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🟡 Earth Wisdom Keepers : Merlin and Dragons Virtual Solstice Retreat

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🟡 Earth Wisdom Keepers : Merlin and Dragons Virtual Solstice Retreat
Product Details
Workshop date: 19 - 21 June 2022
Duration approximately: 7 hours
Please note: No personal message is available. Download available at point of purchase.

Calling the Dragon Riders, the Earth Wisdom Keepers, the Merlin Magicians, the Healers and the Star Seeds!!!

The Mission: Returning the Higher Diamond Light!

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

The retreat is now available on Video and MP3 recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available with the recording.

Retreat took place in June 2022 with Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu.

You are most welcome to join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu at Solstice for this exciting channelled live Earth Healing Virtual Retreat.

This will support your own Soul Ascension and that of Planet Earth.

The Solstice point this year takes place on Tuesday 21st June at 10.13am BST.

This is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest in the Southern Hemisphere.

Alphedia and Auraengus for years have held powerful Earth Healing Retreats over the Solstice at many Sacred sites.

Borne out of the pandemic over the last couple of years, the virtual retreats have become incredibly popular and of course are accessible to all.

From all over the world, people join together in union online at this very sacred time on Earth, live with the video stream and through the audio and video recordings after.

This year we will be activating our Earth Wisdom Keeper knowledge.

Remembering the great Earth wisdom we hold within and using this to support our own Inner and Planetary Earth Ascension.

This will culminate in the return of the 12th Dimensional Higher Diamond Light frequency on Earth!

Merlin the Celtic Wizard and the Dragon Realms have come forward to ask us to help awaken the Dragons Eggs of Knowledge around the World at the Solstice Point.

The Dragon Eggs of the New Earth require to be birthed to help us as Earth Wisdom Keepers.

To receive the new coded knowledge of our roles and to release the codexes into the land.

To be held by the Dragon Consciousness, and released into the leylines in order for the Higher Diamond Light to be anchored within the Earth and our matrixes.

Thereby allowing for the creation of more high frequency Temples of Light on Planet Earth.

We will be working with the crystal skulls to support this process.

Through this process, humanity can access greater spiritual knowledge, remembrance of our Divinity and alignment with Source Truth.

This means we can move to being a more spiritually enlightened race with greater speed creating new more powerful Temples of Light to fast track this movement to the nirvana state.

Many of us are Earth Wisdom Keepers, Dragon initiates, Earth Wizards and Alchemists of change for Earth.

We are being called now to the front line to be activated and to move forward to fulfil our destiny.

To learn our purpose, experience inner enlightenment and to lead the charge to create the Dragon Portals of Light around the world.

We are all present in the locations we have work to do at this time.

Through these Earth activations your soul will have a massive upgrade of its matrix.

To be able to hold the Higher Diamond Light and to be able to fulfil your creation role of the New Dawn Temples.

The codes for the Temples are held in the Dragon Eggs.

The Dragons riders are souls who have studied with the Dragon Consciousness in many timelines and lineages and know how to work with the Dragon lifeforce energies to create great transformation.

Go within and ask are you a Dragon Rider? Do you hold the Dragon knowledge sacred within?

Or perhaps you are an Alchemist, Healer and Magician of change for Earth.

We have all been living within the matrix of 3rd Dimensional conditioning but now we are breaking free of that.

Seeing through the illusion, reclaiming our inner power and our innate abilities of manifestation.

In this retreat Merlin the Wizard, (many of you are initiates of his Merlin Magic Circle), will be using his healing powers in leading us in alchemising with the Dragon Realm supported by the Star Beings.

The Dragons are great beings of transformation who embed their magical knowledge and codes deep into the Earth Leylines and Grids.

Merlin will support us in accessing our Earth Wisdom Knowledge within.

He will be channeling healing for us to receive, activating codexes within our matrix to support us with our manifestation abilities and guiding us in our alchemical abilities to co create the Dragon Eggs of Wisdom.

We will be supported by the Sirian Star Beings and the Lyrans in upgrading our frequency and in the creations of Temple of Light Portals around the Globe.

This retreat will be split into various live sessions.

Auraengus Manu, a Merlin Wizard incarnate, will lead the group healings with Merlin to prepare our energy fields.

Alphedia Arara will work with the Dragons to transform any stagnant energy dragging you vibrationally down and she will be channeling the live Star Beings Solstice Transmission.

Retreat Schedule

Sunday 19th June

6.00-8.30pm BST Live Video from Glenholm, Merlindale Scotland

Alphedia will open the retreat circle creating the container space your soul will be held in during the 3 day Retreat Portal.

The energies of everyone who has booked to attend will be called in, including those taking part distantly not live on the video call

Alphedia will channel Merlin live, then lead us on channelled live guided meditations in preparation for the Solstice work.

You will connect with the Dragon Realm and meet your own personal Dragon Guide who will help you through this Solstice transition.

Live sound healing, Dragon Light Language and Ascension Sphere Attunements will also occur.

Auraengus will bring forward group Merlin Vortex healing for us all, to refine our matrixes and prepare for holding the Higher Diamond Light within.

We will be setting intentions for the Solstice shift, and transformations you wish to occur in your life.

Dragon healing will allow you to transform stuck energies and blockages in your life and Dragon wisdom will be shared.

Monday 20th June

11.30am BST Castlerigg Stone Circle, Lake District England Live Video

(Castlerigg Stone Circle, Castle Ln, Keswick CA12 4RN)

Live from one of the largest Stone Circles in the UK we will be creating and activating the energies of this Stone Circle

Alphedia will be channeling live the Earth Healing, so you can learn how to activate sacred sites in your locations.

You will receive codes into your matrix from the Dragon Guardians of this great Castlerigg Stone Circle as we work with Merlin to become conduits of high frequency light.

Here we will all energetically create the Dragons eggs that you will be able to carry in your matrix, until you are guided at the Solstice Point or after to work with your dragons to birth the eggs in your location.

We will create the structures with the Dragon Skulls and Crystal Skulls preparing for the Solstice Moment the next day.

Further live work with be performed.

7.30-8.30pm BST Live Video from Glenholm, Merlindale, Scotland

Live Star Being transmission from the Sirian and Lyran Star Beings

Earth Wisdom Keepers : Merlin & Dragons Virtual Solstice Retreat

Tuesday 21st June Solstice

4.15am BST Sunrise Merlindale Scotland Live Video

Live Shamanic Drumming, offering of healing prayers to the Elemental Beings

Live Channeling from Merlin

10.00am BST Solstice point 10.15am Merlin's Castle on the Berlinus Leyline (longest in UK) Live Video

We gather high up in the ruins of Merlin's Castle, Drumelzier, Peebleshire

Here we will honour the Solstice Point and activate the 12th Dimensional Higher Diamond Light Temple.

We will birth our Dragon Eggs we were given to guard and activate, and receive the New Earth Codes upgrading our matrixes

7.00pm – 8.30pm BST Live Video from Glenholm, Merlindale, Scotland

Healing with Merlin with the Higher Diamond Light Codes

Guided channelled meditations

Solstice Gong bath

Sherling Merlinite Crystal Skull healing to anchor and ground you into the New Earth Template



"Alphedia I am just so blown away with this retreat. Wow. Honestly have no words to describe. So so so so grateful and full of love❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you royal goddess 👑👑👑" Svetlana

"What a beautiful retreat with everyone, I enjoyed the energies and the connection with so many of you. Thank you Alphedia and Auraengus" Christon

"This retreat was deeply transformative and healing. What a profound opportunity for rebirth. I am blessed and powerfully transformed. Thanks for leading us on this sacred journey. 🌈✨💙" Michelle

"It has been a privilege and a joy to be a part of this group of wonderful souls coming together once again, this time to anchor the Higher Diamond Light onto the Earth.
Thank you Alphedia for holding the space for us all and for supporting our individual journeys as well as our work collectively and of course for bringing through the wisdom of the deities. As always, thanks to Auraengus for facilitating in all areas so inclusively and compassionately" Al Sallah Klian, Scotland.

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.