🟣 Creating the New Spiritual You Workshop
This healing will be a full realignment of your energy matrix and an adjustment to prepare you for Seventh dimensionality in physical form.
🟣 This is an Enlightened Masters course. The spiritual concepts in this course are considered advanced. Alphedia explains them however so know if you feel drawn to this course you are ready to enjoy.
This workshop is now available on MP4 video and MP3 audio download automatically at purchase.
This course was recorded at a full moon as this was the powerful portal to bring the channeling through. You can listen any time to the recording and go back into the portal for the powerful experience. No personal message available.
Workshop took place 5th May 2023.
Join Alphedia Arara as she channels this powerful workshop with the Sirian and Arcturian Star beings on the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon and Astrological Beltane Point.
This very rare occurrence of an Eclipse Full Moon falling on the astrological point of Beltane (the half way point between the Equinox and the June Solstice) makes this a potent time to radically change and upgrade your life and energy frequency.
This Full Moon was in the Water sign of Scorpio occurring at 18.34 with the Prenumbral eclipse point at 18.32.
The Beltane point fell at 19.19.
The Sirian and Arcturian Star Beings have been assisting humanity in the creation of the New Earth since the 21.12.21 shift and particularly now we are in the Aquarian Age having been through their own Ascension process to evolve their own races.
In this workshop Alphedia Arara channels the Star Beings as they take us to Arcturus to support us in creating a New You. This moon eclipse offers us the final chance to let go of aspects of our Soul whether it be karmic patterning, ancestral inheritance, conditioning or control by others to evolve and grow into our new upgraded higher selves.
This is a process many of you are ready for, to fully surrender the old and to step into the New You that you have been working on creating in this lifetime.
They take you to a healing temple on Arcturus where you are worked on with the most advanced light technician healers in Arcturus.
You will have all the aspects of your soul married together (at the time of the Astrological Marriage of the Masculine and Feminine each year in nature).
You will have the ability to return to wholeness and manifest the true expression of who you are on a soul level, creating a great opportunity to allow positive changes to manifest into being in your physical reality on Earth.
In this workshop Alphedia Arara will :
Channel a Full Moon Eclipse Invocation for you to use to connect with the Star Beings from Arcturus and Sirius.
Lead you on a channelled Full Moon Eclipse tuning in meditation with sound healing over the Full Moon and Eclipse Points which are honoured with your spiritual guides.
She channels the Arcturians to bring forward the message they wish to share with us.
You experience a Self Realisation exercise on what you wish to let go of as your create the New You and what you wish to bring into being for you.
You receive an Ascension Sphere Attunement to the Sirian Star Beings who will be preparing you with their powerful healing tools in the space craft on the way to Arcturus.
Then you are led on the powerful Full Moon Eclipse channelled meditation to create the New You.
This powerful healing is supported by light language transmissions and sound healing through Alphedia Arara.
The workshop ends with a healing from Alphedia’s Red Jasper Arcturian Crystal Skull to integrate and balance you.
Channelled message from the Arcturian Star Beings
“It is a great honour for us to come through this channel again and to awaken many to the healing role of Star Beings in the Earth Ascension Evolution process.
As pioneering souls many of you incarnate Star Seeds are here to assist with the creation of the New Earth.
It is our honour to offer you our most advanced healing for humanity yet.
You have worked hard and dedicatedly on the refining of your energy fields and deepening your connection to Divine Source.
In this healing the Sirian energy body technicians will be assisting us in preparing your energy fields first on their craft for your arrival on Arcturus.
In the preparation you will be able to shed the lower frequency aspects of your being that have kept you in the Earth Karmic wheel cycle.
Now this process of creating a New You will bring excitement within you if you are ready for this experience.
This healing will be a full realignment of your energy matrix and an adjustment to prepare you for Seventh dimensionality in physical form.
Humanity has achieved this process much sooner than we expected.
Admittedly not all the collective, but 50 souls is enough to lead the collective forward in the next two decades to come.
We are calling out to the pioneering souls who have remembered they came to Earth to experience this opportunity.
Are you one of them?
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.