🟢 Angel Meditations Package- 25 Angel Meditations
Angels are beings of love and light that exist in higher dimensional realms to the physical one we live in. Every human has a Guardian Angel that is with them from the moment they are conceived till the time they pass over and beyond. Your Guardian Angel loves you unconditionally and is always by your side.
As humans we have free will however and require to give our Angel permission to help us in our lives. All humans have a sixth sense through which we can communicate with the Angelic Realm.
At a time when life is so stressful for many, the angel meditations give you an opportunity to not only connect with your angelic guides, but to be healed, supported and prepared on a deep energetic level for the next phase of the ascension path. Alphedia Arara channels the angels in these meditations to support you at this time on Earth.
🟢 This course is appropriate for all levels but is accessible at a Beginners Awakening level course where basic spiritual understandings are introduced in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.
No experience of working with the angels is required, or even meditation, as you are lovingly guided and supported through Alphedia Arara, who has been facilitating and channelling the angels to assist with healing for over a decade now.
This package includes the following 25 Angel meditations:
Feeling Safety Archangel Michael Meditation
Opening the Heart Centre Archangel Chamuel Meditation
Abundance Angels - Moving out of the Lack Vibration Meditation
Accessing Inner Purity with Archangel Gabriel Meditation
Removing Unworthiness Vibration Archangel Gabriel Meditation
Accessing Wisdom and Truth with Archangel Sandalphon Meditation
Accessing Your Highest Soul Potential - Seraphim Angels Meditation
Self Love Angel Meditation - Archangel Chamuel & Archangel Jophiel
Heart Healing with Heart Centre Archangel Chamuel Meditation
Throat Chakra Archangel Gabriel Meditation
Inner Truth Archangel Haniel Meditation
Soul Growth and Healing Archangel Metatron Meditation
Forgiveness and Self Acceptance Archangel Raziel Meditation
Clearing Blocks in Trust Archangel Sandalphon Meditation
Self Love Archangels Chamuel & Charity Meditation
Releasing Childhood Conditioning Archangels Raphael and Zadkiel Meditation
Change and Transformation Archangel Zadkiel Meditation
Awakening the Light Within Balancing the masculine and Feminine within meditation
Breaking Free from Limitations Meditation - Archangel Metatron
Chakra System Upgrade with Archangels Zadkiel & Metatron Meditation
Clearing the Vibration of Lack with Archangel Ariel Meditation
Elohim Angel Holographic Field Healing Meditation
Moving Beyond Limitations with Archangels Raphael & Zadkiel Meditation
Healing yourself with the Power of Love with Chamuel & Raphael Meditation
Deepening Connection with Guardian Angels Meditation