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🟡 Opening your Abundance Channel Lord Ganesh Workshop*

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🟡 Opening your Abundance Channel Lord Ganesh Workshop*
Product Details
Workshop date: 25.3.24
Duration approximately: 2.5 hours
Please note: MP4 video and MP3 audio files download instantly at purchase. There is no personal message available with this recording.

Alphedia Arara channels Lord Ganesh as he supports us in opening up our abundance channel so we can harness more of the universal abundance frequencies in our lives. In order to receive abundance we have to make energetic space and open up our channels to hold the abundance frequencies within.

This workshop is now available on MP3 audio and video download automatically at purchase.

This course was recorded at a full moon eclipse as this was the powerful portal to bring the channeling through. You can listen any time to the recording and go back into the portal for the powerful experience.

Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.

Workshop took place 25th March 2024.

Alphedia Arara invites you to join her as she channels Lord Ganesh, the Hindu God of Abundance, to support you opening your abundance channels more fully.

Up to this point on Earth, Ganesh says we have only been harnessing 35% of the available abundance.

This portal opened at this eclipse full moon, an opportunity to harness 50% more of the Universal Abundance Frequency.

Why is the abundance frequency of the universe not yet fully open to us you may ask?

This is because our consciousness is not high enough yet to receive full access.

This Eclipse portal however opened a gateway (which stays open) that allows us the opportunity to pull more abundance into our lives with greater ease and by opening our channel more fully this process can be instant.

Ascended Master Lord Ganesh, through Alphedia as his channel, during this Full Moon Eclipse in Libra, was not only able to bring through powerful wisdom to shift our consciousness but also to support us in manifesting more powerfully for Divine Good.

To bring in more joy, happiness and abundance into our lives and our families' lives .

We can bring abundance into all areas of our life whether you are seeking to manifest an abundance of health, happiness, friendship, money, companionship, love, joy or even inner peace.

We have this opportunity now to do this with greater speed.

Abundance is a frequency, it is a vibration and when you are able to live in that place of abundance in all areas of your life you can stay in the flow.

Things that limit abundance are negative thinking, sub conscious belief patterns, holding the vibration of unworthiness, doubt, disbelief or under appreciation.

Lord Ganesh is a Master soul associated with abundance and wealth in the Eastern traditions of Hinduism. He is a powerful direct guide who can help you master and understand Abundance blocks and help you manifest greater wealth and abundance in your life.

In this workshop:

Alphedia Arara channels a powerful invocation for you to use to connect with Lord Ganesh’s energy.

She then leads you on a beautiful channelled energy field preparation meditation with live sound healing from the Tibetan singing bowls.

Alphedia then channel Ganesh so he can explain to you what your abundance channel is and how to be aware of it and check it is always fully clear for your receiving.

You will experience a Self Realisation exercise where you can look at where you are abundant and where you struggle with abundance in your life currently.

You then receive a crystal Ascension Sphere Attunement with Lord Ganesh to raise your energy frequency and entrain to his abundance frequency. This is a silent meditation with the spheres circle.

Then you are led on the powerful channelled meditation transmission with Lord Ganesh to open your abundance channel, clear out any blocks and focus your manifestation channel.

In this transmission you will connect with your multidimensional self and journey through your astral body to Lord Ganesh’s Ashram where he not only teaches you and gives you wisdom about your abundance path, but supports you in harnessing the New Abundance Codes released through this Eclipse window.

This transmission is supported by the soothing sounds of the Tibetan singing bowls and percussion played by Alphedia Arara live.

This is a powerful transcendental experience of journeying astrally in meditation to bring healing, transformation and knowledge to support your journey going forth.

We finish with a Crystal Skull healing from Alphedia’s Citrine Abundance crystal skull Joe who will premier this evening for group healing.

Channelled Message from Lord Ganesh:

“Greetings, greetings, greetings, I am Lord Ganesh and what a joy and honour to connect with you all at this special time on Earth.

As we move into 7th dimensional consciousness within the New Earth template one of the benefits of this is the availability for you all the reach higher heights of vibrational frequency.

This Eclipse Window heralds in a great opportunity for change and to open yourselves up to receive more clearly from the vast well of abundance available.

It is a choice to choose whether to be abundant or not.

May do not realise this.

You have choice.

And as generally is the case when you do not know you have to chose you do not even think to make a choice.

So you plod along in your lives not asking for change or asking but not being willing to take steps to make changes.

A fear, a resentment, an unworthiness vibration stops you.

Have you notice most people who are abundant exude energy and creativity.

They know the power of being entrepreneurial in all ways in their lives.

Those that inherit wealth can only keep it if they put energy into being guardian of it.

There is so much about abundance that humanity does not yet know.

The knowledge is held by the few often because it takes effort to learn.

The learning process is taught to you as children but many see learning as stopping when you leave your schools or educational estabilishments.

Learning is a lifelong process.

It is when you stop learning you get depressed in life.

When the soul continues to learn new information you can’t experience this emotion unless you are possessed.

But I digress this workshop will support you in not only being abundant but knowledgeably so.

I look forward to our session. Namaste.”

Alphedia has been channelling Ganesh for many years and his abundance teachings have helped her to grow the Elemental Beings business and also to be abundant in all areas of her life.

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker in order to hear all the frequencies of the Gong.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]. & [email protected]

Technical issues: [email protected]

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website.