🟡 Keys of the 7th dimensional New Earth Retreat
On this Earth Healing Retreat we have the opportunity to receive the Keys of the New Earth into our matrix from Mother Gaia and the Angels of the Earth Archangel Uriel and Auriel. This powerful retreat is good to do anytime you feel the call within to find out your role in the 7th dimensional Earth Creation.
🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.
This retreat is now available on Video and MP3 recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available with the recording.
Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu to harness the September Equinox energies 2022 on this 3 day virtual channelled retreat which will upgrade your energy field 10 fold!
This will allow higher frequency light to embed into your matrix. Open up your sixth sense more fully to psychic awareness and support you on your own ascension and Earth healing missions.
On this Earth Healing Retreat we have the opportunity this Equinox to receive the Keys of the New Earth into our matrix from Mother Gaia and the Angels of the Earth Archangel Uriel and Auriel.
In this online retreat you will receive the 6 Keys of the New Earth that are to be released at the Equinox Point. You will be able to access the personal knowledge your soul seeks from these keys and you will be able to use them in our life going forth.
This Equinox is a great opportunity for spiritual growth on a level beyond Golden Atlantis times.
You have been healing, processing and preparing as souls for this great opportunity. Allowing you - when you leave Earth - to go through the higher gateways in soul progression.
The Equinox this year fell on Friday 23rd September at 2.03am BST in the balance sign of Libra.
We have been on the path of the creation of the New 5th dimensional Earth since 21.12.12 and now we are ready to prepare our matrixes to receive the Keys of the New Earth to support not only a faster ascension for us as individual souls but to take on the Keys Mother Gaia offers us.
We will receive our own unique keys and find out our keys of special importance that we have each individually been assigned with, to help the the Earth Ascension and all who live on her.
This retreat will include channelled meditations through Alphedia, live channelling messages, crystal ascension sphere attunements, sacred sound healing, equinox gong bath and equinox crystal skull healing and of course the Key Activations.
What you gain in this retreat:
Deep meditations and activations for your soul healing journey.
Higher Vibration Human Matrix
Illumination on your Earth healing roles for Mother Gaia.
Receive 6 keys of the New Earth and find out which ones are your speciality ones.
A massive energy matrix upgrade and a renewed purpose for the future.
Channelled message from Mother Gaia:
“Dear ones of the Earth it is a great joy for me to connect my consciousness with yours.
You all hold keys of enlightenment within your matrix.
You are all here to support Earth Ascension and your own Inner Ascension path.
Yes you may face challenges, as your soul tries to remember what it requires healed and what it requires to let go of, yet the mission is clear you are here to lead humanity into the New Earth.
I am ready to release my first keys ten years on into this journey to support the next stage of spiritual growth for all.
We will start with the crystal key to help you deepen your understanding with the crystalline grid of the Earth.
Many of you have this as your primary key to work with going forth.
Then I will release the animal key.
The animal kingdom is of vital importance on Earth we include reptiles, birds, insects and fish in this group.
Again many of you have a mission involving this vital key for the stability of the Planet.
I will channel through live from each key further information on them.
On Equinox day I will release the Elemental and the Plant/Tree kingdom keys and then the Water and Galactic keys to bring us into balance with the whole Galaxy.
In this retreat you will receive attunements and activation of these keys in your matrix.
You will remember wisdom of the keys you were to be focusing on as part of your Earth mission.
You will have an energy upgrade of 100% so be under no illusion of the power these keys offer you for your soul progression and most importantly we we teach how to work with the keys you are carrying to support your mission and mine going forth.
I call you one and all to receive this once in a lifetime (well many lifetimes) gift I offer you now.
Order of the Retreat
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu have over 10 years experience of holding and channelling retreats in person and virtually at sacred sites.
Alphedia will create a container space energetically to hold everyone on the retreat in a sacred safe space for the week while you are doing your Earth healing work and inner shifts.
You will receive a preparation meditation channelled by Archangel Uriel and Auriel to help you prepare your energy for the Equinox, downloadable when booking.
In this meditation you are taken by Archangel Uriel to a healing place in nature on the Earth or in the dreamtime.
Here you meet with Archangel Auriel and you find out how balanced you are in the masculine and feminine aspect of yourself and which requires to be worked on.
The Equinox is the balance point on Earth and you benefit greatly from being in balance with both aspects to receive the keys.
Archangel Auriel then teaches us about the importance of the work you are to be doing as souls and you receive a deep sound healing telepathic transmission to assist you with coming into balance before the Equinox point.
We begin on the Eve of the Equinox only hours away from the exact moment so fully immersed in the Equinox energies.
Alphedia will begin by channeling Mother Gaia about the Keys of the New Dawn.
You will go on a guided meditation journey with sacred sound instruments to begin your immersion into the Equinox Point.
You will then receive a New Earth Ascension Sphere attunement to upgrade your chakras and matrix.
You will then start your teaching with Mother Earth on the first key which is the Crystal Key of the New Earth.
You will be taken on the transmission to the Crystal Kingdom to receive the Crystal Key.
Once you receive the key you will be able to go on a guided channelled live meditation to activate this key within you and receive wisdom on your role of using this key in your life for your own ascension then the Planets ascension.
You will find out the crystals that are of importance for your ascension path.
We will learn about the Second key, the Animal Key.
Again you will receive teaching from Mother Earth on this Animal key and receive the key.
Once you receive the key you will be able to go on a guided channelled live meditation to activate this key within you and receive wisdom on your role of using this key in your life for your own ascension then the Planets Ascension.
You will meet the animal guides who you are here to work with their consciousness to support all.
Friday 23rd September – Equinox Day
12 noon – 1pm BST – Welcoming in the Equinox. 5 Elements Qi Gong in the woods.
Connecting with the land meditation in the Fairy Portal woods in Merlindale, live drumming and journeying with the crystal and animal keys you have already activated.
7.00pm – 9.30pm BST – We start this session with an Equinox sound healing journey to immerse ourselves in sacred sound.
Alphedia will be using the new chakra chimes to open up and balance your chakras in this sound journey through visualisation and the chimes so you are fully relaxed and open for the new two keys.
Again Alphedia will channel Mother Earth to bring through wisdom about our roles as Earth healer and supporters on the Ascension process.
You will then receive the next New Earth Key, the Elemental Key.
With this you will connect with Fairies, Unicorns, Pixies, Sprites, Salamanders, Dragons, Gnomes and many more Elementals to deepen your connection with this realm and to bridge the gap between the Elementals and humanity for the birthing of the New Earth into full form.
You will be taken on the transmission to the beautiful Elemental Kingdom to receive the Elemental Key.
Once you receive the key you will be able to go on a guided channelled live meditation to activate this key within you and receive wisdom on your role of using this key in your life for your own ascension then the Planets Ascension.
You will find out the Elementals that are of importance for your ascension path.
We will have a short break then resume to learn about the Fourth Key, the Plant/Tree Key.
Again you will receive teaching from Mother Earth on this Plant/Tree Key and receive the key in a powerful transmission from this consciousness on Earth.
Once you receive the key you will be able to go on a guided channelled live meditation to activate this key within you and receive wisdom on your role of using this key in your life for your own ascension then the Planets Ascension.
You will meet the tree and plant guides who you are here to work with their consciousness to support all and any wisdom they wish to import to your soul including the work you are here to do together.
10.00 -11pm Equinox Crystal Skull Healing with Samanka.
Saturday 24th September 4.00pm-6.00pm BST
Today we receive Keys 5 and 6.
We start with the Water Key. 71% of the Earth is covered by Water.
The water of the Earth is requiring assistance due to pollution to raise its frequency as part of the New Earth ascension.
Again this session will include live channeling from Gaia. Guided meditations and transmission to receive the water key.
Followed by the 6th key the Galactic key to support our integration in consciousness to that of the rest of the Galaxy.
With this key you will meet star brethren and find out more about your work with the star races, receive the key and be activated.
7.30-9.00pm BST
This will be our final session as we close down the Retreat Portal.
You will go on a meditation to integrate all the keys within you, find how you will work with them and your Earth Mission for going forward from this point.
The retreat will close with a beautiful Equinox gong bath from Auraengus Manu to integrate all the inner shifts your soul has made through this experience.
We really look forward to supporting you through this powerful New Earth Retreat.
PLEASE note you will receive the Crystal skull healing for the Equinox as part of the retreat. So you don’t need to book that separately.
Testimonials from Previous Retreats
It was a great joy to spend this time with you and Auraengus, the deities and elementals and all the beautiful souls that you attract in your wisdom courses.
Lots of love and thank you for everything that you do!! XXxXxX Manon The Netherlands, Lemurian Light retreat
I did the retreat both live and distantly due to time difference and work so just finished. Absolutely amazing beyond!!!So honoured to be in the presence of such beautiful souls
thank you both and all in the group on all levels.Here’s to life in all its rainbows🌈🙏🌈🙏🌈 – Amanda Rainbow Pheonix Virtual Retreat
🌈 🔥I just wanted to say a massive Thank You to Alphedia & Auraengus for the most powerful Phoenix retreat 🔥 🌈 I have never experienced a retreat before and my goodness wow!! It was incredible! I have had a complete shift in myself and timelines, deep deep soul clearing, inner healing, activations, upgrades, powerful visualisations & learnt so much!!!
I have also become more confident within myself in receiving messages and clairvoyant abilities 💓Thank you both for facilitating, supporting & holding the space for our spiritual growth 🚀 💫
Danielle, Rainbow Pheonix Virtual Retreat
“This is a thank you to Alphedia Arara Kenchington and Auraengus Kenchington for leading us through these retreats and facilitating space for us all to grow, we are all blessed, myself included to have you both on our journey. I have become more confident in myself as a healer and a person since I have worked with you, thank you from us all.” – Christon, One Heart Virtual Retreat
“I loved the retreat. For me the zoom format is perfect. As a few people said, it opens the possibility for long-distance folks such as myself to be more actively involved. Also easier to accommodate in schedules, travel cost, etc. Many thanks again, and looking forward to the next one!” – Michelle, One Heart Virtual Retreat
“It was amazing and so very powerful!! I am so Blessed for having been a part of this!! It was beautiful the way you and Auraengus hold the space, always with joy and big generosity.” – Maria, Ruby Ray Virtual Retreat
“I’ve loved this virtual retreat and the ability to connect with everyone in real time from out here in Cali. I have felt more empowered to stand in my truth, trust my divine path and in my intuitive vision. I loved the 4 am drumming in the solstice and Roslin Glen activations videos—as a distance participant for retreats in the past, it is so nice to SEE these sacred sites and ceremonies. Loved Auriel’s fern blessing too!😀I feel so blessed by all the love and support of the deities, angels, and elementals and gifted to be a part of this group. Thank you, Alphedia and Auraengus, for all your hard work, wisdom, and talents that have brought this retreat into my home! Happy Solstice!” – Jackie, Ruby Ray Virtual Retreat
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such powerful transmissions, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
In order to get to the most of the experience if you chose to watch live, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Depending on your strength of broadband and WiFi signal, will depend on the quality of the experience live, best to be connected with laptop or computer with a wired network connection.
However the levels will all be adjusted and set perfectly for you in the MP3 transmission that will be available for download afterwards.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at[email protected]. &[email protected]
Technical issues:[email protected]
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.