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🟢 Emotional Healing with the Unicorns Workshop

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🟢 Emotional Healing with the Unicorns Workshop
Product Details
Workshop date: 30 April 2018
Duration approximately: 2.5
Please note: Audio download available. There is no personal message available with this recording

As the Earth energy vibration increases, emotions are intensified and those emotions which are not concordant with the higher light will be amplified in order for you to look at them, honour them and release them.

🟢 This course is appropriate for all levels but is accessible at a Beginners Awakening level course where basic spiritual understandings are introduced in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. This course was recorded at a full moon as this was the powerful portal to bring the channeling through. You can listen any time to the recording and go back into the portal for the powerful experience. No personal message is available with the recording.

Workshop took place 30th April 2018.

Alphedia Arara channels the Unicorn Realm to assist you with harnessing the full moon’s energy of 30th April 2018 in Scorpio

The energies of the Scorpio Full Moon are all about transforming deep emotional issues.

The Unicorns come forth to offer you their powerful Divine Love energy, cleansing your emotional body.

This full moon allows you to clear out emotional miasms, which are just stuck energy, which you may have brought forth from past lives, you may have inherited through your ancestral line, or you may have created in this incarnation.

In this workshop from the unicorns they offer for you the opportunity for deep emotional purging, soothing you and your emotional body, so that you find it easier to return to that place of truth, balance and love.

Once you live from a place of love, the emotional body being in this perfect balance as a being of love, exudes out into every area of your life, allowing you to have loving transactions, relationships and experiences.

Many of us on earth struggle to fully sit in the Divine acceptance that we are love.

But once we are freed from the thought forms and the emotions that have been conditioned into us that have caused us to forget, our souls move into this place of deep peace, relaxation, and the energy of Divine Love flows into all our interactions, creating a wonderful, blissful experience of existence on the Earth.

This is us moving into the return of the Golden Age.

  • In this workshop, Alphedia Arara channels the Unicorn Realm.
  • You will, as always, be taken a on a self realisation exercise which the energies of the Scorpio moon really will assist you in having an honest look at where your emotions are out of balance.
  • The Unicorns will help you see through their eyes of Divine Love how to create a reality here on earth that is joyous, happy, loving and peaceful. The Unicorns say we can all do this and it is easier for us this moon to start to work this way.
  • You will then be taken on a powerful healing guided meditation to allow you to make shifts this moon and to set your intentions for creating this balanced, happy, loving, joyous and peaceful reality of life on earth.

This is a great opportunity to receive healing and wisdom to see you through the next stage of your spiritual journey.

The full moon workshops as always are supported with Alphedia channeling sound healing through the singing bowls, drum and percussion and voice work, creating a blissful experience for your soul at this stage on your ascension journey.

Channelled message from the Unicorn Realm

Greetings Dear Ones, We are very honoured and privileged to come forth and support you with this next moon cycle.

We come through with our compassion and our deep love for you. In this meditation and workshop we will assist you in deeply purging emotions you have been struggling with and trying to release from your deep soul level, some of which you may not even be consciously aware of but are holding you back in creating your dream reality.

We wish this to be a deeply healing experience, as the energies have been very intense so far this year. The creation of the Temple of Light at the Solstice is causing Mother Earth to also purge from her emotional body, and this is destabilising some of you.

Some deep wounds or issues in relationships that have been buried, but it is now time to look at, to bring them into balance and to complete healing are coming to a head.

The Unicorns will take you to a beautiful Healing Temple. You will work with many different types of us in our Realm, but we will be working on the emotional body.

To bring it into balance and alignment, to open the heart chakra more fully. To allow you to experience and to express a deeper love vibration within your Holographic Matrixes.

We call out to everyone who is ready to harness a higher frequency of Divine Love.

We will work with the 10th Dimensional Unicorns, who will allow your emotional body to upgrade 200%. This will allow you to have a deeper understanding of where others are at emotionally when you interact with them, but also to allow you to experience stronger, more balanced emotions of Joy, Bliss, Love and Peace.

To allow you to be kinder, less judgmental towards yourself, and then by default you increase your self worth.

We will work on your Light Merkaba and we will assist you in activating it and harnessing the Divine Love frequencies through it. This Merkaba Healing we will integrate will allow you to increase your vibrationary speed, which allows you to become more psychically aware.

But this Moon brings up powerful emotions, and in particular the grief vibration. We will take you through a special grief healing chamber.

We will work with the humanity consciousness to send love, to seed love into every human. And by helping to facilitate with this, you help with earth healing, you help with Mother Earth’s emotional body. And we will also work on balancing Mother Gaia’s emotional body too in an Earth Healing section.

Know that we Unicorns surround you deeply in Divine Love. We offer you this opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the next stage of your emotional growth as an individual soul and as a race at large, and our messages will support you in this also.

It is time for you to allow yourselves to be supported emotionally this way. It is a moon that will bring with you an emotional reset to allow you to feel more at one with Divine Source should you choose. Namaste, blessed be.”

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.