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🟣 Monadic Ascension with Djwal Khul Workshop *

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🟣 Monadic Ascension with Djwal Khul Workshop *
Product Details
Duration approximately: 3 hrs
Transmission Date: 26 Oct 2024

Alphedia channelled Master Djwal Khul to support us in preparing our monadic group consciousness for this Gateway opening.

(This workshop is now available on MP3 audio and MP4 video downloads automatically at purchase. The course is cut into manageable audio tracks for listening to if you are unable to complete the course in one sitting. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available.

There was a video recording of this course as it took place without a live audience in attendance. No matter when you listen to this recording you enter the portal and will receive the healing wisdom available now on Earth in this timeline. Personal message is not available.

This was channelled to bring these teachings to us on Earth and can be listened to any time your soul is guided to these course teachings and healing. They are just as powerful as when recorded live through Alphedia Arara.)

🟣 This is an Enlightened Masters course. The spiritual concepts in this course are considered advanced. Alphedia explains them however so know if you feel drawn to this course you are ready to enjoy.

Alphedia has been asked to channel this advanced course to support those ready to experience Full Monadic Ascension on Earth.

The Gateway for this occurs on the 6th November 2024 so this course offering is to prepare the souls who are willing to lead their Monad Groups through this exciting opportunity on Earth!

This process began on Earth in 2017 and now, seven years on, the first wave of souls who are ready to experience Full Monadic Ascension can go through this now at the Samhain Portal in November.

This course is to prepare you for the next level of your Soul Ascension Process.

This is the process of moving fully, with your Monadic Group, into Galactic Ascension whereby you will expand your consciousness to full remembrance of your lifetimes in other star systems, your monadic groups purpose in the Universe, and to no longer be held back in your collective evolution by Earthly matters.

Galactic Ascension has not been possible to experience since Golden Atlantis times.

You will know in your soul if you are being called to this work.

Even if you feel you may not be ready to remember, your Monad Group has been ascending also and pulling you along with them.

This is an offering that will speak to your inner soul as a calling, a longing even to express yourself in Galactic Oneness.

Your ascension journey starts with the movement out of living in 3rd dimensionality where the focus is solely on you personally as an individual.

Your consciousness at this stage knows nothing other than your experiences and view of life on Earth.

You are limited in your thought forms and awareness of others, you are living through the conditioning of the collective, religious orders, governmental agendas and more often than not disconnected from a connection with Source Light within.

This is still where most of humanity is but since 2012 there has been a massive awakening going on.

As you awaken to your inner Divinity, connecting with your soul within, consciously, you realise that you can change and direct your life.

That you can follow your intuition and connect with your enlightenment of consciousness.

Leaving behind the lower ego programming of fear, hurt, jealously, anger, grief and revenge as you move more into Mastery.

You start to move into living in 5th dimensional consciousness focussing on love, community, joy, peace and happiness.

You have an understanding of healing that is required with the lower emotional frequencies and past traumas to process and actively engage in your own soul healing process. .

Your consciousness has evolved to understand you are part of a bigger collective and just one aspect of Divine Source.

Each one of you has what is known as a Monadic Soul Group; an Over Soul group of 12, with 12 other Over Soul groups making up 144 souls within your Monad.

The Monad is 144 soul extensions of a whole aspect of the Divine.

Your Monad Group are all on a collective mission but exploring, learning and growing as an individual spark of Divine Consciousness.

When you heal aspects within you, you heal it for the whole of your Monad Group .

Some Monad Groups advance fast but most have a few souls who get lost spiritually when they come to Earth.

Unable or unwilling to follow their inner call to enlightenment.

Often most of your Monad Group may not be incarnate on Earth but ascending in other Planets and Star Systems.

If you find yourself repeating thesame patterns or experience the same emotions even though you are meditating, asking for help from your spiritual team of light, going for healings and working on self growth and development if could be an aspect of your Monad, not you in individualised form where the energy blockages are occurring.

When you got through the many Gateways of consciousness available to experience on Earth and by consciously being aware you are on Monadic ascension to bring the healing to the whole of the monad great shifts can occur in your life and vibration.

In order for you to Ascend fully, this is only possible through your Monadic Group Ascension.

There are levels and layers where you are able to Ascend through on Earth that help bring up the consciousness of the whole of your Monadic Group.

However beyond a certain level you become a collective unit again and Ascend through the Stargate Portals this way.

Many of the light workers on Earth at this time are leaders of their Over Soul groups and many of you may be consciously aware that you are clearing karma on behalf of other members within your Monad.

This course offered by Ascended Master Djwal Khul who himself took his group through Monadic Ascension in Atlantis will guide us through this next stage our our soul evolution.

This is the gateway we have as a collective been waiting for. The pioneers are ready to move their group through this gateway. Know if you are reading this you are being called as one of the pioneering souls.

Course Offering:

In this course Alphedia will channel Master Djwal Khul who will support us in preparing our monadic group consciousness for this Gateway opening.

We will start with an invocation to connect with him.

Go on a guided channelled live meditation to connect with the consciousness of our Monad Group, prepare our energy fields for healing and open our sixth sense more fully for multi dimensional consciousness journeying.

Alphedia with channel Master Djwal Khul llive to give us more information on Monadic Ascension and how it will change our lives, leading us to live in a higher state of consciousness from now forth.

We will do a Crystal Ascension Sphere attunement with Master Djwal Khul to help you connect into your own mastery.

We with then go on a guided meditation channelled by Djwal Khul to connect with our full Monadic consciousness.

In this journey we will be shown the vibrations your Monad group requires to master, heal and let go of for ascension.

We will do then a self realisation exercise to look at what blocks you are carrying stopping Monadic ascension and where you are requiring as a soul to become more realised in consciousness.

Master Djwal Khul will explain more about your personal role in your Monad Group.

If you are on the call live Alphedia will assist you with channeling guidance.

Then we will do a channelled belief pattern clearing from Master Djwal Khul to clear the mental body blocks.

He will then take you on a guided journey of deep soul healing for all your Monad to prepare for the Gateway opening to move into Galactic Ascension.

Another channelled message from Djwal Khul will come through about this process and what we are preparing for.

He brings through another healing meditation focussing on who or what is hindering your ascension journey where he shifts the energies so you can embody higher frequency Celestial Light Codes.

These Celestial Light Codes will start to upgrade your holographic matrix and open you up to Universal oneness in consciousness so you can live daily in your Divinity.

We finish with a guided meditation journey with the Tibetan singing bowls and instruments where you merge into oneness with your Monad.

This will bring realignment to your inner matrix. Assist you in gaining confidence in who you are and also your role within the monad group and what your tasks ahead are.

This will enable you to remember you are living daily not just as an individual soul of light but within a team of others.

Alphedia will answer any questions about this Monadic ascension process if there is time at the end of the course with Djwal Khul

Channelled message from Master Djwal Khul.

"Greetings I am Master Djwal Khul.

It is an honour for me to come forth to support you with your monadic ascension now on Earth.

It has been a great time in awaiting this opportunity and those souls who are advanced in consciousness will realise and remember the importance of this part of your missions.

After 2012 many Monadic groups decided to move to Galactic ascension and activated their souls on Earth to begin this process of inner healing, raising their vibration frequency, reclaiming their ancient wisdom and knowledge and stepping up to full commitment to ascend, heal and spiritually grow.

Other aspects of your Monad are doing this work on other planets and star systems too, creating more embodiment of light within.

Although this process has been challenging, the opportunity now arises for you to finish off the final parts of your Monadic Ascension mission.

Not all soul's are ready for this but those that are will start to feel change is coming and maybe even anxiety to shift the remains of what within you and your ego is keeping you stuck in your ascension process.

It is a great honour for me to come forward as a guide to support you at this time.


Transmission Preparation & information

Please download the link transmission off your email receipt after purchase. Contact us if you do not receive it and check your spam incase it was sent there.

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

In order to get to the most of the experience if you chose to watch live, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Depending on your strength of broadband and WiFi signal, will depend on the quality of the experience live, best to be connected with laptop or computer with a wired network connection.

However the levels will all be adjusted and set perfectly for you in the MP3 audio files and the Video recording that will be available for download after processing..

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them on +4407799963882 on What’s app for emergency on Day of course assistance. Please contact at hour before course starts as we are sorting set up in last hour.

Technical issues: [email protected]

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.