🟣 Upgrading your Vibrational Matrix with Celestial Angels Full Moon Workshop
Join Alphedia channelling the 10th dimensional Celestial Angels to upgrade your Vibrational Matrix to hold more light. When you hold more light you vibrate faster, allowing you to heal and manifest with greater speed. Thus letting you live life more intuitively and psychically, following a higher pathway for yourself and speeding up your soul ascension.
Sunday 15th December 2024
6 - 8.30pm GMT
🟣 This is an Enlightened Masters course. The spiritual concepts in this course are considered advanced. Alphedia explains them however so know if you feel drawn to this course you are ready to enjoy.
This workshop is now available on MP3 audio and MP4 video downloads automatically at purchase. The course is cut into manageable audio tracks for listening to if you are unable to complete the course in one sitting. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is not available.
There was a video recording of this course as it took place without a live audience in attendance. No matter when you listen to this recording you enter the portal and will receive the healing wisdom available now on Earth in this timeline. Personal message is not available with the recording.
This was channelled in a full moon portal to bring these teachings to us on Earth but can be listened to any time your soul is guided to these course teachings and healing. They are just as powerful as when recorded live through Alphedia Arara.
Celebrate the last Full Moon of 2024 in Gemini with Alphedia and Auraengus as they channel the Celestial Angels of Light!
These powerful angels brought through the new codes to upgrade your vibrational matrixes in an online workshop channelled during the Full Moon Portal which occurred at 9.01am GMT on the day.
The last moon of the year celebrates all we have achieved this year but also offers us the most potent vibrational upgrade in our energy frequency as we are now ready to hold more higher light codes.
These codes will download into our consciousness a new way to be and a new way to view life on Earth, assisting you with navigating your journey on a higher timeline avoiding the drama and struggles other souls in the lower time lines are enduring.
This brings with it an opportunity to upgrade all areas of your lives and to take stock of what has manifested so far for us.
If there are areas of your life you are unhappy with, are struggling in, feel uninspired about but you have no idea how to change this or situations where you feel you have been coming up against a wall or an inflexible person then by upgrading your vibrational matrix things will start to shift and resolve in your lives going ahead.
This is because when more light descends on a situation it opens up doorways to resolutions and changes.
The Celestial Angels are powerful 10th dimensional angels of pure white light who are seeking to support humanity on this next stage of our ascension journeys.
As soon as you connect with them you feel your energy field refine and rise in frequency. It feels good and you will crave more of this frequency of light.
Ultimately the Angels are wishing to lead us to living daily holding this high frequency light and for this to be our natural state of being.
The more we lovingly clear and release from our energy fields, the more unburdened our souls become.
As we replace trauma and lower emotional frequencies with light, we become more ascended in our consciousness.
This is ultimately what we are all here seeking.
In this workshop:
Alphedia starts by explaining the course and opening up the healing space. She calls in the names of everyone who is taking part including those at a later date
You will then call the Angels in by an invocation that you can say any time to connect with them.
Alphedia then leads you on a guided meditation which was channelled live to prepare your energy fields and supported by her beautiful crystal and Tibetan singing bowl playing giving you a sound journey experience.
Alphedia then channelled the Celestial Angels live to bring forward the message they were wishing to give us.
We did our monthly Self realisation exercise where we look at our lives. In this course we work with the Angels to look at where in our lives our energy matrix is being lowered. If there is a person or family member you allow to lower your frequency and hold you back, is it a thought form you are holding or your job for example?
You will receive a crystal Ascension Sphere attunement to the Celestial Angels to raise your energy frequency and connect with them more deeply.
This is a 5 -10 minute silent meditation attunement.
Alphedia then takes you on a guided multi dimensional meditation transmission with the Celestial Angels to upgrade your vibrational matrix.
They will perform deep energy healing also on your vibrational matrix and if you have any physical issues you can ask for healing on these too before the transmission starts by setting your intent.
When you are in an altered state of consciousness the usual resistances to change are not present and you can allow the high frequency 10th dimensional light of the angels to penetrate deeply into your energy field to alter and heal the vibrations.
Your upgrade will take place in a 10th dimensional Angel temple of light and by virtue of having access to visit this space your energy fields will upgrade. They will perform Angel healing upgrade experiences.
We finish with a Rosana Rose Quartz Crystal skull healing to ground and integrate you.
Channelled Message from the Celestial Angels
"Greetings ones of the light.
It is an honour and a deep joy for us to come forward and connect with you.
We, the Celestial Angels, are coming forward to support you in upgrading your frequency for this next great stage of awakening on Earth.
Many souls are ready to fully expand and grow elevating their consciousness.
We call you forward as the pioneers leading this new way.
To be present on Earth in higher frequency is a great delight and joy.
Although it may have seemed like hard work to get to this stage know that you are here and ready to heal with us now.
We Celestial Angels will take you to our Temple of Light in the higher frequency planes.
Here we will support you with upgrading your frequency and letting go of what your soul is ready to shed and heal.
This will allow you to vibrate daily at a higher rate, speeding up your thought processing and also healing of situations and life issues.
We will support you through this upgrade metamorphosis with deep Angelic healing to clear a blissful soul experience for you.
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.