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🟢 Merlin Wizard Vortex Healing Transmission: Balancing Metabolism

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🟢 Merlin Wizard Vortex Healing Transmission: Balancing Metabolism
Product Details
Workshop date: 9th September 2023
Duration approximately: 1h 15m
Please note: Instant download available. There is no personal message available with this recording

Join Auraengus Manu and Alphedia Arara along with Merlin the Celtic Wizard for this month’s powerful group healing to balance our metabolism.

Workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase.

Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. No personal message available.

Workshop took place 9th September 2023.

Auraengus Manu is a trained and accomplished Merlin Vortex Wizard in this lifetime and many others.

Alphedia Arara has been channelling Merlin for over 15 years.

In this session you will experience Merlin Vortex group healing along with Alphedia channeling Merlin live on the day.

Merlin is a powerful Ascended Master, healer, alchemist, guide and wizard.

This month Merlin offers to assist us in balancing our metabolism to cope with the high frequency light changes occurring on the Earth.

To integrate the codes of light takes energy and we have to metabolise this energy into our cells to get the full Ascension benefits we are seeking.

Our "metabolism" refers to the chemical (metabolic) processes that take place within our body, traditionally converting food and drinks into energy to fuel the bodies functions.

As we lighten our energy fields and learn how to harness chi life-force energy from sources outwith the physical, it is important our bodies metabolic processes are in balance.

Our metabolism never stops even when we are resting or asleep.

It is still working to provide energy for key functions within the body.

These include digesting food, circulating blood, breathing, repairing and growing cells, regulating our temperature and managing hormones.

Our genetic inheritance, age, sex, fitness, stress levels and consumption habits and hydration can all affect our metabolism.

As we crystallise, we rise in frequency and we have the opportunity to work on a deep level to let go of habits that are causing imbalances within our metabolism.

Issues such as obesity, compulsive eating, chronic stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal and thyroid gland issues, genetic conditions.

These can all be worked on energetically, Merlin says, to improve your metabolism.

If we have a balanced metabolism we can assimilate the higher light codes with greater ease to support our Soul Ascension.

This means we get deeper spiritual insights and can feel healthier and more in balance.

When our metabolism is more in balance we have a better body/brain communication process also.

Merlin in this healing will work on balancing our over-active and under-active metabolisms energetically.

If you feel sluggish, overweight, unmotivated to exercise, unable to change eating habits, reduce stress levels your metabolism is struggling in its workload.

If you have an over-active metabolism, you may have difficulty putting weight on, feel the requirement to be busy all the time, have hormonal issues, become stressed more easily, causing the body to have difficulty repairing itself.

When we are balanced we are able to process metabolically what is required for the physical body to function but also spiritually by integrating the light codes more easily.

In this Merlin group vortex healing transmission, Auraengus Manu - a homeopath of over 30 years experience working with clients to regain health - will support you channelling Merlin and sharing his medical knowledge of the importance of a balanced metabolism.

Alphedia has a very fast metabolism. This means she struggles to gain weight, is unable to break down chemicals and drugs within the body in a safe way and has difficulty to deeply relax with ease.

This has resulted in diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome and chemical sensitivity syndrome in the past.

In this healing, Merlin channels live through Alphedia information he wishes to impart to us all on the importance of metabolism balancing to support our Ascension journeys and our journeys to wellness within.

Auraegus takes you on a channelled meditation journey with Merlin the Wizard running group Vortex Healing on your energy field as directed by Merlin.

This is a receiving process where you will feel the energy running through the Vortex healing on you.

In this session:

This healing takes the form of an energy transmission with Auraengus Manu and Merlin guiding you through this powerful Merlin Vortex group healing session so you can make the inner shifts your soul is seeking at this time and for the future also.

At the start of the workshop Alphedia Arara begins by channelling Merlin live on his guidance for our metabolism and issues Merlin sees are presenting for humanity.

He will also explain to you any information he wishes to bring forward to the group collective to support us going forward.

Merlin Vortex is a very powerful technique, it can work on addressing underlying physical and emotional health issues as well as removing spiritual blocks, Karmic knots and repairing any Divine Webbing breakages.

Merlin will not only be performing Auric healing work upon you, but also energetic removal of any entities and vibrations that are not conducive to your highest and best that are held within your matrix.

The magic of the Vortex is here to support you at this time on your own unique Ascension Path.

Merlin has decided to offer us monthly group healings since 2022 so more people can benefit from his healing skills and wisdom.

Please sign up to the newsletter to be notified of future courses.

For this healing it is recommended that you have a comfortable, peaceful and sacred place to receive it.

The transmission can be listened to as many times are you feel with support you and even years later it will be a benefit to you.

Have a blanket to keep you warm and plenty of fresh water to keep you hydrated.

As with all healing ( and indeed all life!) it is best to make sure you are well hydrated before the start.

Channelled message from Merlin :

“Greetings, greetings dear ones.

I am delighted to offer this month the opportunity to tackle an underlying issue many are facing at this time.

As few as 10% of humanity now have a balanced metabolism.

Your world of toxicity in your food chains, air, water, medical procedures and daily life pollution exposure are affecting you all and in turn the integration of the Codes of Light.

I am offering this healing to support the balance of your metabolism as I see it as the utmost importance for not only your physical health but your spiritual growth on Earth in human form also.

In this healing I will be also addressing any underlying genetic blueprint distortions and and enabling you to rebalance and return to health once again.

When you are able to integrate the light codes fully you will see a massive shift in your vibration and life path going ahead.

It is my joy to call you forth again.

Blessed Be”

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.