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🟡 Opening Your Higher Ascension Gateways Equinox Virtual Retreat

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🟡 Opening Your Higher Ascension Gateways Equinox Virtual Retreat
Product Details
Workshop date: 19, 20, 21 March 2022
Please note: Instant audio/video download now available. No personal message is included.

Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu with Goddess Pallas Athena, Ascension Dragons, Star Beings and Cosmic Phoenix Consciousness.

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

This retreat is now available on Video and MP3 recording to download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. No personal message available with the recording.

Retreat took place 19th, 20th, 21st March 2022.

Channelled live from the Glenholm Spiritual Centre, Merlindale and Roslin Glen Sun Disc, Scotland

Through this Virtual Channelled Retreat Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu offer you the opportunity of Opening Your Higher Ascension Gateways and moving through them this powerful March Equinox of 2022.

This Equinox is all about Rebirth as we are given the opportunity to ascend higher through these Ascension Gateways for your soul progression.

Led by the Goddess Pallas Athena, Governor of the 12th Ray of Light, she anchors the Golden Christ Light into her being with the power to transform lower frequencies, holding the Divine Love of Creator Source.

Through her wisdom and powerful support, you will be able to inner transform all that has gone before into Divine Love and feel the deepest self acceptance and acknowledgement of who you truly are in all your vastness.

She will work with you with her Golden Light to unearth any lower frequencies you are unconsciously harbouring not only individually but monadically too (the over 143 aspects of you) and transmute them for you.

To move through our Higher Ascension Gateways we do this collectively but individually as souls too.

There are 3 higher gateways opening at this Equinox that have been closed off to humanity until this point.

The Ascension Dragons are Gatekeepers as well as the Star Beings of Arcturus and Pleiades.

Gateway openings offering really powerful opportunities for massive soul upgrades in awareness, psychic understanding, soul development and memory recall.

The Cosmic Phoenix energy is now available to connect with at this time at the Equinox Point.

Cosmic Phoenix Gateway

This Gateway opening at the Equinox point of 3.33pm GMT on Sunday 20th March will speed up your rebirthing process 20 times faster.

This means you can shift karma, amplify healing and rebirth physically, mentally and emotional faster with this massive spiritual upgrade.


Alphedia Arara has been channelling the Phoenix Consciousness for over ten years and last year it was the Rainbow Phoenix that activated at the March Equinox.

The Cosmic Phoenix is a consciousness of cosmic transformation, rebirth, and liberation not restricted to planet Earth.

Since the 21.12.12 moment and the start of fast tracking of the Ascension Process on Earth those who were drawn to work with the Phoenix Consciousness have been pioneering the way through working with the various stages of the Phoenix Rebirth process.

Leading all of humanity consciously or unconsciously through the different Phoenix Gateways.

First the Silver Phoenix energy was activated on Earth, then the Golden Phoenix energy in 2016 and the Rainbow Phoenix in 2021.

The Cosmic Phoenix energy Gateway allows you to transform, elevate and manifest dreams into reality at greater speed and with greater ease.

Alphedia's main soul mission going ahead at this time is to lead humanity through the Higher Ascension Gateways and this retreat is her first offering in this area.

You can be one of the pioneering souls to be led through this great work with her as she begins this new stage of her mission.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu were asked to hold this three day retreat for your energies to be within a container of Cosmic Light.

To assist you with your final ego death and then a rebirth through the Cosmic Gateway Portal into a higher template of your matrix.

Retreat Day 1: Preparation

The retreat was split over three days with the first day being a preparation to support you with further clearing and releasing of that which no longer serves.

That which has held you back and that which is no longer serving you and is indeed blocking you in stepping into this further process of deep self healing resurrection and rebirth.

Alphedia channelled live Goddess Pallas Athena to prepare our energy with deep healing, identifying where you are in your rebirth soul resurrection and preparing you for the Gateway openings the next day.

Alphedia will lead you through live channeling, deep healing meditations, crystal Ascension Sphere attunements and rebirth activations.

You will be able to identify blocks in your Ascension and work on releasing them to elevate your consciousness and rebirth opportunity

In the evening session for Day 1, we worked with the Star Beings from Arcturus and Pleiades who are opening the Higher Gateways for the Earth.

This will be a Star Beings transmission.

Day 2: Equinox Roslin Glen Sun Disc Star Gate Gathering

We gathered live for the Equinox Point in the woods of the magical Roslin Glen home of Rosslyn Chapel on the famous Rose Leyline.

This is only one of the few Sun Discs of the World and a powerful Star Gate Portal.

Here we worked with the Ascension Dragons and opened the 3 Higher Ascension Gateways.

The information was channelled live at the Sacred Site.

Day 2: Evening

We gathered again after the Equinox Portal to fully open your Higher Ascension Gateways.

In this session Alphedia and Auraengus will be assisting your soul in deep meditation go through the new open Gateways at the frequency your soul is ready for.

We will learn more about the Gateways and how this will change your life going forward, offering new possibilities to you on your soul progression.

Auraengus Manu will take you on an Equinox Gong meditation.

We will work with the Cosmic Phoenix now it has been released to resurrect further in this higher frequency space.

Day 3: Night

We received a live channelling from Pallas Athena on how our weekend work has gone, where you are at in your Soul Rebirth Journey and what the path is ahead for you.

Then you will receive a group crystal skull healing from So Na Ra the clear quartz Isis Crystal Skull

Goddess Isis is the Egyptian resurrection Queen.

As always with Alphedia and Auraengus’ retreats these are held live, channelled for those who sign up for the experience. You may receive the MP3 download after the event.

We are delighted to offer you a wonderful experience opportunity this Equinox

Channelled Message from Pallas Athena

“Greetings Dear Ones!

This heralds a great time on Earth.

This great Ascension Portal Gateway opening is something to celebrate.

Humanity is ready for the pioneers and the leading souls of consciousness to step into the great Higher Templates of awareness.

You are ready to rise and release.

Rebirth and Fly on the wings of the Cosmic Pheonix.

Many of you have already activated the Phoenix codes within but now the mighty Cosmic energies of the Phoenix is ready to fly to transcend you through the higher portals of frequency.

What a joy this will be for your souls.

What an honour do you hear her call?

I am ready to support your preparation as the Star Beings are.

The excitement on the inner planes is palpable we are celebrating that humanity has got to the point.

The great awakening is in full swing yet the drama plays out in 3d form but even more important to raise your light to move forward to hold within you the Christed Light within.

As we celebrate this Equinox as we move into the Higher Templates many Angelic Beings come to you.

You are ready to open your Higher Ascension Gateways and to freely step through.

What joy! What relief! What an opportunity for full soul expression!

Now is the time to move out of stagnation from the old way to be.

Look at where you are stuck.

What thought forms are stopping movement into the change.

Be the light, feel the soul call.

Liberate, Liberate, Liberate

I am here.


Alphedia and Auraengus have run many international retreats over the last 12 years and are experienced workshop facilitators.

Testimonials from Previous Retreats

I did the retreat both live and distantly due to time difference and work so just finished. Absolutely amazing beyond!!!So honoured to be in the presence of such beautiful souls
thank you both and all in the group on all levels.Here's to life in all its rainbows🌈🙏🌈🙏🌈 - Amanda Rainbow Pheonix Virtual Retreat

🌈 🔥I just wanted to say a massive Thank You to Alphedia & Auraengus for the most powerful Phoenix retreat 🔥 🌈 I have never experienced a retreat before and my goodness wow!! It was incredible! I have had a complete shift in myself and timelines, deep deep soul clearing, inner healing, activations, upgrades, powerful visualisations & learnt so much!!!
I have also become more confident within myself in receiving messages and clairvoyant abilities 💓Thank you both for facilitating, supporting & holding the space for our spiritual growth 🚀 💫

Danielle, Rainbow Pheonix Virtual Retreat

“This is a thank you to Alphedia Arara Kenchington and Auraengus Kenchington for leading us through these retreats and facilitating space for us all to grow, we are all blessed, myself included to have you both on our journey. I have become more confident in myself as a healer and a person since I have worked with you, thank you from us all.” – Christon, One Heart Virtual Retreat

“I loved the retreat. For me the zoom format is perfect. As a few people said, it opens the possibility for long-distance folks such as myself to be more actively involved. Also easier to accommodate in schedules, travel cost, etc. Many thanks again, and looking forward to the next one!” – Michelle, One Heart Virtual Retreat

“It was amazing and so very powerful!! I am so Blessed for having been a part of this!! It was beautiful the way you and Auraengus hold the space, always with joy and big generosity.” – Maria, Ruby Ray Virtual Retreat

“I’ve loved this virtual retreat and the ability to connect with everyone in real time from out here in Cali. I have felt more empowered to stand in my truth, trust my divine path and in my intuitive vision. I loved the 4 am drumming in the solstice and Roslin Glen activations videos—as a distance participant for retreats in the past, it is so nice to SEE these sacred sites and ceremonies. Loved Auriel’s fern blessing too!😀I feel so blessed by all the love and support of the deities, angels, and elementals and gifted to be a part of this group. Thank you, Alphedia and Auraengus, for all your hard work, wisdom, and talents that have brought this retreat into my home! Happy Solstice!” – Jackie, Ruby Ray Virtual Retreat

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.