brain that build up while you are awake.
When you are asleep your brain will cycle repeatedly through two different types of sleep: REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep.
The first part of the cycle is non-REM sleep, which is composed of four stages. The first stage comes between being awake and falling asleep.
In healthy adults, about 70% of sleep is deep sleep and around 25% of your sleeping time is your deepest sleep.
So, if you sleep for 7–8 hours, the time spent in your deepest sleep should be around 105–120 minutes or one and three quarters to 2 hours.
Deep sleep helps us to feel rejuvenated.
Sleep disorders involve problems with the quality, timing, and amount of sleep, which result in daytime distress and impairment in functioning.
Sleep-wake disorders often occur along with medical conditions or other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or cognitive disorders.
There are several different types of sleep-wake disorders, of which insomnia is the most common.
Other sleep-wake disorders include obstructive sleep apnea, parasomnias, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome.
Sleep difficulties are linked to both physical and emotional problems.
Sleep problems can both contribute to or exacerbate mental health conditions and can be a symptom of other mental health conditions.
About one-third of adults report insomnia symptoms.
Spiritually insomnia is linked with fear and not trusting the process of life.
There can be unprocessed guilt about life choices causing insomnia.
Neurological problems can cause insomnia and also medication, spinal misalignment and poor sleep hygiene not allowing the brain to calm down.
Anxiety and worry letting thoughts run around in your mind can be a cause of insomnia too.
In this 1 hour healing Karula will:
First 20 minutes work on healing your top most presenting sleep issues.
Next 20 minutes she will work on any ancestral and karmic issues that have caused you to manifest sleep issues.
Last 20 minutes she will work on downloading into you the divine blueprint of perfect sleep to help you.
Book individual session £12.50 or £15 in UK inc Vat
Once the series is complete Alphedia will announce the date of the Dementia healing.
Transmission Preparation
As always Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Karula .
There will be no live recording or video link of this healing as this is a real time receiving energy transmission.
This is done similarly to receiving a distant reiki healing where you lie down or sit down and rest to receive.
Your name will be placed under Karula and connected into the skull by Auraengus or Alphedia at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Karula and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
If you are unable to receive this transmission whilst resting or are asleep, part of you will still be actively receiving the healing and you can connect in with Karula when you are able to meditate to receive the information on the transmission she has run.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Karula and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Testimonials of previous healings
“I could clearly feel her clear stuff from me while driving home from work. She is very business like but loving and soft.” Anne Karula Group Healing
“Alphedia thank you very much for channeling Rosina so much valuable info. It’s truly priceless.” Rosina healing
“Wow, what a powerful healing. Ardmano came in strong and I really felt work on my crown and heart. Such perfect timing. Thank you.” Ardmano healing
“Thank you for these meditations. They are powerful and very helpful.”
“I just wanted to convey my deep gratitude to you and Sherling. I was in a bad state for a long time with constant attacks of migraine. I have had them since childhood. Going through ascension from 3rd to 5th dimension they have been constant. After the healing session with Sherling I started to feel better and today was able to do some spiritual work. Thank you.
Since finding your site and doing many of your healing workshops I have learnt so much. I especially enjoyed the Lions Gate Portal. As my birthday is also on the 08 08 it was a must for me.
You are truly gifted.” Sherling
“The healing last night was amazing! I thought I was asleep (which shows I wasn’t as you never think you’re asleep when you’re asleep) then woke up on the dot of 9pm. I definitely think I’m much calmer in general since doing all the skull healings xx”