🟡 Seraphim Angels Loving Light Meditation
The Seraphim Angels are one of the highest vibrations of Angels to connect with at this time and are here to offer healing to your energy systems.
🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.
This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.
Workshop took place 13th January 2016.
Supported by Alphedia playing the Tibetan singing bowls and other musical instruments as well as toning and anchoring the codes through her voice an incredibly beautiful powerful healing meditation awaits you.
These meditations allow you greater illumination into who you are and aid you in your offering as a lightworker in increasing the vibrations on Planet Earth for the good of all.
Alphedia attunes you to this angelic vibration through this meditation to make it easier for you to connect with the Seraphim Angels in your daily life.
Channelled Message from the Seraphim Angels
Greetings we are the Seraphim Angels of light and we step forward to offer you this hours healing meditation journey. We are very high vibration Angels who many of you may have heard of but few of you have worked with us.
We work a lot with sound codes and we will be channeling through the Tibetan singing bowls for this healing journey also.The energies of 2016 accelerate once again.
More divine love light floods to the Planet Earth and those who are living upon it will all be affected. However, when you are flooded with the love vibration it challenges the part of you that is wounded and all of humanity is carrying wounding because of your separation from Divine Source because you were allowed free will during the Atlantean experiment and this allowed you to disconnect from Divine Source if you chose.
There will have been times in this incarnation and in previous where you have held unloving thoughts towards yourself and others and these create energy structure pathways which constrict when you are engulfed with pure Divine Love.
Hence you cry, release or indeed many reject receiving this powerful vibration. So we Seraphim Angels step forward with our loving light to gently prepare your energy system for what is to come throughout 2016.
To open up the pathways that may choose to constrict, to help you clear the vibrations of rejection, hurt, anger, self-suffering and disaffection. In essence we will be fine tuning your radio soul signature note, for it to sing higher and to be more refined.
This will aid you with physical health, poor mental processing, forgetfulness, disorganisation, apathy, lack of motivation and feelings of being lost.
The sacred codes we will channel through will allow you to remember your oneness with source. We will work on your chakra system up to the 18th chakra. For the 18th chakra is pure love, unconditional and for those of you who are ready this meditation will offer an accelerated increase in conscious awareness of truth and ability to see through the drama of the Earth realms and aid you in further enhancing your spiritual growth and connection with your Creator, your home planet, your soul group and your guides.
It will be a privilege to work on each of your energy systems as we build a powerful web of light around the world at the start of 2016. Namaste.”
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.