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🟡 Solar Light Codes Healing Modality Workshop

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🟡 Solar Light Codes Healing Modality Workshop
Product Details
Workshop date: 16th July 2023
Duration approximately: 2 hours
Please note: There is no personal message available with this recording. Instant download available.

Solar Light Codes Healing with Apollo Sun God and Solarus Sun to activate further layers of your own healing powers and for a new healing modality to be brought through onto Earth..

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

This workshop is now available on MP3 audio and MP4 video download automatically at purchase.

This course was recorded at a new moon as this was the powerful portal to bring the channeling through. You can listen any time to the recording and go back into the portal for the powerful experience. This course was channelled in the new moon portal

Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available with the recording.

Workshop took place 16th July 2023.

Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu with Greek God Apollo and Solarus Sun Consciousness.

After the powerful Summer Solstice (in Northern Hemisphere) the Sun emitted many solar flares.

This showered Earth with powerful healing codes of Light to assist with the Planet’s Ascension.

Many have been forgetting we are on a mission here at this time on Earth for the bigger picture of the Creation of the New Earth.

The Sun plays a vital role in this process in its ability to release frequencies that support mass consciousness shifts.

The Solstice Point and the activation of the Rainbow Merkaba allowed deep unresolved soul issues to come to the surface for addressing for the collective.

All that is hidden in society is coming to the light in the macrocosm to process for the individual microcosm.

This means that what you were unaware of within, unwilling to be aware of, or conscious of, now can no longer be ignored.

There is a pressure building to process and acknowledge deep soul traumas, wounds and patternings that require to be repurposed, resolved and ultimately healed within.

The watery energy of Cancer the great mother sign is supporting us in being ready to dive deep at a soul level to truly heal.

This web class brings with it a great relief, comfort and energy boost to fulfil not only soul missions but support the collective Ascension process.

Part of the healing process for this particular New Moon was to allow you to activate further layers of your own healing powers and for a new healing modality to be brought through onto Earth.

The Sun God Apollo has worked with many of you in the Healing Sun Temples in the past.

Many of you trained in the Atlantean Sun Healing Temples and are ready to awaken your Solar Healing powers once again.

In this web class you will learn more about your Solar Healing abilities and have the opportunity to gain further training in a certificated course.

In this workshop you will receive Solar Light Code Healing for yourself at the current stage you are on.

This will be a very nurturing healing experience to assist you in processing and integrating the Solar releases to Earth.

You have the opportunity for holographic repair to your energy system,

Healing of any psychic attacks you have been exposed to,

And preparation for remembering your past working with the Solar Consciousnesses to support Soul Ascension.

In this Workshop:

Alphedia Arara will lead you through an invocation to connect with Solarus Sun Consciousness and the Sun God Apollo.

You will then be led on a guided New Moon meditation in Cancer supported by sound healing with the Tibetan singing bowls.

You will receive an Apollo Sun God channelling about the Solar Light Codes.

You will have the opportunity to create New Moon in Cancer wishes.

You will receive a Solarus Sun Ascension Sphere Attunement.

You will then be led on the channelled Transmission Solar Light Code Healing with Apollo Sun God and Solarus sun supported by high frequency sound healing and channelled light language.

This healing will be very soothing for the central nervous system.

It will reconnect the synapses in your brain to switch on full function and bring in a full integration of any frequencies your matrix has struggled to process.

Then there will be a Crystal Skull healing and integration transmission with Lunarity.

This workshop culminates with the live New Moon in Cancer Gong Bath to assist you with integration and healing through the all-pervading frequencies of the Lotus Gong with Auraengus Manu.

Channelled message from the Solarus Sun

“Greetings to those on Earth.

It is great to connect consciousnesses with you.

Many of you are remembering your connection to my light and my consciousness.

Many of you trained in the Solar Temples offering your thanks and harnessing my codes to sustain and support humanities and all of life on Earth’s sustenance.

The time now is on Earth is intense.

I have increased my Light emissions ten fold and many on Earth are struggling to integrate the frequencies.

Indications of this are tiredness, disorientation, inability to focus, manifest and create.

Some of you may feel very emotional, physical pain and also may be being challenged in many different ways.

This is because you are reaching the climax point of preparation for the Full Seventh Dimensional Earth Template overlay happening on 8th August 2023. (8.8 Gateway)

This process is intense and also is offering you opportunities to step up as the Master Healers you are.

I will be connecting you with the new light codes in this transmission which will allow you to move with ease and grace through the inner shifts and changes occurring on a holographic level within your matrix in the next few months.

The question is do you wish to move through with ease and grace?

Or do you wish to continue with the resistances that have built up in over thousands of years?

The choice is simple but many still do not fully trust in the Light.

This will be a powerfully transformative session of healing for you all.

You are welcomed


This course is a prerequisite course for the Solar Light Healing training Course being offered in the future.

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email :[email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.