🟣 Platinum Ray Earth Healing Solstice Virtual Retreat *
Platinum Ray Earth Healing Solstice Virtual Retreat with Lord Sananda, Lady Venus, Merlin, Lemurian Dolphins, Crystal Skulls, Fairies, Dragons, Stone Circles and Star Beings
🟣 This is an Enlightened Masters course. The spiritual concepts in this course are considered advanced. Alphedia explains them however so know if you feel drawn to this course you are ready to enjoy.
(This workshop is now available on MP3 audio and video downloads automatically at purchase. The course is cut into manageable audio tracks for listening to if you are unable to complete the course in one sitting. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available with the recording.
There was a video recording of this course as it took place without a live audience in attendance. No matter when you listen to this recording you enter the portal and will receive the healing wisdom available now on Earth in this timeline. Personal message is not available.
This was channelled in the Solstice portal to bring these teachings to us on Earth but can be listened to any time your soul is guided to these course teachings and healing. They are just as powerful as when recorded live through Alphedia Arara. )
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu invite you to take part in this exciting Virtual Earth Healing Platinum Ray Solstice Retreat.
Join with Lord Sananda, Lady Venus, Merlin Mother Gaia, the Dolphins, Elementals and Platinum Ray Dragons along with Crystal Skulls and Star Beings.
Alphedia Arara is a Scottish Earth Healer, Channel and part of her mission on Earth at this time is to activate Sacred Sites, return Rays to the Earth and to assist with the Global Ascension.
Auraengus Manu is a Merlin Wizard, Earth healer, Homeopath and Earth Grid Stabiliser and Activator and wise Seer.
Every year they run popular channelled Earth Healing Solstice Retreats.
This year again due to the global travel situation Alphedia and Auraengus have been asked to offer a Virtual Solstice Retreat for you.
This Solstice offers us the return of the Platinum 13th Ray of light which requires to be reactivated again within the Earth.
Mother Gaia is calling forward Lightworkers and Earth Healers to support her in the anchoring of the Platinum Ray once again on Earth.
She will bring a full activation of this Ray within your matrix to upgrade your light body.
The purpose of this is to increase the vibratory speed of your matrix to cope with the high influxes of light and to assist you in living in full heart consciousness.
This allows you to become a healing Avatar of light and fulfil your soul purposes.
This will lead you out of any lower energies still stored in your matrix, bring illumination of the higher consciousness of Source Light.
Allowing you to feel confidence, happiness and joy at being in service and on this Earth Walk mission.
When you reconnect with this Ray it will feel as if you are coming home to the Temple of Peace within.
Insecurities drop away, purpose is remembered and clarity is available with ease.
Platinum Ray
The Platinum Ray is a high frequency Ray of Soul illumination.
The qualities of this translucent Silvery ray are Enlightenment through the Heart of One.
In order to have full enlightenment we as a race had to go through all the other ray's teachings to allow for full illumination in our Oneness with all.
As a race humanity is now offered the opportunity to step fully out of separation matrix.
Embodiment of this ray will allow you to be pioneers leading not only your life, your monad group but also seeding into the consciousness of all this opportunity.
This Ray is watched over by Lord Sananda (formerly Jesus) and Lady Venus.
The purpose of the ray is to lead all souls including plants, trees, animals, bird, fish, insects, reptiles through the Heart of One to soul enlightenment.
The Dolphins have held this knowledge in their matrix since the time of Lemuria and as we evolved through the higher star gates we remember the soul bliss of living as the Heart of One.
This place of inner peace and love and communication with all living beings in honour of the light.
This brings the inner joy, the inner acceptance, the inner Freedom.
Preparation Recorded Meditation
The preparation for you begins when you sign up for this retreat.
The high frequency of the 13th Ray requires preparation for your Central Nervous System.
Most of you will have been working on this over the last few years in meditations and star being transmissions.
Alphedia however has been asked to channel a short transmission meditation from the Sirian Star beings to strengthen your CNS which you can listen to daily, prior to the Solstice moment in preparation.
This will automatically download for you at the point of booking.
Saturday 19th June 2021 3-5pm BST and 7-9pm BST
We start the retreat with Lord Sananda and Lady Venus offering us healing in preparation for activating the 13th Ray of light.
This first session includes live channelling from Lord Sananda on why you have all as pioneering souls been called to be on the retreat.
There will be two guided channelled healing meditations. One will be focusing on balancing of the rays of light in your matrix.
You will receive a crystal Ascension Sphere attunement to Lord Sananda to raise your energy frequency and to experience any personal healing he wishes to offer you on the masculine body aspect within you.
The Rays of Light are energy, sound and light colour vibrations combined holding the qualities or the intentions of the Creators Soul.
Each Ray holds enlightenment and knowledge from Source which we can process and work with the aid our own spiritual growth and Ascension.
As we ascend we can access higher vibration rays and anchor them into us and Gaia and heal with them.
In the second (evening) session we will meet Lady Venus who is carrying the feminine aspect of the Platinum Ray of Light.
You will experience being taken to a Venus vortex in Sedona, USA, to heal and release any imbalance in your feminine aspect.
You will have the opportunity for self realisations and we will be starting to look at soul illumination.
In this session you will receive an enlightenment activation to support you in becoming more realised within.
To remember your purpose and the next stage of the mission for you.
Sunday 20th June 2-5pm
In this session Lord Sananda and Lady Venus will be preparing your matrix for the 13th Ray activation.
You will have a matrix upgrade meditation activation from them both to start the session.
You will then be taken on a guided Lemurian Dolphin channelled meditation journey to activate your third eye and crown chakras with the Lemurian Dolphin codes.
We will work with the Larimar crystal consciousness and enter the watery world of Lemuria for you to receive deep heart healing.
You will reconnect with Lemurian guides who wish to support you now.
We will then have an Ascension Sphere attunement to the 13th Ray of Light.
After this you will be taken to the Platinum Ray Ashram to do personal soul healing, working on your over arching lower emotion/s which you are now ready to shift.
You will be shown your life purpose going forward carrying this activated Ray after the Solstice.
You will be taken to the Great Crystaline Cave of Light within the Core of Mother Earth.
Here you will meet the Platinum Ray Dragons who are waiting to birthed at the Solstice point.
You will receive healing from them and learn your purpose for working with them.
We will then perform Earth healing with the Elementals and Tree Consciousness and send it to the Oceans and Animal Kingdoms.
The Elemental realm evolves slower than Humanity is capable of and this will allow the Fairies, the Unicorns, Pixies, the Sprites, the Gnomes and all the other Elements who wish to receive this upgrade to support them increasing in power and strength to do their work on Earth.
You will meet new guides and get more information on your mission working with this Ray for Earth Healing.
Sunday evening 7-8.30pm BST
This session will be led by Auraengus Manu who will take us all on a group Merlin Wizard Vortex healing to integrate the shifts we have made in our matrix and energy fields over the weekend so we are ready for activation day on the Solstice Monday.
Auraengus will also channel Merlin live for a meditation, as well as lead you all on a beautiful Gong bath healing with the Solstice Codes.
Summer Solstice, Monday 21st June 2020, 4:15 - 4.45am BST (approx)
On the day of the actual Solstice Alphedia will lead a live Solstice Moment Ceremony in the Elf woods in Merlindale at sunrise around 4:15am BST and by the river.
The Solstice moment is at 4.32am when the Platinum Light Codes will activate within your matrix.
You will learn how to create a Platinum Ray Temple of Light for the land and elementals in your location.
You will experience channelled shamanic drumming and meeting of Celtic Power Animal guides.
Alphedia will also channel any messages she receives from the Fairies and the Elementals and Water Sprites at Sun Rise.
Activating the Platinum Ray at the Girdle Stanes and Loupin Stane Stone Circles Monday 21st June 2020, 11am BST (times may vary depending on location situation)
These two stone circles are on the Elen line the female aspect of the UK’s longest leyline the Belinus Line that we activated at Beltane in Merlindale.
We will travel to the stone circles and hope to do a live transmission from them.
This is a very wild and rural area however and reception may not allow it.
We will have the back up of video recording the stone circle activations which will be sent out on return to our centre.
Hopefully we will get signal however!
At the stone we will re-activate them with crystal skulls and drumming.
Alphedia will channel live a Solstice ceremony from the stones and find out more about their original purpose and what star systems they connect to.
This will be channelled live on the Solstice day.
You will be working with the Crystal Skulls and Dragon Skulls and Unicorns Skulls too.
Crystal healing the leylines and anchoring your newly activated light codes into the land.
Photographs of all participants will be taken into the Stone Circles so your matrix can collect the codes and you can fulfil any soul purposes in the activation of the stones.
We will be anchoring the Diamond, Emerald, Ruby and Platinium Rays of Light with the stone circles
Upgrading your Timeline: Solstice Ardmano Crystal Skull Healing Transmission, Monday 21st June 2021, 7:00pm – 8:00pm BST
On the evening of the Solstice there will be an Ardmano Crystal Skull healing.
This transmission will be received through the multidimensional aspect of yourself, there will be no recording of this and no live transmission either.
This is done similarly to receiving a distant reiki healing where you lie down or sit down and rest to receive.
If you are unable to receive this transmission whilst resting or are asleep, part of you will still be actively receiving the healing and you can connect in with Ardmano when you are able to meditate to receive the information on the transmission he has run.
Ardmano is a 28kg Preseli Bluestone Crystal Skull.
The Preseli Bluestone crystals come from Preseli Mountains in Wales and are used to form the inner centre ring of Stonehenge.
Ardmano is a Stargate Portal crystal skull and a profound multi dimensional healer.
This hour’s transmission of distance healing will be run in four parts:
- Attuning you to the Solstice Energies and the Galactic Gateway Portal that activated earlier in the day. 15 mins
- The second stage of the transmission he will run will be a Solstice Healing connecting you to the current timeline and anchoring you fully into your body template through your I AM Presence integration and soul alignment. 15 mins
- The third stage will be utilising the energies of the Solstice to manifest and create through the higher aspect of you without limitations of the mind and societal conditioning.
- Ardmano will support you in seeing the new stage of your soul’s spiritual tragetory opening the doors for you to create and vibrate from higher consciousness. 15 mins
- The final part will be the choice of stepping onto a higher timeline trajectory if your soul is ready for it.
- This will initiate changes in your life and soul purpose going forward.
This will support you in processing the cellular shifts that will be occurring for your lightbody over the Solstice moment.
This will be recalibration of your energy and integration of all the shifts of the first part of this year and Ardmano will bring forth wisdom and understanding of the next stage of your soul’s journey through 2021.
Sunday 8.30pm – 9pm Closing Retreat Ceremony
This will be the final live session of this Solstice Retreat.
Alphedia will bring through any final words of wisdom from Lord Sananda and we will seal the group energies with a short 13th Ray Platinum Light meditation.
Then anchor and ground once again into our physical bodies.
Testimonials from Previous Virtual Retreats:
“Amazing, brilliant, soooo powerful. I still have a bit more to do but have tons of energy. Thank you, Alphedia and this beautiful group. 💗🙏💗” – Amy, Ruby Ray Retreat
“This was my first retreat with Alphedia. If I had one word to describe the experience it would be CHANGE. I am regularly participating in Alphedia’s workshops for about 2 years now and I often feel that layers get peeled away for the truth and love and grace within me to come through. With this workshop it was layers, and layers and layers. I now feel a true remembrance of who I am, how to access what my soul already knows and how to be. I’m not saying everything is sorted, the journey continues, but the retreat was a real game changer. All the while you get the opportunity to connect with many beautiful and like minded souls, spend time in lovely holiday cottages in the gorgeous Scottish landscape of Kilmichael Glen and get to taste yummy food. Alphedia is a very experienced and generous workshop facilitator. Always personal in her approach she will go the extra mile in order to bring through healing, wisdom and love – and even tough love if that is necessary to foster growth and development. The retreat and every being joining it was beautifully held by Alphedia and Auraengus and I feel blessed for being part of it. With heartfelt thanks.” – Yvonne, Resurrection Retreat
“Thank you, Alphedia and Auraengus, along with the Rainbow Phoenix energies!!! This retreat was deeply transformative and healing. What a profound opportunity for rebirth. I am blessed and powerfully transformed. Thanks for leading us on this sacred journey. 🌈✨💙” – Michelle, Rainbow Phoenix Retreat
“This is a thank you to Alphedia Arara Kenchington and Auraengus Kenchington for leading us through these retreats and facilitating space for us all to grow, we are all blessed, myself included to have you both on our journey. I have become more confident in myself as a healer and a person since I have worked with you, thank you from us all.” – Christon, One Heart Retreat
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website.