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🟡 Melchizedek Order New Earth Mission Phase Two

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🟡 Melchizedek Order New Earth Mission Phase Two
Product Details
Workshop date: 28th May 2022
Duration approximately: 2h
Please note: Audio & Video download now available. No personal message.

Melchizedek Order New Mission Phase Two. This is the second workshop channelled by Alphedia on the Melchizedek Order's new mission. Melchizedek is a High Priest and assists with sending souls to Earth to support planetary Ascension and change of consciousness.

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

Join Alphedia Arara with Ascended Master Atlantean High Priest Master Melchizedek, Head of the Melchizedek Order of Light, for a channelled transmission workshop.

This workshop is now available on Video and MP3 audio recordings cut into files to download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. No personal message available.

Workshop took place on Saturday 28th May 2022 in Merlindale Scottish Borders

Alphedia has been channelling for the Melchizedek Order for many years now and now Master Melchizedek has come forward after this Eclipse Portal to inform members of the Order of the New Mission, path and reason for being on Earth.

The Melchizedek Order are a group of hundreds and thousands of powerful souls who are advanced lightworkers, healers, activators and catalysts for change.

They are sent all over the Galaxy whenever it is decreed that consciousness shifts are required to occur.

If you are reading this information you will be a Member of the Order.

Many of you have worked with Alphedia before, partaking in the previous courses to learn about the Order work and to receive upgrades from Master Melchizedek.

In this new transmission, Melchizedek will be activating many of you who have been unconscious.

You are members of the Order and reconnecting with those of you who are conscious in this lifetime of your work on behalf of the Order.

In this transmission Master Melchizedek will embody Alphedia for the transmission and use her voice as a vehicle for direct communication with you all.

The Mission of the Order First Stage one has now completed.

Enough of you were active and consciously creating the New Earth Templates.

Now we are moving on to Phase Two of the mission and all will be assigned new roles as well as the collective role for the Order.

In this transmission Melchizedek will not only be channelling live meditations, attunements and activations; he will be providing you with personal information if you require it to support you in understanding the mission ahead for you.

Master Melchizedek is an advanced soul and Head of the Planetary Logos at this time.

His multifaceted consciousness is steering the Earth along with working at the side of Commander Ashtar for the next stage of Global Ascension.

Melchizedek will first of all take you on a deep soul healing to remove any entities, discordant energies and to give you the opportunity to heal and awaken whatever you personally require worked on.

To be the most powerful you can be, as part of the group for the Order.

You will receive a Master Melchizedek Ascension Sphere attunement to familiarise yourself with his powerful energy.

You will receive an Order Light Language transmission to activate keys and codes for Phase two within your matrix.

Many of you are sent as powerful Earth healers and you will receive information on the Earth healing required.

Some of you are also sent on specific missions on behalf of the Order to bring through codes and frequencies.

To activate and awaken others and to carry particular roles on Earth as writers, healers, knowledge disseminators, grid anchorers and the like.

You will be taken on a big transmission in which all the Order will be brought together to receive the collective upgrades, new knowledge and information on Phase Two.

Many of you as souls have the knowledge and understanding, that you have many aspects of your multidimensional self here, to work on different levels of consciousness whilst in physical form.

The Melchizedek Order is a collection of souls who are very advanced energy workers and have been brought on to Earth to be catalysers for the change required.

It is important that you all keep up your inner work to make you as clear a vessel as possible to fulfil your role on behalf of the Order for Phase Two.

As this will be a live transmission it will be determined by Melchizedek on the day the information that is downloaded into you all.

This course will pull in those who feel in their hearts and know they are here for a greater part in the plan of Earth Ascension.

Through the channelled meditation, sound healing, Light Language activations and attunements this will be a massive reboot for your holographic matrix, a refinement if you will of the frequencies and the codes you are here to carry.

Some of you are experiencing overwhelm on Earth at this time, as the light frequency is increasing.

Know that Melchizedek will explain about this and will put energetic structures into your matrix to be able to cope with greater ease.

This is an exciting opportunity for the Order to re-gather once again and regroup and be assigned the mission going forth.

Channelled Message from Master Melchizedek

“Greetings, greetings, greetings,

I am Master Melchizedek.

It is an honour and joy to speak through this channel.

It is a great opportunity that she is giving me to allow full embodiment.

Few channels allow this to occur but we have been working together for a long time as a collective group and you are now being asked to step up once again.

This will bring great benefit for your soul ascension advancement as well as the collective consciousness.

I will work on shifting you out of the place you are currently stuck in and moving you onto a higher timeline of creation frequency.

You now all have this opportunity to choose to be part of Part Two.

This is the most exciting opportunity the Order has been offered on Earth since the Atlantean Epoch.

I am calling forward the souls who are ready for further awakening and to give you this opportunity to fully be supported as you go on forward with your missions at this time.


We look forward, myself Alphedia Arara along with Master Melchizedek, in supporting you onto Phase Two at this exciting time on Earth.

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.