🟢 Fairy Queen Oonagh Imbolc Workshop
Fairy Queen Oonagh is like a spiritual life coach and is offering us this time at Imbolc to bring more positivity into our lives. To manifest happiness for the months ahead and raise our spirits.
This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.
Workshop took place 3rd February 2017.
Imbolc is the Celtic Sabbat celebrating the start of Spring and astrologically it fell on 3rd February 2017.
At this time of year, the Earth is stirring once again as the snow drops burst through the ground signalling that Mother Earth and the Fairies are awakening from their winter slumber. It is a time of anticipation and excitement in the natural world. The days are noticeably lengthening and unseen activity can be felt by all.
Irish Fairy Queen Oonagh came forward to offer an Imbolc meditation and channelling from the Fairy realms. She is the Fairy Queen of beauty, divine magic, movement and motivation.
The joyous energy of the Fairy realm is infectious and she aids you in connecting more deeply to the flower fairies and their fairy magic to bring positive uplifting energy into your life. This will aid you in making projects and changes happen. Imbolc is a time to start movement once again.
- In this workshop Alphedia Arara channels Fairy Queen Oonagh, who takes you on a guided meditation with her and teaches plant communication with snowdrop flowers. Each flower has wisdom to offer and you will go on a flower journey to receive healing and wisdom from the devas of the snowdrops and learn how to communicate with flower devas.
Channelling from Fairy Queen Oonagh
“I come forward with great excitement on this special day! We in the fairy realms love the return of the light. It brings us strength and happiness.
We have recharged of the winter months and are now ready to reclaim our role in the return of the green ray to Earth.
Imbolc is an exciting time for humans too as you can feel the energies of movement and momentum start to return to reawaken your creativity and joy. In the meditation I will work with you to bring excitement and positivity back into your consciousness, to help you harness your talents you have to offer the world and to bring in the fun vibration.
The snowdrop devas offer to start to awaken you to their consciousness for they are different to fairies. They hold the divine blueprint of each plant and each plant has holographic healing as well as herbal healing properties.
The snowdrop devas will take you on a journey into their realm from where you will bring back wisdom and truth about yourself.Mother Earth provides tools for all her species of which humans are one. Snowdrops are very significant flowers.
They offer a cleansing energy which allows you to access clarity and truth in your life. It is an honour to hold the energies of this Sabbat for you all. Blessed Be.”
"I've listened to the recordings now and I loved them! Very inspiring. I love the fact too that you are channeling and not only reading from a pre-prepared script. I danced with the fairies this morning and am just about to start a fairy energy inspired painting. My card that you drew was spot on. I wish I lived closer! Blessings and light" Christine, England
"I do love the Faery and their energy! and this workshop is so beautiful and I will listen to it again.. the Faeries have been there for me and I’m so glad that many more people can share with their guidance and enlightenment." Geni, England