🟣 Rainbow Phoenix Rebirth Virtual Retreat
Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu with the Rainbow Phoenix Consciousness to celebrate this transformational and powerful March Equinox of 2021. Alphedia Arara has been channelling the Phoenix Consciousness for over ten years. This is a Consciousness of transformation, rebirth, and liberation.
🟣 This is an Enlightened Masters course. The spiritual concepts in this course are considered advanced. Alphedia explains them however so know if you feel drawn to this course you are ready to enjoy.
This retreat is now available on Video and MP3 recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this retreat. Personal message no longer available.
Since the 21.12.12 moment and the start of fast tracking of the Ascension Process on Earth, those who were drawn to work with the Phoenix Consciousness have been pioneering the way through working with the various stages of the Phoenix Rebirth process.
Leading all of humanity consciously or unconsciously through the different Phoenix Gateways. First the Silver Phoenix energy was activated on Earth, then the Golden Phoenix energy in 2016 and now at the Equinox Point of Saturday the 20th March 2021, the Rainbow Gateway opens. The Rainbow Phoenix utilises all the qualities and colours of the Rainbow Rays to guide us further into our soul liberation rebirth process.
Alphedia has been asked to hold this three day retreat for your energies to be within a container of the Rainbow Phoenix Light to assist you with your final ego death and then a rebirth through the Rainbow Gateway Portal into a higher template of your matrix.
The retreat will be split over three days with the first evening being a preparation to support you with further clearing and releasing of that which no longer serves, that which has held you back, and that which is no longer serving you and is indeed blocking you in stepping into this further process of deep self-healing resurrection and rebirth.
The actual Equinox moment is at 9.37am on Saturday the 20th March. We will gather in sacred ceremony in the woods in Merlindale, Scottish Borders to activate the Rainbow Pheonix Rebirth within the land with drumming, chanting and light language activations.
After the activation Alphedia will lead you through live channeling, deep healing meditations, crystal attunements, visualisations and rebirth activations to move you onto your higher timeline soul path. You will work with the different Rainbow Light Rays to activate their full healing for you. Find out which rays to focus on at this stage to amplify and to accelerate your soul journey.
You will work with the Rainbow Phoenix to receive inner messages of wisdom with Alphedia assisting you for support and guidance in the live sessions via the chat box for help. As always with Alphedia and Auraengus’ retreats, these are held live, channelled for those who sign up for the experience. We are delighted to offer you a wonderful experience of rebirthing through this Equinox Rainbow Phoenix Portal.
Channelled Message from the Rainbow Phoenix Consciousness:
“Greetings, greetings, greetings, we are the collective consciousness of the Rainbow Phoenix.Now the Rainbow Phoenix energy has not been present on Earth since the height of Golden Atlantis. Souls would go through what is known as the Rainbow Phoenix Initiation when they had been initiated through the different levels to that point. The Rainbow Phoenix was the pinnacle at that time for humanity to work with and this return of the Rainbow Phoenix Consciousness as a talisman, as a transformative energy, is the pinnacle for humanity at this time too as it continues deeper into the One Heart unification with all.
But as the Phoenix evolves on Earth, for there are higher frequency energies to the Rainbow frequency, you are leading all of humanity’s consciousness through the various rays of the Rainbow to return to the whole within, to see the ego for what it is, to be aware of when the ego is working through you, rather than you working from your heart. As you work with our consciousness you will become very aware of the split between those still in ego consciousness and those living in the heart from a place of acceptance, a place of compassion, a place of Divine Love. Now the Rainbow Phoenix brings to you not only the option of liberation through rebirthing after the shedding, but also there are many stages to working with the Rainbow Phoenix and we are now embarking upon stage one. The ultimate Rainbow Phoenix is when you are re-birthed through each of the coloured rays of the rainbow to embody the Black Void Phoenix.
And we will end this retreat with a Black Void Phoenix attunement so that your energies are familiarised with where your soul is intending to travel to embody and to be within. So really we are leading you through the final shedding in the build up to the Equinox Portal. You will experience deep soul clearing, you will experience deep soul healing and deep soul understanding of the limitations that have been created in your physical reality at this time and why. Why your soul has taken you on this journey, for these are choices that your soul has made. You will each meet your own personal Phoenix Guide.
And prior to the Equinox Point we will work deeply on assisting you with the dismantlement, pairing you with the Golden Phoenix energy which is the highest energy available just now to work with.This will be an incredibly powerful transmission that will catapult great changes in your life. That will propagate deep healing and awakening of your spiritual gifts and talents. Allowing you to fully step into responsibility. Make the choice to open yourself up more psychically, to receive your inner wisdom and messages and guidance daily.
We will do self realisation exercises to look at where we in the Phoenix Consciousness are seeing that you are limiting yourself. And through beautiful sound healing, channelled meditations, attunements, you will be prepared for the Equinox Point where an Earth Healing ceremony will be performed in the woods of Merlindale in the Scottish Borders. As we drum and celebrate and activate at the Equinox Point and moment and bring through us the Rainbow Phoenix Frequency that has to be activated on the Earth in ceremony. Once again many of you have come forward as Star Seeds and ancient Atlanteans to herald in this great day of the return of the Rainbow Light. As this is activated, it activates all the Rainbow Portals around Planet Earth. In the Saturday afternoon session you will be learning how to work with the Rainbow Phoenix energy. You will receive deep healing transmissions, activations and channelled wisdom in how to work with the Phoenix energy on your own souls journey and path.
The Rainbow Angels will be coming forward to support you as your human physical self adjusts to the energy upgrades that will come through in our transmissions. On the Saturday evening session, you will receive a Rebirth ceremony and Gong bath sound healing with Auraengus Manu. And on the Sunday evening you will be working with your consciousness to change the dream. To dream the new dream for your soul, you will receive the support and guidance through our activations to fully align you with your new Rainbow Frequency Template. This is something that your soul has been preparing for not only in this life time but many lifetimes on Earth prior to this. You have walked the paths of the initiates, you have experienced hardship and trials.
But now this session will be all about your soul rebirth, liberation and allowing your conscious awareness to recognise the new path that you are embarked upon. What your higher purpose is and the great soul work that you are doing here on Planet Earth. We will complete the full activation after you have worked with the different coloured rays of the Rainbow and met the different Phoenixes of each Ray in deep chakra healings, colour healing and holographic matrix adjustments. The final session of this retreat will be a Black Obsidian Phoenix Crystal Skull Void activation. Which will allow you to step through the Gateway of full rebirth.It is our honour and joy as a collective consciousness of Rainbow Light to bring forward this healing for you,
"Dear Alphedia, Rainbow phoenix equinox retreat was my 1st retreat with you (I think), what a powerful one & life changing it is. Having worked with you on skull healings/Facebook lives, Lyran Golden Pyramid healing & 21Dec20 activation, I noticed I could not receive psychic messages; when shared this concern with you in this retreat, you guided me this is coming from past lives and I need to work upon/clear those. Also the phoenix consciousness conveyed this. I have gained massive trust & confidence in my purpose now. You and Auraengus are always available for support & make such great facilitators. I'm so looking forward to integrate the energetic shift. If you are in doubt about your purpose, please do get in touch with Alphedia & you'll be so grateful you did. Much love and blessings." - Gurpreet, England
"What a beautiful retreat with everyone, I enjoyed the energies and the connection with so many of you. Thank you Alphedia and Auraengus" - Christon
"Just finished the retreat and wanted to thank you and Auraengus! As always, blew my mind!" - Teresa, Australia
"So powerful! I feel like I jumped timelines with all that I released. Thank you so much Alphedia!" - Carla
"Felt very supported throughout. Xx Thanks so much! 🌈💕🌈💕" - Ammarinda
"Thank you, Alphedia and Auraengus, along with the Rainbow Phoenix energies!!! This retreat was deeply transformative and healing. What a profound opportunity for rebirth. I am blessed and powerfully transformed. Thanks for leading us on this sacred journey. 🌈✨💙" - Michelle
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.