🟡 Ruby Ray Earth Healing Virtual Retreat
This Ruby Ray Earth Healing Solstice Virtual Retreat offered the opportunity for Phase 3 of the Ascension Process and Gaia’s ascending self to commence. Mother Gaia is calling forward Lightworkers and Earth Healers to support her in the anchoring of the Ruby Ray once again on Earth. You can do this retreat any time of the year when you feel ready to work with the Ruby Ray of light.
🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.
(This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. The course is cut into manageable audio tracks for listening to if you are unable to complete the course in one sitting. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available.
There was no video recording of this course as it took place with a live audience in attendance. No matter when you listen to this recording you enter the portal and will receive the healing wisdom available now on Earth in this timeline.
This was channelled in a full moon portal to bring these teachings to us on Earth but can be listened to any time your soul is guided to these course teachings and healing. They are just as powerful as when recorded live through Alphedia Arara.)
In this Recording:
Alphedia Arara works with Archangel Uriel, Mother Gaia, the Egyptian Deities Osiris, Horus, Ra and Goddess Isis as well as the Elementals and Dragons in this retreat.
Alphedia is an Earth Healer, Channel and part of her mission on Earth at this time is to activate sacred sites and bridge the communications between the Realms. Every year she runs Earth Healing Solstice Retreats.
This powerful Solstice portal combined with a New Moon Solar Eclipse amplifies the intensity of the healing through this period.
Mother Gaia is calling forward Lightworkers and Earth Healers to support her in the anchoring of the Ruby Ray once again on Earth. The Ruby Ray is a ray of intense action of Divine love and when Humanity is able to retain the Ruby Flame of Internal Love and Harmony within, then the next stage of the release of her Heart codes and the bridging of communication between the Elemental, Fairy, Galactic and Earth realms increases. The Ruby Ray is a ray of spirituality containing the quality of inner peace and the activation of experiencing the inner light through the Diamond Solar Light Temple.
Preparation Transmission recorded on 17th June 2020
This retreat includes a preparation transmission which was recorded prior to the Solstice to assist you in preparing your energy fields to activate the inner Ruby Flame within again. This Ruby Ray is the integration of all the Rays of Light, sometimes it is known as the Rainbow Ray, but it is the Ray of Great Synthesis.
Many of you as souls have been diligently working in upgrading your consciousness, releasing yourself form Ancestral and Karmic patterning and focussing on embodying higher frequency light within your cellular and glandular system.
This is required in order for the Ruby Ray to be anchored once again in to the leylines and the great energy portals of the Earth.
The Rays of Light are energy, sound and light colour vibrations combined holding the qualities or the intentions of the Creators Soul. Each ray holds enlightment and knowledge from Source we we can process and work with the aid our own spiritual growth and Ascension. As we ascend we can access higher vibration rays and anchor them into us and Gaia and heal with them.
Archangel Uriel, often known as the Angel of the Earth and Divine Inspiration comes forward to offer you, not only angelic healing, but also to take you into the cave of the Ruby Ray. The cave of the Ruby Ray exists deep within the Shambala portal of the Earth and as you journey in to the inner city of Shambala, often known as the Crystalline City of the Inner Earth.
You will receive deep healing from the Inner Earth beings as well as Archangel Uriel. You will work with preparing your energy field to release any final lower frequencies from your energy field, any misalignment with the Rays of Light within you prior to you delving into the cave of the Ruby Ray. Deep within the cave of the Ruby Ray you will be connected with the crystalline Ruby consciousness.
You will be activated within your cellular system and the Ruby codex of light within your DNA will be re-awoken.This means that you are able to not only synthesize all the rays of light which you have mastered up to this point, but you are able to embody the fullness of this ray, which will bring you deeper understanding and inner knowledge and peace about your Earth Walk.
It will bring to you heightened awareness for your Earth’s mission, and a recollection of when your soul worked with this ray before. This Ruby Ray, the Ray of Synergy, is furthering the trinitization process, furthering the balance of the Masculine and Feminine within in preparation for the next two eclipses.
You also work with Archangel Uriel to be shown where your soul is being guided to anchor, either physically or by astral travel, the Ruby Ray into the Stargate portals and leylines of the Earth.
You learn how to make Ruby Temples of Light, which will allow the Elementals, the Nature Spirits, within the locality of you creating this Temple, to come for Ascension on their soul journey also.
The Elemental realm evolves slower than Humanity is capable of and this allows the Fairies, the Unicorns, Pixies, the Sprites, the Gnomes and all the other Elements who wish to receive this deep internal love and harmony, and through assisting their upgrade we assist with opening up once again the Fairy Heart Portals on Earth, and this journey to reopen the Fairy Heart portals on Earth begins after the Solstice moment.
You will have the knowledge and understanding, which will be downloaded into you through a Galactic Fairy Heart attunement on your role in this process.
On the day of the actual Solstice Alphedia led a drumming in the Elf woods in Merlindale at sunrise around 4:30am BST. She also welcomed the Fairies, the Elementals and Water Sprites on their day of celebration too from Merlindale that morning.
Alphedia activated the anchoring of the Ruby Ray returning it into the Earth at the Sun Disc within Roslin Glen at 3:00pm, as well as working with the Fairies to start the activation of the Fairy Heart Codes reconnecting with Humanity.
The Roslin Sun Disc is a massive Earth Heart Portal. The Rose Line of Mary Magdalene leyline runs through here also.
Alphedia channels Mary Magdalene from Roslin on the Earth Healing work and offers a Magdalene Solstice Soul Blessing.
You are then able to do activation work to create a Ruby Temple where ever you are in the world. You work with the Crystal Skulls, Dragon Skulls and Unicorns Skulls too for crystal healing.
Upgraded Resurrection Codes New Moon Solar Eclipse Workshop
The next day, the New Moon Solar Eclipse took place at 7:39am BST with the New Moon in Cancer at 7.41am BST.
Alphedia holds the Eclipse moment, channeling through energies for you to focus on for the New Moon which took place two minutes later.
Later that evening Alphedia channelled a New Moon Solar Eclipse Upgraded Resurrection Codes Workshop with the Egyptian deities Lord Osiris, Sun God Ra, Horus and Goddess Isis.
This offers you a unique opportunity to radically and comprehensively transform your holographic matrix and move further into soul mastery. This Resurrection is the process of moving further into the Crystalline body matrix.
Activating your DNA light codes to a higher calibration and supporting you in releasing yourself from the lower frequencies of Third Dimensionality and further into Unification with Divine Source.
It is an opportunity for cellular regeneration and resurrection in all areas of life you bring forward to the table. The resurrection codes offer for you not only transformation within vibrationally, deepening your closeness with Divine, but also a return to former glory in your purity as a soul, a spark of the divine light within.
This transmission upgrades your vibrational frequency 150% and supports you as you commit to inner resurrection moving further out of the inverted matrix and into full light embodiment of the Christed light within. The Christed Light being the pure high frequency understanding and embodiment of Divine Love.
- This workshop starts with an invocation and tuning in meditation.
- Alphedia then channels God Osiris.
- You set your New Moon healing intentions and wishes as well as your soul manifestations in this powerful portal time.
- You experience a Resurrection Codes Ascension sphere attunement as well as an activation from the Resurrection Egyptian God himself Osiris.
- You are led on a channeled guided meditation and deep healing to connect with the resurrection Deities of Egypt.
- You are then taken on a transmission for healing into the Sphinx for here the Akashic records of the old Earth are stored.
New chambers open up for you to gain access to and to assist you with the creation with the New Earth Dream. New moons are always a good time to manifest the new into reality and you will already have been led through a New Moon wishes exercise by Alphedia so that you already are aware of what your heart is wishing to manifest at this time, not only for you but for your Monadic group and for Mother Earth as well.
You experience teachings you may have forgotten and you re-birth anew. Through this transmission you receive upgraded Resurrection light keys which will help you, particularly if you’ve been struggling to move out of old patterned ways of being, to step through with ease into your higher Multidimensional Self Consciousness.
The energies of this New Moon Eclipse in Cancer are supporting the return of the true Divine Masculine Template to be anchored onto the Earth.
You work with the Sun God Ra to reconfigure and recalibrate the Divine Masculine template within you, whether you are Male or Female in this incarnation. This is done through the Ruby Ray and the Christed Light Grid.
This also helps you connect more deeply with the crystalline grids of the Earth, allowing you to activate with greater ease when you go to sacred sites, not only the Emerald Cities and Temples but the creation of the Ruby Ray Cities of Light.
As always, Auraengus Manu finishes the New Moon workshop and the retreat experience with a beautiful Gong Bath to anchor the New Moon Eclipse Light codes onto Earth and to rebalance and integrate you from this wonderful retreat experience.
This is a great time to celebrate bridging the communications between the Fairies and Elementals and Humanity.
As always Alphedia channels the sacred instruments and offers you beautiful Sound Healing through the experience and using her intuition to support you.
Channelled Message from Mother Gaia
Greetings, greetings, greetings, I am Mother Gaia.It is with honour and joy I come forward at this time.I am calling all of you to support me at this potent time on Earth to work with not only the Fairies, but the Dragons, the Ruby Ray Dragons who will be a big part of your healing journey if you journey to the Sun Disc or the leyline for the activation work.
You will also receive a Ruby Ray Dragon blessing as well as an invitation to their ashram within inner Earth. It is time for Divine Love to win. It is time for you all to open your hearts more fully to this powerful Ray of Light and to remember that you have come to Earth to not only support your mission, but many other light beings’ missions too.You are asked to be of service now dear ones, for the Resurrection is not only within Humanity, but it is within all the Realms and it is my own Resurrection too that we are here for.
Here to herald in the Light, to activate your inner love light and to support you in eradication of the grief vibration from my energy field. I will work with you in the preparation workshop on this to purge the grief frequency. Know this is a potent opportunity for you all to have a massive consciousness upgrade, as well as cellular upgrade and crystalline resonance upgrade.
You are being protected dear ones, you are being deeply, deeply loved and supported and as you create these Ruby Temples whether they be out at sea, up in the clouds, on top of a mountain, deep in a forest, by a river or lake, in your own garden, you are increasing my vibration, my frequency and thereby default increasing your frequency also too.
Know dear ones that you are Divinely blessed in all ways, always.
Feedback on this experience:
I found today's workshop especially transformative & has given me great clarity & I feel much better & somehow more prepared for what's to come. Also the Ruby cave & Galactic fairy portal attunement were very powerful & anchoring the ray yesterday felt very important & very satisfying. Thank you everyone who joined & especially our hosts Alphedia, Auraengus & all our guides & especially mother Gaia.
What an amazing retreat & group of people we are. Ashana UK
Thank you Alphedia and Auraengus, and everyone participating! Woo hoo! I feel like a new person feeling lighter in creating love and joy for our Earth healings. Details of retreat were very clear and I was able to access all videos, join in zoom and so enjoyed meeting everyone in our private facebook group. Awesome to transform with workshop meditations and clearing issues with people of similar sharing experiences. I loved drumming in the forests and gong bath. The energies from our guides were so intense and amazing . Looking forward to more in future! lots of love! 💕🌈☀️ Beth USA
I’ve loved this virtual retreat and the ability to connect with everyone in real time from out here in Cali. I have felt more empowered to stand in my truth, trust my divine path and in my intuitive vision. I loved the 4 am drumming in the solstice and Roslin Glen activations videos—as a distance participant for retreats in the past, it is so nice to SEE these sacred sites and ceremonies. Loved Auriel’s fern blessing too! 😀 I feel so blessed by all the love and support of the deities, angels, and elementals and gifted to be a part of this group. Thank you, Alphedia and Auraengus, for all your hard work, wisdom, and talents that have brought this retreat into my home! Happy Solstice! ☀️💗💕 Jackie USA
It was amazing and so very powerful!! I am so Blessed for having been a part of this!! It was beautiful the way you and Auraengus hold the space, always with joy and big generosity. Maria Portugal
It has been a privilege and a joy to be a part of this group of wonderful souls coming together to anchor the Ruby Ray onto the Earth once again. Thank you Alphedia for holding the space for us all and for supporting our individual journeys as well as our work collectively and of course for bringing through the wisdom of the deities. As always, thanks to Auraengus for facilitating in all areas so inclusively and compassionately. All Sallah Klien Scotland
So thrilled! This entire retreat has been beyond the wildest dreams of my hearts desires Lisa USA
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website.