🟣 Arcturian Light technology Codes Transmission
This is a transmission channelled by Alphedia to support the Arcturians in the Lion's Gate portal to bring a fleet of space crafts onto Earth to activate the leylines and bring through healing for Earth Ascension. This is a transmission where you can offer Earth Healing you are called to do.
🟣 This is an Enlightened Masters course. The spiritual concepts in this course are considered advanced. Alphedia explains them however so know if you feel drawn to this course you are ready to enjoy.
This workshop is now available on MP4 video and MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available with the recording.
Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu in their high vibration valley in Kilmichael Glen, Argyll as they support the Earth Ascension process in the powerful Lion’s Gate Portal with the Arcturian Star Beings.
This work allows for a fleet of Arcturian spaceships to descend onto Earth carrying the Arcturian light technology codes to activate the leylines to bring through more healing light for life on Earth.
Many of you are here on Earth as Earth Healers to support the Earth Ascension and receive the soul upgrades to fast track your personal Ascension process.
The Arcturians arrived in their 10th dimensional form to offer not only the Earth Activation in the Lion’s Gate peak at 8.8.23 but also to bring through a light transmission through your elemental bodies which is why you have been preparing with the dragons to balance your Elements within.
This healing was channelled live by Alphedia Arara from the Arcturian Star Beings.
The Arcturians come from the Star Arcturus and are helping with the Earth Ascension.
That is the process of increasing the frequency of the vibrational speed of humanity and other Earth dwellers as well as the Planet Earth herself.
The Arcturians brought the hand healing technology of Reiki to Earth which is a vibrational light healing modality and also a vehicle for consciousness evolution as we move from 3rd dimensional consciousness to the 5th dimension and now through this latest work with them to the evolution of 7th dimensional consciousness understanding.
As we move to this state of being we have an understanding of the consciousness of all living beings, telepathic communication, the ability to transform and transmute lower frequencies and to let go of egoic emotional drivers.
This activation not only opens the leyline (earth energy vibrational channels) to hold more light but also works on upgrading your physical matrix to be able to hold more light in a balanced and beneficial process for your health and spiritual growth.
This transmission was channelled live and you will feel deep in your heart a knowingness that you are part of this process and are ready to receive Arcturian healing to this level.
No training in reiki is required for this transmission just a willingness to be a conduit to support Mother Earth and her dwellers to increase their frequency.
When we increase our light frequency, we become more intuitive, more psychically aware, more in tune with our inner rhythms and the Earths and are able to comprehend a far vaster understanding of life on Earth and our role within this.
You are evolved now beyond the drama of life on Earth and have an understanding of your soul’s evolution, what your next steps and processes are in this incarnation and an understanding and trust in the Universe.
You are able to take action on opportunities presented to you and have a clear understanding of how to change your circumstances with ease, and live your life path in alignment with Divine Source heart truth.
In this transmission:
Alphedia prerecorded a channelling from the Arcturians and a guided meditation transmission with sound healing to prepare our matrixes for the landing of the space craft and the releasing of the Arcturian light through the Leylines of the Earth.
This you will be able to download when you purchase in order to listen before the Lion’s Gate peaking.
On the day of the 8.8.23 we joined Alphedia and Auraengus live in Dalriada in their Kilmichael Glen garden where the activation occured; this was channelled live with 8 people holding the energy physically.
In this transmission you will be granted a healing request by the Arcturians and be given a vision or knowing understanding of your path ahead to support your Ascension.
Channelling from Sanat Kumara Arcturian Emissary
“Now as I was saying this time on Earth is intense indeed and the physical restructuring that is occurring for humanity is creating a lot of energetic disturbance within the physical form.
Going forward now we in the Arcturian Consciousness are willing to be of service. Now you may wonder why we would come forth, we are the light technicians of the Galaxy, this is our speciality, and you are interested at this point in the light technology.
Keep going with your blue light theory. It’s so important for all of humanity to be imbuing themselves daily with the blue light, even if it is only for minutes. Daily is key in order to bring this frequency onto the Earth. Alphedia is a carrier of the blue ray and it is therefore vital importance for her also.
Now the collective gathering is to not only support the land ascension but to support a fleet of Arcturian spaceships to descend into the valley.
This will activate a powerful leyline grid down through the vortex at Kilmartin. First the Kilmichael has to be proceeded with its activation.
Now what this will do is bring a stabilisation for the Northern Hemisphere.
It is of vital importance that this collectively occurs and those energetically who wish to take part will be able to hold the space but it will require eight physical individuals to anchor the energy into both glens.
You will have to find the said individuals to do this work and to enable the process to begin it must start at the Lionsgate portal which opens of course at the start of next month.
Now the collective earth awakening is requiring many to put their ego drivers and aspects aside. Currently 0 .0003% of the population have the consciousness awareness of what we talk of. And the willingness to do this work.
You will call them, they will find you, so do not be alarmed. You will call forth those who are ready and honoured to be part of this process. Know that all is in alignment and Divine Accord.
Namaste. ”
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.