🟡 Finding Inner Fulfilment Pallas Athena Workshop
Finding Inner Fulfilment Pallas Athena Workshop
When we are able to be aware of spiritual fulfilment manifesting in our every day life we are gifted with the sense of soul satisfaction, inner contentment and peace. Enjoy this workshop and the meditations channelled through Alphedia Arara to support you in your spiritual growth at this time.
This workshop is now available on Video and MP3 audio recording cut into file to download automatically at purchase.
This course was recorded at a full moon as this was the powerful portal to bring the channeling through. You can listen any time to the recording and go back into the portal for the powerful experience.
Workshop took place on 10th September 2022 channelled in Merlindale, Scottish Borders
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu invite you to join them with Greek Goddess Pallas Athena to support you in finding Inner Fulfilment within.
This course was channelled in the watery energies of a Pisces full moon.
Inner Fulfilment is a big part of our Soul Ascension.
When we are able to be aware of spiritual fulfilment manifesting in our every day life we are gifted with the sense of soul satisfaction, inner contentment and peace
The Full Moon was at 10.59am BST so we were in the full moon energies to assist us with this deep inner healing with Pallas Athena.
Pallas Athena is the full embodiment of the Christed Light Codes in Goddess form and is Chohan of the 12th Ray of Light.
In her Ray she has vast chambers where masters and students can sit as the gold and shimmering light of the Christed Light Codes are poured into your soul and being.
This increases the amount of love held within you allowing you to express love in all your actions, with all beings, including yourself.
In this workshop she will assist you with healing any vibrations that are stopping you finding inner fulfilment as a soul in physical form.
This can be caused by ancestral, past life, this life experiences and your inner reactions to them.
It can also be ego expectations, reactions, conditioning and fears that are limiting your inner fulfilment experiences.
In this workshop:
Alphedia Arara will channel an Invocation for you to use with Goddess Pallas Athena.
Lead you on a channelled live Full Moon preparation meditation with sound healing, channelled from Pallas Athena.
Alphedia will then channel live the Goddess Pallas Athena who will share her wisdom on Inner fulfilment.
You will experience a Self realisation exercise to look where you feel you are lacking fulfilment in your life and why.
You will receive an Ascension Sphere Attunement to Pallas Athena.
Then you will be led on the powerful channelled meditation transmission to Pallas Athena's Ashram of light for deep soul healing.
This powerful healing will be supported by light language transmissions and channelled sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls, Koshi chimes, crystal bowls and percussion.
The workshop will finish with a crystal skull healing from Rosina the Grade A Rose Quartz crystal skull.
Channelling from Goddess Pallas Athena
“Greetings dear ones it is an honour and joy to bring through this powerful healing to support you on your soul journey to inner fulfilment.
What fulfils one soul may not be fulfilling for others as this is a personal ascension journey.
I welcome you to visit my ashram of embodiment of the the Christed Light within.
As you move further into embodiment of your soul essence you get closer to the Divine Source.
You feel within yourself a powerful connection to the Oneness with all which brings you inner fulfilment.
From a place of inner fulfilment you can complete your missions in joy and happiness and support the ascension of all.
This process to find what fulfils your soul moves you out of the obligation patterning that was conditioned into humanity
To work for others, to serve others as the annunaki programmed in after the fall of Atlantis.
As you return to beyond your Golden Atlantean selves, you return to your inner power.
You are the wayshowers, the pioneers of the Ascension and now is time to honour yourselves with deep fulfilment as a soul here on Earth at this time.
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues: [email protected] +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.
Pallas Athena Ascension Spheres
We on earth have been given this meditation tool to assist in our own personal spiritual development and in working together with others, the raising of the collective consciousness. By using the Ascension Spheres people can access and attune to the energy of Archangels, Gods & Goddesses, Star Systems, Planets, Elementals, Rays and other higher energies. Ascension Spheres consist of 8 crystals or stones which contain a special energy portal, in a tin and satin pouch, with instruction sheet.
Each set contains a portal to connect you to the deity or energy you have chosen to work with. This is a connection to an intelligence that not only can raise your physical body vibration but allows you access into the realm you are being attuned to. It strengthens your own connection to your higher self and allows you to connect with your soul and access knowledge you have carried and held for a long time.
Experiences include increased clairaudience, increased visions, insights, inter dimensional travelling, increased clairsentience, healing, and more.
Specify your choice of Ascension Spheres in the Crystal Shop