Thursday 22nd August 2024
9pm – 10.00pm BST
£12.50 World / £15 UK inc Vat
(There is no live video link or any recording of this distant healing session)
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu invite you to receive deep energy healing with the rare triple Grade A Rhodochrosite crystal skull Rosina as she offers to help us more forward in our life freeing ourself from habits we have formed on Earth in our lives which are not for our highest and best.
Rosina is a rare 2.5 kg Rhodochrosite skull carrying a high vibration and is offering to show us any resistance we have to changing our daily and life habits so we can see the world differently and look after our physical bodies to help us be healthier.
Addiction is an extreme from of a habit where the body and mind no longer have control over doing, thinking, using or taking something to the point where it can be harmful to you.
Most us however have habits which are routines or ruts we have got ourself into in life which may not be serving our highest and best but are comforting or it may not have entered your consciousness to look at them and see if changing the would be of benefit to you.
It can be the habit of eating the same food as it is easier, requires less thinking time to find new nutritious meals that will support your body.
It can be the habit of being on your mobile phone, computer or television that is not making the most productive or soul beneficial use of your time on Earth.
It can be the habits of going to the same classes, mixing with the same people, having the same interactions with your families and colleagues rather than asking is this the best for me at this time.
Rosina wishes to lovingly support in changing and stopping habits that don’t serve your highest and best (this can be self deprecating thoughts and judgements you may have).
She wishes to show us issues that maybe what we don’t think of as habits such as what you do or think when you first wake up or before you go to bed.
Humanity is a habitual race, it makes us feel safe to have our life routines and habits but really what they do is cause energy to stagnate as we are here to grow as souls.
So much sickness in the world is actually caused by stagnation, not embracing changes in your life.
Do you know if you are eating food that is not the most nourishing for you body?
Do you drink enough water and exercise enough?
Rosina wants to help us welcoming in new ways to live and be in this physical body on Earth so we can live more intuitively.
When we live intuitively we know what food to eat at what time for example and we tune in daily.
With our activity time we intuitively follow what our soul is guiding us too.
So many people don’t try anything new in life to experience.
It is vital for our wellbeing as souls to evolve through our life journey.
If we get stuck in our habits, we fix our mindsets and our world becomes smaller with less opportunities to feel fulfilled and experience life joy.
The longer you live on Earth in a body the easier it is to live through habit rather than soul intuition.
Rosina offers us this healing to lovingly assist you energetically breaking your attachments to the habits your have created in life so you have experience more love, joy, positivity and light in this Earth walk.
In this one hour crystal skull healing:
In the first 20 minutes Rosina will start to heal your attachments to your habits. Releasing your from beliefs of “I have to”, “I must”, “that is all I know to do” which cause habits to form.
In the next 20 minutes Rosina will start the personal healing process on energetically lovingly supporting you in disconnecting from any addictions, balancing emotional attachments to an activity or person and motivating you to bring in changes in your life.
In the last 20 minutes Rosina will run a healing on you where you will be shown a life free of limiting habits and you will co create with her crystalline light more freedom in your life, to live how your soul is seeking to guide you to.
Channeled message from Rosina
“Greetings beloved Ones.
I am honoured indeed to come forward to assist you in your relationship with your habits and regular tendencies.
Many of you react to life habitually rather than living in free thought and ever evolving change.
Most humans stay in the same house for example even if their life is not soul fulfilling there.
It is time now on Earth as the higher light template forms for you to became freer, living less in fear of the unknown, embracing change and following your heart intuition for living.
As you choose to stop living in habit and to create anew daily, the ego mind dissolves away.
The longer your do something the more the ego self takes charge rather than the intuitive heart.
The little voice of: that is too hard work, I don’t have the willpower, the coping mechanisms or the time to do something new, grows larger.
Do not waste your time on Earth in habits.
Embrace this great new opportunity for change within you all and see how the world changes through it too.
I offering my healing light in loving service.
Lovingly Freeing Your Habits with Rosina Crystal Skull Healing
Thursday 22nd August 2024
9pm – 10.00pm BST
Remote Receiving Transmission only, without link, audio or video recording
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
This is done similarly to receiving a distant reiki healing where you lie down or sit down and rest to receive.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before, during after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Rosina and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
If you are unable to receive this transmission whilst resting or are asleep, part of you will still be actively receiving the healing and you can connect in with Rosina when you are able to meditate to receive the information on the transmission he has run.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Rosina and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Testimonials of previous healings
“Alphedia thank you very much for channeling Rosina so much valuable info. It’s truly priceless.” Rosina healing
“Wow, what a powerful healing. Ardmano came in strong and I really felt work on my crown and heart. Such perfect timing. Thank you.” Ardmano healing
“Thank you for these meditations. They are powerful and very helpful.”
“I just wanted to convey my deep gratitude to you and Sherling. I was in a bad state for a long time with constant attacks of migraine. I have had them since childhood. Going through ascension from 3rd to 5th dimension they have been constant. After the healing session with Sherling I started to feel better and today was able to do some spiritual work. Thank you.
Since finding your site and doing many of your healing workshops I have learnt so much. I especially enjoyed the Lions Gate Portal. As my birthday is also on the 08 08 it was a must for me.
You are truly gifted.” Sherling
“The healing last night was amazing! I thought I was asleep (which shows I wasn’t as you never think you’re asleep when you’re asleep) then woke up on the dot of 9pm. I definitely think I’m much calmer in general since doing all the skull healings xx”