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🟡 New Earth Elemental Wisdom Virtual Equinox Retreat

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🟡 New Earth Elemental Wisdom Virtual Equinox Retreat
Product Details
Workshop date: 19 - 21 March 2024
Duration approximately: 7.25 hours
Please note: Instant download available. There is no personal message available with this recording

With Gaia, Fairy Queen Maeve, Great God Pan and Elemental Dragons

Are you ready to activate the Elemental Key of the 7th Dimensional Earth to support all Ascension on the Planet?

Is this part of your Soul Mission? Do you feel the call of the Fairies and Elementals within you?

Are you here to support them and Mother Gaia at this time and harness their powerful healing energies in your life?

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

This retreat is now available on MP3/4 download automatically at purchase.

Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message not available with the recording.

Workshop took place 19th - 21st March 2024.

Through this Virtual Channelled Retreat, Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu offer you the opportunity to receive a powerful energy upgrade in your matrix.

This will enhance your healing powers, open your sixth sense abilities, deepen your connection with the New Earth 7th Dimensional Template and support you on your soul missions.

As part of the new 7th dimensional New Earth creation it is now time to awaken yourself as a communicator with Gaia Mother Earth and the Fairy, Elemental and Dragon Realms to begin your mission of service to the Earth with them.

When we become friends with the Fairy and Nature Spirit Kingdoms we receive many blessings in our lives.

We fulfil soul contracts and life missions.

Abundance increases, health and vitality improves.

You are more grounded in physical body which is vital for going ahead in your spiritual development as a soul.

Many of you are carrying the Elemental Key for the 7th dimensional New Earth Creation and this Equinox Portal is activating this Key in all the Realms of consciousness.

This offers us the opportunity to see, feel, hear and be with the Nature Guardians more easily in our daily lives and to intuitively establish a deep connection.

The New Earth Keys are energy frequency portals that can be accessed when our souls have enough soul wisdom and self mastery to be able to embody these frequencies.

This Equinox is allowing more souls to be granted the keys to raise their energy frequency, deepen your understanding of the Nature Spirit kingdom and their healing energy and the importance for humanities ascension that we can communicate with them in the various ways in our daily living experience.

The Elemental Beings' missions on Earth are multifaceted but they are also reaching out to ask for support from us through Earth healing and in turn they will make it easier for us to see, feel and hear them in daily life.

By doing this we can harness their healing light, be drawn and guided to sacred energy sites and live harmoniously with the environment around us.

This Equinox, the Green Ray of Nature floods onto the planet at a more intense level to increase the nature healing chi life force vibration available to all a hundred fold.

If you are seeking more healing in your life then this Retreat will support you in receiving this and also allow you to become an Earth Nature Spirit communicator.

In this retreat we receive the four Elemental Wisdom Keys as their gateways are opening for us to embrace.

Alphedia Arara will lead us through the Gateways over the 72 hour equinox portal. She started her whole spiritual journey communicating with Nature Spirits and hearing their environmental messages for us which we wrote about in her first book “Messages from Nature’s Guardians”.

In the Virtual Retreat we will receive:

Day 1 we will receive the Fire Wisdom Key.

Day 2 we will receive the Water Wisdom Key and Earth Wisdom Key.

Day 3 we will receive the Air Wisdom Key.

Alphedia will also teach a Chi Gong (standing tai chi) call on the morning of the Equinox day for you to receive more chi life force energy in your matrix as we connect deeper within ourselves with the Nature Realms.

When we disconnect from nature we become demotivated, stressed, ill, stagnant and live less from within the heart space letting the mind lead the way.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu have been asked to hold this three day Virtual retreat for you to receive the Elemental Wisdom keys in the Equinox Portal

This will enable you to receive deep personal healing opportunities, to activate your psychic communication skills with the Nature Spirit realms of Gaia and to receive the 7th dimensional New Earth Keys of Light to support your soul ascension and that of the planet.

It will enable an abundance upgrade for you and strengthen your healing powers.

You will receive information on your mission for Earth and guidance on the next stage of your journey as an ally to the Elemental Realms.

Tuesday 19th March 2024

7.30 – 9.00pm GMT UK time

Alphedia channelled live from Mother Gaia about the Elemental Key of the New Earth so you can understand the importance of this energy work.

Alphedia will lead you through this channeling, deep activation and healing meditations, Crystal Ascension Sphere Attunements and a Fire Elemental activation.

We start off with an invocation to connect with Mother Earth and call upon the Fairy Queen Maeve and the Greek God of Nature Pan to prepare our energy fields for this Equinox Upgrade.

If you were unable to do the retreat live within the portal this does not matter as it is a Gateway that is opening and will stay open going forth.

We go on a channelled meditation journey with Pan and Maeve to connect with the 7th dimensional New Earth Elemental Beings Key.

Receive wisdom about your own soul connection with the Elemental Realms and the reason why you have been called forth to be a pioneer in carrying this new Key in your matrix.

You will learn about the Fire Elementals and receive a Fire element Ascension Sphere attunement.

You then go on the healing journey with the Fire Elementals and Dragons to support you balancing your Fire element and harnessing the healing wisdom and communication skills with these beautiful fire beings.

They work to clear any fears you have with this element and any trauma this element has caused you in past lives.

You will receive the fire healing download of the Elemental Key to support you in bringing in more abundance and health into your life.

We will also activate the 7th dimensional New Earth Key within us to bring forth our ancient soul wisdom of the Elemental Realms to serve humanity and the Earth going forth.

You will experience powerful sound healing activations and light language in the meditations.

Wednesday 20th March

9.00am – 9.30am GMT

In this session Alphedia leads us through a Chi Gong class to work on balancing our Elements and harness more chi life force within us on Equinox day.

2.00pm – 2.30pm GMT

We recorded live from Temple Wood Stone Circle to activate the circle and receive the equinox energies in our matrix from this sacred portal.

We place the Keys we energetically hold into the circle to support the leyline activation of the Elemental Key around the world.

You may activate your key to put into a sacred site near you or your garden or local green space area of choice.

4.00pm – 5.00pm GMT UK time

In this session we connect with the Water Key and the Mermaids, Water Spirits and Dragons around the world.

You will learn about the Water Elementals and receive a Water element Ascension Sphere attunement.

You will reawaken memories of ancient Water Ceremonies you have taken in during previous lives and reclaim your healing water gifts.

There will be an invocation to connect with the Water Element and to find your mission work with water.

You will then go on the healing journey with the Water Elementals and Dragons to support you balancing your Water element and harnessing the healing wisdom and communication skills with these beautiful water elemental beings.

They will work to clear any fears you have with this element and any trauma this element has caused you in past lives or this life.

You will learn in direct channeling from them about their roles in the Elemental matrix on Earth.

You will then receive the water healing download of the Elemental Key to support you in bringing in more abundance and health into your life.

Wednesday 20th March Evening

7.15pm to 8.15pm

In this session, we connect with the Earth Element Key. Again we go on a powerful activation and healing journey similar to the other keys are we connect with the Earth Elementals – the Fairies, Elves, Gnomes and Tree Spirits.

9.00pm – 10.15pm

We receive an Equinox Gong bath through Auraengus Manu and a powerful hour’s Dragon Skull healing from Iinka Clear Quartz Dragon to amplify the Equinox energies within your matrix.

Thursday 21st March

7.00pm – 8.30pm GMT UK Time

This final session, we work with the Air Element key and the Sylphs and Sylphons along with the Air Dragons

They will attune us and support us in receiving the key codes from the Air element in a similar way to the other keys.

In this final session we will receive guidance from Pan or Fairy Queen Maeve on the success of our work and you will go on a guided meditation channelled live to find our your work with this sacred key going forward.

There will be a closing of the Retreat portal ceremony as we honour ourselves as Earth healing and support Mother Gaia with her New Earth 7th Dimensional Grid.

Fairy Queen Maeve Channeling

“It is with great honour that we support you with the New 7th Dimensional Earth Wisdom Key.

Many of you have come to Earth to be part of this birthing process of the New Earth Template.

Many of you carry or are ready to carry the Elemental Key so you can deepen your connection with the Fairy and Elemental Realms.

We are excited to have the bridge between our realms made closer so communication can be developed more easily between us.

We do hold such love for humanity and all the beings on this great Earth who coexist with us.

This Equinox brings the great opening of the Green Ray and the amplification of our healing and your healing in life too.

Let us support you as you are supporting us in the co-creation of harmony on Earth.

It is a joy and with excitement I look forward to deepening our connections together.

Blessed Be”.

Alphedia and Auraengus have run many international retreats over the last 15 years and are experienced workshop facilitators.

Alphedia will explain about how you can go back in time to this Portal.

Testimonials from Previous Retreats

I did the retreat both live and distantly due to time difference and work so just finished. Absolutely amazing beyond!!!So honoured to be in the presence of such beautiful souls
thank you both and all in the group on all levels.Here’s to life in all its rainbows – Amanda, Rainbow Pheonix Virtual Retreat

I just wanted to say a massive Thank You to Alphedia & Auraengus for the most powerful Phoenix retreat I have never experienced a retreat before and my goodness wow!! It was incredible! I have had a complete shift in myself and timelines, deep deep soul clearing, inner healing, activations, upgrades, powerful visualisations & learnt so much!!!
I have also become more confident within myself in receiving messages and clairvoyant abilities Thank you both for facilitating, supporting & holding the space for our spiritual growth

Danielle, Rainbow Pheonix Virtual Retreat

“This is a thank you to Alphedia Arara Kenchington and Auraengus Kenchington for leading us through these retreats and facilitating space for us all to grow, we are all blessed, myself included to have you both on our journey. I have become more confident in myself as a healer and a person since I have worked with you, thank you from us all.” – Christon, One Heart Virtual Retreat

“I loved the retreat. For me the zoom format is perfect. As a few people said, it opens the possibility for long-distance folks such as myself to be more actively involved. Also easier to accommodate in schedules, travel cost, etc. Many thanks again, and looking forward to the next one!” – Michelle, One Heart Virtual Retreat

“It was amazing and so very powerful!! I am so Blessed for having been a part of this!! It was beautiful the way you and Auraengus hold the space, always with joy and big generosity.” – Maria, Ruby Ray Virtual Retreat

“I’ve loved this virtual retreat and the ability to connect with everyone in real time from out here in Cali. I have felt more empowered to stand in my truth, trust my divine path and in my intuitive vision. I loved the 4 am drumming in the solstice and Roslin Glen activations videos—as a distance participant for retreats in the past, it is so nice to SEE these sacred sites and ceremonies. Loved Auriel’s fern blessing too!I feel so blessed by all the love and support of the deities, angels, and elementals and gifted to be a part of this group. Thank you, Alphedia and Auraengus, for all your hard work, wisdom, and talents that have brought this retreat into my home! Happy Solstice!” – Jackie, Ruby Ray Virtual Retreat

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.