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🟢 Crystal Being Consciousness Workshops

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🟢 Crystal Being Consciousness Workshops
Product Details
Workshop date: 31 July 2015
Duration approximately: 1.5 hrs
Please note: There is no personal message available with this recording

The Crystal Beings are the Elemental guardians of the Crystal Kingdom and they offer their support for us. Crystals are an important part of holding the consciousness of this time. Working with crystals and their beings can bring through great soul healing and support.

The July Full Moon of 2015 in Aquarius was known as a Blue Moon as it was the second Full Moon within that month. The stunning energies of the Crystal Being Consciousness stepped forward to assist us with our healing in this moon cycle. The Full Moon occurred at 11.42am and was in the star sign of Aquarius.

Alphedia Arara channels the Crystal Being Consciousness live. She introduces you to different types of crystals and how to work with the Crystal Beings as well as leading you on a self-realisation exercise and a live channeled healing meditation which is supported by Alphedia playing Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, drum and voice work.

The full moon workshops are popular powerful healing workshops and no experience is required to take part, just a willingness to allow yourself to heal and connect to your divine life path and receive soul wisdom.

Channeled Message from the Crystal Being Consciousness

“We speak as one voice but there are thousands, millions in fact of us in existence. We are offering to assist humanity now in the crystallisation of your energy matrix. This refining of your energy matrix is part of the ascension process, part of you increasing in energy vibration and being able to hold higher frequency light. As your energy field crystalizes, you are able to release and let go of previous negative programming that stops you seeing how wonderful, beautiful and how divinely powerful you are.

We wish in this mediation, to take you to connect with the different crystalline frequencies that your soul is calling out to work with now. We wish to meet with you and give you guidance and wisdom about your soul’s progress and about what will assist you bringing more peace, healing, balance and harmony into existence.

We in particularly wish to help you heal from grief, trauma and any physical manifestations of ill health you are experiencing. We Crystal Beings are powerful healers; for our frequencies can start to break down stagnant and discordant energies at a deep cellular level.

We also wish to assist you in cleansing your thoughts and purifying your thoughts about self. We also wish to offer the codes held deep within the Mother Earth that are ready to be accessed by humanity once again. Allow yourself to connect into our frequencies.

Know that you are divinely loved always.The Crystal Kingdom is increasing in importance as a tool to help Gaia heal and those who dwell on her. Blessed Be. Blessed Be.”