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Clearing Debt Consciousness with Abundantia & Wealth Angels Workshop

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Product Details
Workshop date: 5 March 2017
Duration approximately: 3.5 hrs
Please note: Audio download available. There is no personal message or oracle card reading available with this recording

Work on clearing belief conditionings about debt and monetary wealth.

This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.

Workshop took place 5th March 2017.

In this workshop Alphedia Arara channels Goddess Abundantia and the Wealth Angels who tackle and release further belief conditioning, including debt consciousness, that is holding you stagnant in the creation of wealth in your life in many forms.

In this workshop they are clearing debt consciousness for as a race we have inherited this from the Annunaki in Atlantis to keep us in energetic subservience. Whether you are in debt or fear debt or unconsciously desire being indebted, the debt vibration manifests in many forms.

Goddess Abundantia starts to clear any debt programming from you and give you techniques to continue your soul work .

This will liberate your soul into a place of power as the veils of conditioning are released from you and clear any past life debt conditioning.

Through guided meditations, ascension sphere attunements, group belief releasements and an abundance healing meditation you are brought more into frequency alignment with universal law of attraction, creation and wealth formation.

We also have a worthiness attunement and healing on your self worth about being wealthy and abundant.

Channelled Message from Goddess Abundantia

“Greetings I am Goddess Abundantia and I come forth again with the Wealth Angels to offer you part two of our healing wisdom and light.

In this workshop we will focus on allowing you to step fully into your wealth truth.

We will look at where you are in terms of accessing your wealth consciousness and look to clear a further layer of the programming that is placed upon you with regard to debt vibration.

We will work with the vibrations of gratitude and also worthiness. For worthiness seems to be a big issue for light workers at this time and there are many layers of conditioning that have been placed on you about being spiritual and wealthy.

We offer you further healing through meditations, attunements and our teachings on harnessing the wealth codes.

To allow your doors to abundance to open for you, and to set you up to prosper.

For you are the creator of your own reality and it is time now to set aside the limitations that are holding you in places of blocked cash flow and financial abundance.

We will also work on clearing the blocks to your abundance frequency channel.

As we identified in the last workshop, many of you are unaware of this abundance frequency channel or column as you may see it, and we wish to clean this out more fully for you.

Rescinding past life vows, contracts and also obligations that you may have made to others, to organisations, or to beings who do not hold your highest and best at heart.

Through this workshop we will also look to refocus you in your wealth quest and we do this with great love and joy, Namaste.”


"I keep meaning to say thank you so much for the second Abundantia and Weath angels, debt workshop - really brilliant and I like when you discuss things, because you cover so many great and interesting points" Nichola, UK

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