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🟡 Reclaiming your Well of Abundance with Lord Ganesh & Goddess Lakshmi*

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🟡 Reclaiming your Well of Abundance with Lord Ganesh & Goddess Lakshmi*
Product Details
Workshop date: 17 January 2022
Duration approximately: 2.5h
Please note: Previously called, 'Reclaiming your Well of Abundance Full Moon Workshop.' No personal message is included. Video and MP3 Audio recordings downloaded on purchase.

Reclaiming your Well of Abundance with Lord Ganesh & Goddess Lakshmi.

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

(This workshop is now available on MP3 audio and video downloads automatically at purchase. The course is cut into manageable audio tracks for listening to if you are unable to complete the course in one sitting. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available.

There was a video recording of this course as it took place without a live audience in attendance. No matter when you listen to this recording you enter the portal and will receive the healing wisdom available now on Earth in this timeline. Personal message is not available.

This was channelled in a full moon portal to bring these teachings to us on Earth but can be listened to any time your soul is guided to these course teachings and healing. They are just as powerful as when recorded live through Alphedia Arara. )

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu channelled and recorded this workshop in the first Full Moon of 2022 in the Sun sign of Cancer Portal to allow the energies to come through onto Earth. You will be called to a course when you are ready or you can contact us to ask for more information.

This Full Moon was at 3.48pm GMT.

The Abundance Deities of Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi, honouring the Yin and Yang balance energies as male and female deities, come forward to offer you all the opportunity to reclaim your Well of Abundance.

The Well of Abundance is an unlimited Divine Source energy frequency that many souls for various reasons turn off their access to or have forgotten their ability to access this vibration.

Abundance is a frequency, it is a way of being and it is unlimited.

The Abundance Well is an Unlimited Portal frequency.

In this workshop Ganesh and Lakshmi will support you in removing what stands in your way.

Whether it is conditioned realities, thought forms, lack of self worth, ancestral patterning, past life conditioning that are stopping you utilising your Well of Inner Abundance.

This is a Golden frequency that is being amplified and further accessible with greater ease in this coming year.

Your Abundance Well resides physically in your lower spine.

Ganesh is often associated with the root chakra and will be working on your root chakra to help you feel confident and worthy of reclaiming this Well of Abundance.

He will be focusing on removing from you: stagnation, inertia, fear and disbelief which are the main blocks to reclaiming your Abundance Well.

Lakshmi will bring in her feminine codes of nurture, support and compassion to allow you to feel worthy and able to embody the higher frequency abundance codes.

This is an opportunity for you to become aware of your subconscious belief patterning and programming you may have taken on, particularly from religious orders or general society conditioning.

Now you have the opportunity to reclaim your access and embodiment of the Abundance Well.

In this workshop

You will receive an invocation to invoke Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi

You will be led on a powerful Full Moon preparation meditation channelled live by Alphedia.

You will experience powerful sound healing, releasing the codes and frequencies of the Abundance Well, through sacred Tibetan singing bowls, high vibration crystal bowls, kochi chimes, percussion, hang drum and light language voice activation.

There will be a live channelling from the Deities,

A Self Realisation exercise so you can acknowledge what is blocking you and stopping your abundance being greater than it is now,

An Abundance Well Ascension Sphere attunement,

A channelled live guided meditation transmission from Ganesh and Laksmi to aid you in reclaiming your abundance well,

Finishing with an integration from Siron the Black Obsidian Void crystal skull.

This workshop will give you tools and techniques to keep your abundance frequency high for this coming year.

To help you to become more aware and consciously have the ability to change your thought forms and your abundance reality.

Channelled message from Lord Ganesh

“Greetings, greetings, greetings

It is with great honour and joy that I come forward with Goddess Lakshmi to offer you this opportunity of nurture in this Cancer Full Moon.

The Great Mother is abundant, she is abundant in resources when they are utilised from the heart, through love and compassion.

Many souls come onto Earth and forget to ask and manifest and create an abundant reality.

They forget to utilise the Inner Well of Abundance and connect with the Universal Well of Abundance.

In this meditation transmission we will aid you in doing both, we will open up your Abundance Well,

We will assist you in claiming this.

We will assist you in removing the blocks to this and we will help you identify what keeps you limited, what changes you require to make at this point in your life.

We will take you to this Well of Abundance, this portal place,

This portal place where you can access the frequency of pure Abundance.

We will offer you a Gold Abundance Shower,

We will, with your permission assist you in dissolving down your limitations and blocks.

We will aid you to move into this place, but many of you fear change, see it as unstable and that can be your greatest block of all.

Also disbelief in energy work or feeling unable to invest in yourself in order to reap rewards.

Many of you hold undeservedness in your hearts and this is something you are ready to shift.

Know dear ones you are supported at all times and in all ways.


Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website.