“This moon presents a further opportunity for cosmic unconditional love to be embraced, and to be fully activated. ” – Cosmic Mother Consciousness
or Distance Option to listen after event
Monday 20th July 2020
6:00pm – 8:30pm BST
Audio MP3 download shortly after the event
Alphedia Arara has been contacted by the Cosmic Mother Consciousness to bring forward a powerful New Moon in Cancer healing workshop.
The New Moon occurs at 18.33 BST and Cancer is known as the watery mother astrological sign.
In this New Moon healing transmission the Cosmic Mother Consciousness will be helping you balance and heal any issues with the Mother Energy.
It is also an opportunity this New Moon as the Cancerian Mother unconditional love codes descend onto the Earth to fully embrace loving the inner child.
The strong New Moon energies will support you in highlighting any wounding from or areas where you have not been fully loving the Divine Child within.
We are all children of source and the powerful energies of the Cosmic Mother will expand your consciousness beyond the limited ‘I’ and connect you to the cosmic vast aspect of who you are within.
This will support healing any ailments, any negative thought forms you hold towards yourself and any parts of yourself still active from past lives too.
As we move towards the Lions Gate opening on the 23rd of July, the start of the Cosmic Galactic New Year, this New Moon heralds in the opportunity for you to move closer to full embodiment of the perfection of Source.
This will be a super nurturing, healing experience allowing you to fully embrace in the Divine Mother light codes.
- Alphedia Arara will lead you through a new moon invocation and then guided meditation to help you connect with the New Moon energies.
- You will honour the New Moon still point as well as setting your intentions for your New Moon wishes this month.
- She will then channel live the Cosmic Mother Consciousness, connecting you to its vastness.
- You will have an ascension sphere attunement healing with the Cosmic Mother as well as experiencing any teachings this consciousness wishes to bring forth for us.
- You will then be led on a powerful channelled live New Moon guided meditation supported through sound healing, light language activations and voice work.
- Your beautiful New Moon experience will be completed with a sacred gong bath channelled by Auraengus Manu to help you receive the New Moon codes that will be affecting us all going forth.
Channelled Message from the Cosmic Mother Consciousness
“Dear ones, I am you and you are me, we are one.
By working with my consciousness this New Moon you have the opportunity for further soul liberation.
To be set free of any manifested limitations that are causing you to be unloving to the child within.
You have the opportunity now to increase your speed of transmutation to heal any inner wounding and from the healed child within place you have the opportunity to manifest for your highest and best particularly through the Lions Gate portal that opens in the next week.
The energies of this time really support humanity in returning to love, you have done your period of fear as a consciousness in the earlier part of 2020.
As your great Mother Gaia, Mother Earth, prepares to release further Heart Codes this is a wonderful opportunity for you all to be able to receive the nurture and the support and the love through the Cosmic Heart Consciousness.
All children are born of a mother, all children are unconditionally loved by the pure consciousness of the Cosmic Mother.
This moon presents a further opportunity for cosmic unconditional love to be embraced, and to be fully activated.
In particular, I will be working on your clair sentience, your ability to psychically feel subtle energies and life force within.
Know dear children of the light I am you, you are me, we are one.”
Cosmic Mother New Moon Workshop – Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
In order to get to the most of the experience if you chose to watch live, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker in order to hear all the frequencies of the Gong.
Depending on your strength of broadband and WiFi signal, will depend on the quality of the experience live, best to be connected with laptop or computer with a wired network connection.
However the levels will all be adjusted and set perfectly for you in the MP3 transmission that will be available for download afterwards.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]. & [email protected]
Technical issues: [email protected]
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Cosmic Mother New Moon Workshop – Loving The Child Within
A link to the MP3 audio recording of the workshop will be sent to you a day or two after the workshop has taken place.
Please read the About Workshops page for more details.
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Cosmic Mother Ascension Spheres
We on Earth have been given this meditation tool to assist in our own personal spiritual development and in working together with others, the raising of the collective consciousness. By using the Ascension Spheres people can access and attune to the energy of Archangels, Gods & Goddesses, Star Systems, Planets, Elementals, Rays and other higher energies. Ascension Spheres consist of 8 crystals or stones which contain a special energy portal, in a tin and satin pouch, with instruction sheet.
These sets are imbued with the essence and presence of the Cosmic Mother to enhance your growth and experience while engaged on the workshop, and at all other times.
Buy Cosmic Mother Ascension Spheres