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🟡 Sirian Be the Change; Follow your Inner Light

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🟡 Sirian Be the Change; Follow your Inner Light
Product Details
Workshop date: 20th October 2021
Duration approximately: 2.5h
Please note: Video & Audio downloads available. No personal message is included

The transmutive power of the fire energy is assisting this Full Moon as a Sirian Gateway opens to assist humanity in stepping up to a higher level, by following our Inner Light. Workshop can be listed to any time in future.

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

This workshop is now available on Video & MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. No personal message is available.

Workshop took place 20th October 2021.

This Full Moon in the sign of Aries occurred at 3.56pm BST.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and it is a fire sign.

The transmutive power of the fire energy is assisting this Full Moon as a Sirian Gateway opens to assist humanity in stepping up to a higher level, by following our Inner Light.

Each of us is on our own unique soul path.

Each of us is here to support the New Earth birthing.

To assist with the changes that require to occur on Earth.

To change the consciousness of humanity and to embed fully into the 5th Dimensional Template.

This Full Moon is heralding a further rebirthing process and in order to rebirth, one must let go and change.

Humanity has been conditioned through fear programming and through subservience to resist change.

But now is the time to let this go, to let go of any stagnation in all areas of our life.

To be ready to rebirth and move forth with greater ease, as the process of the movement to one chakra continues.

This is an opportunity in particular to work with the Galactic Masters from all different Star Systems including your home star or planet.

This workshop will be led by the Sirians, connecting you to the consciousness of your Galactic Master guides.

The Sirians are pioneer technicians of healing techniques on Earth. Balancing leylines and Earth healing and by far are the most populous of the star seeds incarnate on Earth at this time.

As always Alphedia Arara will channel live the Galactic Masters to bring through the wisdom that they wish to give us in the Portal of this Aries Full Moon.

In this Workshop:

The workshop will start with an invocation and you setting intentions, to follow your inner light and to state the areas of your life you would like changes to be made within.

You will be led on a preparation guided meditation, channelled live through Alphedia, supported by the sacred instruments of the Tibetan singing bowls, percussion, the koshi chimes, and the puzz drum to bring through the higher frequencies.

You will go on your Full Moon self realisation exercises to look at the areas of your life where you are requiring to make changes. You will look at what is stopping you making changes or who is stopping you making changes.

You will then receive a Galactic Masters Ascension Sphere Attunement so that you can connect with the masters who wish to come forward with their galactic wisdom to support your soul at this exciting point of liberation.

You will then be led on the Full Moon channelled live Transmission with the Galactic Masters. You will be collected by a Sirian space craft which will take you to a Sacred Temple on Sirius B.
In this Temple galactic masters and healers from all over the galaxy will connect with you and you will have a profound and powerful healing experience bringing to you wisdom and knowledge about who you are and the path ahead for you and what changes you can bring into place to bring more fulfilment, joy and happiness into your life.

They will take you through a multidimensional healing activation performed by the Orions, the Sirians, and the Pleiadians.
This will allow you to make the choice of how much change you wish to bring in through this next moon cycle. You will have the opportunity to fast track your soul's evolution at the pace you wish it to occur at. You will have the opportunity to be the change and as you are the change, you bring the change not only for your monad group but you change the consciousness within humanity also.

You will be assigned new missions working with the Crystalline Matrixes as well as new Galactic Guides, who wish to see you and support you through to the Solstice Point in December.
This meditation transmission will be supported with deep sound healing to take you with ease into theta state, so you are able to be conscious when connecting with these powerful beings of light, through your multidimensional self and in higher dimensions.

After the transmission you will receive an integrating healing from the beautiful Sirian Tigers Eye crystal skull.

Channelled Message from the Galactic Masters

“Greetings, greetings, greetings, my name is Master Rankantu, I am a Galactic Master from Sirius B.

Now Sirius B is often known as the spiritual Sirius star, that is because most of us who study, who train here are interested in esoteric energies and bringing in change through raising our consciousness.

We on Sirius B have been through our Ascension Process at the stage you are at now. We are now shifting from the eighth dimension to the tenth dimension, so we are too going through our change process.

Many humans are very fearful of change, it has been programmed in you to fear change.

We will be working on the catastrophobia miasm.

This is the miasm which the fall of Atlantis allowed for the corruption within the DNA matrix of humanity.

Programmed within, this was the fear matrix, which was not evident within human consciousness until this time.

We wish to assist you in removing you from the catastrophobia miasm.

Which for many means that you fear the worst, that you stay small, hidden, unseen, for fear of attack, corruption or manipulation.

There is no longer any place for this within humans DNA, and this miasm has to go.

We are calling on the souls that are ready and willing to assist with the detachment of the catastraphobia matrix within humanity, which grip 96% of humans.

Allow us to bring to you the inner security.

Allow us to aid you with the change you require to make.

Which all of humanity requires to make and allow us to show you your inner light.

To reconnect you to that part of you that has been switched off.

And as we reconnect you to your inner light, life starts to flow with ease.

You are able to no longer stay hidden in the shadows, but to be seen burning bright with your inner fire.

This Aries moon is an exciting opportunity and we offer you all of our support and guidance, on behalf of all the Galactic masters,


Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.