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🟢 Strengthen Personal Boundaries Merlin Group Vortex Healing

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🟢 Strengthen Personal Boundaries Merlin Group Vortex Healing
Product Details
Workshop date: 18.1.25
Duration approximately: 1.5 hrs
Please note: Audio & Video available to download at purchase. No personal message is available.

Join Auraengus Manu as he channels Merlin Vortex healing on Strengthening our Personal Boundaries. Merlin is a powerful wizard consciousness acting as our guide when accessing Vortex healing magic.

🟢 This course is appropriate for all levels but is accessible at a Beginners Awakening level course where basic spiritual understandings are introduced in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

In this group healing session Merlin is offering to work with you to strengthen your personal boundaries so you are able to say no to others and to feel strong in our own personal space and live in your intuitive heart space.

When we follow our intuitive hearts we are able to feel what is good for us intuitively and where others are taking advantage of us and trying to disempower us to get their own desires fulfilled.

Merlin asks "how many times have you felt yourself going along with someone else's agenda when you knew it was negatively affecting you to do so. That saying no or standing up for your rights and listening to your intuitive feelings would have been more beneficial for you?"

As children we often take on the conditioning that it is important to please others more than ourselves and that can mean that throughout life we can struggle to stand up for ourselves, feeling others are worth more than we are and leading us to suffer, feeling less than, angry and frustrated, wounded and even hurt.

This can particularly be the case if you have experienced trauma, abuse, gas lighting or ghosting in the past.

It can also be you have never learnt about personal boundaries and feel you have to give to others to be of service, to be liked, to be well thought of.

It is particularly important to have personal boundaries within a family set up particularly if you are a parent.

When we strengthen our personal boundaries we do not let others take advantage of us and we are able to recognise our own limit so are no longer over doing it in life or drained energetically by giving out to others.

This can include non physical beings and guides who may make requests of us as well.

Merlin will be offering in this group healing to dissolve away trauma memories and programmed patterning. Disconnect us from the collective consciousness regarding standing up for ourselves. Listening to our bodies as well as spiritual guides, to help us know when to stand up for ourselves.

Merlin will support you if you feel unworthy of setting boundaries, being able to speak your truth and stand up for yourself if you are being abused in someway or mistreated. This can include removing the blocks to seeking help and fears about getting into trouble if you don't do as you are told by someone.

Part of this healing will be to support you in living from your heart space and to be able to project your energy field so you have a strong and confident auric expression.

When you step fully into your true Divine Presence you step into your birth right Sovereign Power Space.

This is a universally recognised energetic space that Merlin says many souls have not yet connected with.

Some people fear getting into trouble, on the wrong side of or disappointing another.

Personal Boundaries also relate to increasing the love for yourself and treating yourself lovingly and kindly which is very important in the movement into 7th dimensional consciousness.

In this healing session:

You will get to experience Merlin Vortex group healing which is a wizard healing energy that shifts energy that is stuck, energy that is not integrated and focused and transforms it into a pure source light that your soul can use to assist with neutralisation of any discordance in your energy matrix.

Merlin is a powerful Ascended Master, healer, alchemist, guide and wizard.

Vortex healing is a very directed energy healing experience and brings great shifts into our lives.

You will feel the Vortex healing energy running through your body and be guided by Merlin on a journey in meditation to experience a profound and deep life healing channelled by Auraengus Manu.

Each session is different in what Merlin wishes to channel for us and how we receive it can transform our lives and health.

Merlin will work with you to dissolve any implants, stuck energies, darkness and lower frequencies held within your body matrix also.

At the start of the workshop

Alphedia Arara will start the session by welcoming you into Merlin's healing circle. She will call in all the names of the attendees at the start of the course and those booking at a later date.

Alphedia will lead you on an invocation to connect with Merlin and bring his light down into your energy matrix.

This short meditation will open up your light channels to prepare you for the vortex healing.

Alphedia will start by channeling Merlin the wizard on this topic of personal boundaries. You will receive a download from Merlin into your consciousness through Alphedia Arara on the Divine perspective on personal boundaries so you energetically understand them.

Alphedia will then take you through a Merlin Ascension Sphere attunement to raise your energy vibration with the crystals.

Auraengus will then take you on a powerfully healing Vortex guided journey with Merlin. This will be channelled live by Merlin through Auraengus.

You will feel the Vortex healing starting to integrate and recalibrate you within.

Merlin will be running different flavours of Vortex Healing on you including Black Tourmaline crystal for protection, Waters of Peace and Soul Alignment with Truth Vortex.

Merlin will work with you to heal any unworthiness held in your matrix, victim mentality and increase your love for self, knowing you are worthy of being respected and viewed as important and recognised for who you really are as a soul of light in your relationships.

Merlin Vortex is a very powerful technique, it can work on addressing underlying physical and emotional health issues as well as removing spiritual blocks, Karmic knots and repairing any Divine Webbing breakages.

Merlin will not only be performing auric healing work upon you, but also energetic removal of any entities and vibrations that are not conducive to your highest and best that are held within your matrix.

The magic of the Vortex is here to support you at this time on your own unique Ascension Path.

We are all here to be great and celebrated for our gifts and talents which are now ready to be fully shared and expressed for all to benefit.

Some of you may receive psychic guidance from Merlin during the transmission of healing and realisations to help you on your soul path head.

Channelled Message from Merlin

"Greetings ones of the light.

It is an honour for me to continue your group vortex healing sessions with me in 2025.

I see the great inner shifts you are all making and I am very honoured and blessed to offer my healing assistance with this.

In this session on strengthening your personal boundaries I offer to not only do this but to weed out areas of energetic weakness in your energy matrix that cause you to become disempowered.

Underlying obligation beliefs, duties, feelings of responsibility and societal conditioning on how to behave in life mean that you can loose sight of your own sovereignty.

To be Divinely Sovereign in your full soul integrity and soul expression is a major part of the ascension process.

To stand in your power and be respected and valued by others rather than disregarded or taken advantage of.

For those of you who suffer from inferiority, fear, anger and frustration this is borne out of your soul requirements being unfulfilled and your egos are trying to show you this.

Now is a great time to recognise and take responsibility for your boundaries and I would be delighted to support you with this.

Showing you what Divine boundaries are rather than ego boundaries and how to create boundaries and express them in loving and powerful ways to facilitate the best Divine outcomes for all.

It is an honour as always.


Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

In order to get to the most of the experience if you chose to watch live, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Depending on your strength of broadband and WiFi signal, will depend on the quality of the experience live, best to be connected with laptop or computer with a wired network connection.

However the levels will all be adjusted and set perfectly for you in the MP3 audio files and the Video recording that will be available for download after processing.

For this healing it is recommended that you have a comfortable, peaceful and sacred place to receive it whether live or via the recording.

The transmission can be listened to as many times are you feel with support you and even years later it will be a benefit to you.

Your energy and names will be called into the healing circle at the start of the workshop if you have booked in advance.

Have a blanket to keep you warm and plenty of fresh water to keep you hydrated.

As with all healing ( and indeed all life!) it is best to make sure you are well hydrated before the start.

This will be performed live on Vimeo video, with the recording video and MP3 available the next day after the event.

Merlin has decided to offer us monthly group healings since 2022 so more people can benefit from his healing skills and wisdom.

Please sign up to the newsletter to be notified of future courses.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at the office [email protected] or [email protected]

Technical issues: [email protected]

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard