🟣 Rainbow Merkaba Activation Virtual Retreat
Join the Dragons, Rainbow Masters, Elementals, Star Beings, Standing Stones and Ancient Stone Circles for this Powerful Merkaba Activation to elevate your frequency and support your soul ascension and Earth Healing!
🟣 This is an Enlightened Masters course. The spiritual concepts in this course are considered advanced. Alphedia explains them however so know if you feel drawn to this course you are ready to enjoy.
The retreat is now available on Video and MP3 recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. No personal message available with the recording.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu are delighted to offer you this Virtual Solstice Retreat from the Sacred Magical Land of Dalriada.
Combining Earth Healing with Soul Ascension Upgrade experiences.
For years we have held powerful Earth Healing Retreats over the Solstice at many Sacred sites around Scotland assisting with the creation of the New Earth.
The Land of Dalriada includes the Kilmartin Standing Stones and Stone Circle Complexes where powerful Star Gates were harnessed by our ancestors in the past.
A complex grid of leylines criss cross this sacred land making this a potent portal for the Seventh Dimensional Rainbow light to activate at the Solstice.
And for us to upgrade our MerKaBa Lightbody sacred geometry to live from higher states of conscious awareness and lead humanity through the Gateway Portals opening at the Solstice Point.
In Scotland we celebrated the longest day of the year with the Solstice time occurring at 3.57pm BST.
In the Southern Hemisphere it was shortest day and Winter Solstice.
This virtual retreat was channelled with the Rainbow Dragons and the Rainbow Masters supporting those souls who feel ready to fast track their Ascension process.
Deepening your healing abilities, your psychic abilities, intuition and experiencing a Seventh dimensional shift in your physical self through your upgraded MerKaBa.
As well as activating the higher keys you are carrying to support the evolution of the Earth and humanity's consciousness.
The Rainbow Dragons teach us about the movement into total acceptance of beingness through their rainbow coded light which will unlock your inner keys of higher consciousness.
This is an advanced retreat suitable for those who regularly take part in the Elemental Beings workshops but open to those who feel the call and have been focusing on their spiritual growth and soul ascension through other routes also.
If you feel the call in your heart you are welcome no matter of experience in this incarnation.
The Rainbow Dragons have brought through this message.
Rainbow Dragon channelling
“Greetings we are the Rainbow Dragons.
We are joined by the Rainbow Masters who are a collection of high vibration light beings not embodied on Earth but of the Twelfth dimension
These Rainbow Light Beings have been sent from the Galactic Federation from many different star races to support this great experiment on Earth at this time.
The activation of the Rainbow self is the catalyzation of returning to Wholeness and full unification of all soul parts and surrendering the ego to Total Acceptance of Beingness.
This Solstice Portal allows for the higher activation of Divinity within.
It is allowing souls that are ready, committed to the full embodiment of the unified self.
Now this process can be comprehended when One’s consciousness is high enough in awareness to understand subliminally what is being asked.
The ego supports you on Earth; it is your protector, it is your teacher, and it is your comforter.
To fully surrender the personality ego can transform you completely and alter your direction and paths ahead.
To choose to fully surrender and activate your Rainbow Multi Dimensional Self is a commitment to your Divinity.
It is a commitment to your wholeness and we Dragons know the transformation vibrationally and mentally as well as physically you have to go through to experience this.
And we are offering our support and our service to allow you to experience deep soul unification and wholeness.
Those that have been lost, those that have been unfocussed, those that have been distracted are being called to rejoin again.
But for those who are on the path who have made the choice in this incarnation to be of service to follow their missions and to be supportive of the humanity great awakening.
Now is your time, now is your reward, now is your completion of Fifth dimensionality and a full move to Seventh dimensional living.
This is an opportunity for you to move in your embodiment onto the next wave.
Feel this truth in your heart.
Whom suga Hume Shaka
The Solstice Gateway opened the Stargate Energy Portals around the world that the Rainbow Dragons are guardians of.
This allows them to flood the Leylines of the world with the Seventh Dimensional Rainbow Light Codes to support the New Earth birthing process.
Many of us have come to Earth at this time on our soul missions to support this process.
The Rainbow Light contains the frequency qualities of all the Rays of Light (spiritual wisdom rays that our souls learn from through our evolution).
For us to be fully illuminated in our consciousness we require mastery of all the rays.
And now there is the opportunity to activate our Rainbow light MerKaBa, our astral travel vehicle.
To allow us to evolve into higher conscious states of awareness and to fully harness our inner power as Healers, Earth Magicians, Psychic Channels, Code Keepers, Dragon Riders and Activators.
Retreat Schedule
Saturday 17th June 7pm – 9.30pm BST session
Alphedia Arara opened the Retreat by calling names and energy into the circle.
This was be a powerful energy container for your soul to be held within safe space of the Solstice Period.
Alphedia talks about why this Solstice Retreat has been brought forth.
You will learn about the Rainbow Dragons and the Rainbow Masters and a channeling from each is offered.
There is an invocation to connect with them and then a channelled live meditation to prepare your energy fields with sound codes from the sacred instruments.
There is be a crystal dragon skull healing with Rafundus on your energy field to remove any entities, implants and to root out energy blocks affecting you for this unification movement.
We then connect with our Merkaba light body and strengthen it with Merkaba breathwork to power up your energy system.
You will learn how strong your Male (Sun) tetrahedron is and then the Female (Earth) tetrahedron and both with be balanced by the Rainbow Masters.
Then Rainbow Dragons lead you through a self realisation exercise to become aware of where you are still living life in ego – can be fear, anger, control, grief, lack of trust, acceptance.
You receive an Ascension Sphere Attunement with the Rainbow Dragons to prepare you for upgrading your matrix.
Then you will go on a channeled meditation with the Rainbow Dragons for deep soul healing and nurture to bring you into alignment with the real you.
Question and Answer session on concepts brought up in this session.
Eve of Solstice Tuesday 20th June
3.00 – 4.00pm BST Standing stone session at Ballymeanoch
We visited sacred majestic standing stones at Ballymeanoch near Kilmartin which had not been activated with the crystal skulls in the past.
Here we gather and your energy will be called into this ancient alignment portal with the Dragon skulls to activate this gateway for the Rainbow Light Dragons to activate at this point.
As with all on site Earth Healing this was filmed lived live and Alphedia channelled what was required on the day for the Earth Healing.
This session was live channelled Earth healing.
You learn how to invoke the guardians of the sacred lands
How to cleanse an area with the Crystals and set your intention.
Create an Etheric Crystalline Temple of Light and how to receive the codes of this sacred alignment into your matrix.
You receive an activation and energy field upgrade.
7.30 – 9.30pm BST evening session
In this session we work with the Rainbow Masters to learn more about the New Earth Template and the move to Seventh Dimensionality Rainbow Multidimensionality and how this shift offers us many opportunities in our lives if we are willing to birth through this process.
The Rainbow Masters come from all star systems and support us in the birthing of not only the New Earth Seventh Dimensional Rainbow Template but also a new refined Rainbow frequency within our DNA codex.
This will allow us to heal quicker, to channel easier, to liberate ourselves from the old matrix with greater ease and SEE, LIVE and BE daily in our multidimensional higher frequency.
This allows us to aspire bigger and manifest greater opportunities for ourselves going ahead.
To trust in our heart and to align with our highest opportunities for happiness.
We have transcended the ego pains of rejection, dissatisfaction, fear of change and liberated ourselves to the title of Rainbow Master ourselves in this lifetime.
Anyone experiencing this in our lives at any point can let this go now. Be Bold, step into the new fresh you!
In this session you receive Live Channelling from the Rainbow Masters through Alphedia.
A channelled live guided meditation to assist you in letting go of any final lower grids and patterns you are still holding onto, impeding your rebirthing at the Solstice into your Rainbow Multidimensional self.
This will prepare you for your Earth Healing service at the Solstice.
You will also work with the Star Beings from Sirius A who bring through a transmission to support you for your Earth Healing service, remembering your role in the Earth upgrading at this point.
You are assigned a personal Sirian Guide to aid you in the shifts that may occur in your physical Earth life after this shift.
You are given gifts and guidance on your role as a soul going forward after this Solstice point. and information on your Rainbow MerkaBa activation at the Solstice Point.
Solstice Day 21st June
Sunrise in Kilmichael was 4.31am
4.20am Sun Rise Drumming to Welcome the Sun on its longest day of the year or shortest where ever you are.
We also called in the Fairies and Elementals and honoured the Nature Spirits who create such a vibrant and lush Planet for us to live in.
3.30pm – 4.30pm Solstice Point gathering at the Temple Wood Stone Circle
We gathered at Temple Wood Stone Circle where we activated the first Rainbow Dragon at Temple Wood on an Earth Healing retreat pre-pandemic.
We call in the Guardians of the stone circle and we work with the Dragon Skulls to prepare the portal and be ready to receive the Rainbow Multidimensional Merkaba upgrade within our matrix before we assist with the Rainbow Dragons work sending the rainbow Seventh dimensional light through the leyline grids.
This activation allows more of ourselves to become activated and remembered to speed up our soul Ascension process.
We will follow what ever guidance Alphedia receives for our Solstice Earth service work on the day.
8.30-9.30pm BST Solstice Gong bath
This will be our last session for the retreat.
Alphedia channels the Rainbow Dragons so we can learn about the work we have performed and then take you on a Rainbow Merkaba healing meditation
Auraengus Manu channels a Solstice relaxing and soothing Gong Bath for you to integrate you after your Solstice shifts.
Alphedia will then close the Retreat Circle Portal.
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.
“What a beautiful retreat with everyone, I enjoyed the energies and the connection with so many of you. Thank you Alphedia and Auraengus” Christon
“This retreat was deeply transformative and healing. What a profound opportunity for rebirth. I am blessed and powerfully transformed. Thanks for leading us on this sacred journey. ” Michelle
“It has been a privilege and a joy to be a part of this group of wonderful souls coming together to anchor the Ruby Ray onto the Earth once again.
Thank you Alphedia for holding the space for us all and for supporting our individual journeys as well as our work collectively and of course for bringing through the wisdom of the deities. As always, thanks to Auraengus for facilitating in all areas so inclusively and compassionately” Ruth