Elemental Beings Online Shop Earth Healing Workshop Recordings Store/Workshops & Channelling/Workshop Recordings/Earth Healing Workshop RecordingsSort byWe recommendNewest arrivalsPrice: Low to HighPrice: High to LowName: A to ZName: Z to AFiltersClear allFiltersClear allShow itemsShow items🟢 Solstice Machrie Stone Solar Light Transmission🟢 Solstice Machrie Stone Solar Light Transmission 20.06.24£18 Buy Now🟡 Solstice Dragon Keys Earth Healing Virtual Retreat🟡 Solstice Dragon Keys Earth Healing Virtual Retreat 16.6.24£210 Buy Now🟣 Arcturian Light technology Codes Transmission🟣 Arcturian Light technology Codes Transmission 8.8.23£36 Buy Now🟣 Rainbow Merkaba Activation Virtual Retreat🟣 Rainbow Merkaba Activation Virtual Retreat 17.6.23£210 Buy Now🟡 Mary Magdalene Soul Nature Nurture Solstice Retreat🟡 Mary Magdalene Soul Nature Nurture Solstice Retreat 20.12.22£180 Buy NowRainbow Serpent Inner Healing CeremonyRainbow Serpent Inner Healing Ceremony 11.11.22£66 Buy Now🟢 Return of Your Druidic Knowledge Iona with Joseph Arimathea and Mary Magdalene🟢 Return of Your Druidic Knowledge Iona with Joseph Arimathea and Mary Magdalene 20.8.22£30 Buy Now🟡 Earth Wisdom Keepers : Merlin and Dragons Virtual Solstice Retreat🟡 Earth Wisdom Keepers : Merlin and Dragons Virtual Solstice Retreat 19.6.2022£180 Buy Now🟢 Solstice Earth Activation Ceremony🟢 Solstice Earth Activation Ceremony 20.12.21£90 Buy Now🟡 Stepping out of the Matrix with Archangels and Galactic Beings and Dragons Workshop🟡 Stepping out of the Matrix with Archangels and Galactic Beings and Dragons Workshop 28.11.21£54 Buy Now🟡 Strengthening Mother Earth and Your Inner Kundalini Ceremony🟡 Strengthening Mother Earth and Your Inner Kundalini Ceremony 11.11.21£66 Buy Now🟢 Activate Your Healing Magic Samhain Retreat with Merlin Wizard🟢 Activate Your Healing Magic Samhain Retreat with Merlin Wizard 29.10.21£150 Buy Now🟢 Co-creating Nature - Anchoring and Grounding with Gnomes🟢 Co-creating Nature - Anchoring and Grounding with Gnomes 17.7.21£54 Buy NowNew Earth Dragons Transmission 4 - Sacral Charka of EarthNew Earth Dragons Transmission 4 - Sacral Charka of Earth 15.6.21£30 Buy Now🟢 Into the Womb of Mother Earth Workshop *🟢 Into the Womb of Mother Earth Workshop * 15.5.21£42 Buy NowNew Earth Dragon Mount Kailash Chakra TransmissionNew Earth Dragon Mount Kailash Chakra Transmission 1.5.21£30 Buy Now🟢 Connecting with your House Elementals🟢 Connecting with your House Elementals 03/02/21£60 Buy Now🟡 The Rainbow Serpent Solstice Activation Ceremony🟡 The Rainbow Serpent Solstice Activation Ceremony"The Great Event" 20-21.12.20£90 Buy NowHealing with the SasquatchHealing with the Sasquatch 21/11/2020£60 Buy Now🟡 Magdalene One Heart Virtual Retreat with Mary Magdalene and the Elementals🟡 Magdalene One Heart Virtual Retreat with Mary Magdalene and the Elementals 23/10/20£300 Buy NowMove into Perfected Self with Merlin WizardMove into Perfected Self with Merlin Wizard 01/10/20£54 Buy Now🟡 Rainbow Doorway to New Earth Opening Equinox Workshop🟡 Rainbow Doorway to New Earth Opening Equinox Workshop 22/09/20£48 Buy Now🟡 Lammas Stone Circle and Stargate Abundance Workshop🟡 Lammas Stone Circle and Stargate Abundance Workshop 07/08/2020£60 Buy NowMother Earth Kundalini Awakening Ceremony WorkshopMother Earth Kundalini Awakening Ceremony Workshop 26/07/2020£66 Buy Now🟡 Ruby Ray Earth Healing Virtual Retreat🟡 Ruby Ray Earth Healing Virtual Retreat 17/06/2020£180 Buy Now🟢 Merlin Reconnect to the One Heart of Gaia Workshop🟢 Merlin Reconnect to the One Heart of Gaia Workshop 07/05/2020£66 Buy Now🟢 Beltane Joy of the Faery and Elemental Realms Workshop🟢 Beltane Joy of the Faery and Elemental Realms Workshop 05/05/2020£42 Buy Now🟢 Spring Equinox Returning to Balance Workshop🟢 Spring Equinox Returning to Balance Workshop 20/03/2020£42 Buy Now🟡 Rainbow Diamond Heart - New Earth Rebirth Solstice Workshop🟡 Rainbow Diamond Heart - New Earth Rebirth Solstice Workshop 21/12/2019£60 Buy NowPreparing for the New Earth Vibrations WorkshopPreparing for the New Earth Vibrations Workshop 11/11/2019£36 Buy Now🟡 Carnac France Sirian Portal Workshop🟡 Carnac France Sirian Portal Workshop 25/08/2019£48 Buy NowIsle of Skye Fairies and Elementals WorkshopIsle of Skye Fairies and Elementals Workshop 17/06/2019£42 Buy Now🟣 Emerald Activation Earth Healing Workshop🟣 Emerald Activation Earth Healing Workshop 21/06/2019£120 Buy Now🟢 Deepening Your Connection to the Nature Realms Beltane🟢 Deepening Your Connection to the Nature Realms Beltane 05/05/2019£78 Buy NowMerlin Creating Balance Full Moon WorkshopMerlin Creating Balance Full Moon Workshop 21/03/2019£54 Buy NowMother Earth’s Trinitization: Integrating the Masculine and Feminine WithinMother Earth’s Trinitization: Integrating the Masculine and Feminine Within 20/03/2019£42 Buy NowEarth Dragon Transmission - Stabilising Mother Earth’s New TemplateEarth Dragon Transmission - Stabilising Mother Earth’s New Template 27/01/2019£36 Buy Now🟡 Gaia’s Earth Template Upgrade Workshop🟡 Gaia’s Earth Template Upgrade Workshop 15/12/2018£36 Buy Now🟢 Merlin and the Dragons Earth Healing Workshop🟢 Merlin and the Dragons Earth Healing Workshop 23/09/2018£66 Buy Now🟢 Spring Equinox Glastonbury Activations and Meditations🟢 Spring Equinox Glastonbury Activations and Meditations 20/03/2014£12 Buy Now🟢 Unicorn Heart Workshop🟢 Unicorn Heart Workshop 12/12/2012£30 Buy Now🟢 Ancient Tree Wisdom Workshop🟢 Ancient Tree Wisdom Workshop 22/09/2012£60 Buy Now🟢 Scottish Sacred Site Tour🟢 Scottish Sacred Site Tour 01/08/2014£30 Buy Now🟢 Dragon Guardian Activation Castlerigg Stone Circle🟢 Dragon Guardian Activation Castlerigg Stone Circle 21/12/2013£24 Buy Now🟢 Machrie Stone Circle Summer Solstice🟢 Machrie Stone Circle Summer Solstice 22/06/2014£30 Buy Now🟢 Glastonbury Tor Faery Workshop🟢 Glastonbury Tor Faery Workshop 30/10/2014£72 Buy Now🟢 Goddess Brigid Imbolc Workshop🟢 Goddess Brigid Imbolc Workshop 02/02/2013£24 Buy Now🟢 Mary Magdalene - Samhain Glastonbury Retreat🟢 Mary Magdalene - Samhain Glastonbury Retreat 29/10/2014£168 Buy Now🟢 Crystal Skull Workshop🟢 Crystal Skull Workshop 15/04/2013£30 Buy NowTemple of Light Workshop - Second TransmissionTemple of Light Workshop - Second Transmission 23/03/2017£24 Buy NowTemple of Light Portal Activation WorkshopTemple of Light Portal Activation Workshop 12/09/2016£24 Buy Now🟢 Rebirthing the Earth Retreat on Iona : Mary Magdalene and Lord Sananda🟢 Rebirthing the Earth Retreat on Iona : Mary Magdalene and Lord Sananda 31/03/2017£240 Buy Now🟢 Nature Spirit and Earth Healing Retreat Scarborough🟢 Nature Spirit and Earth Healing Retreat Scarborough 15/04/2016£120 Buy Now🟢 Mother Earth Solstice Meditation🟢 Mother Earth Solstice Meditation 14/06/2017£18 Buy Now🟢 Merlin and Gaia Opening your Heart Workshop🟢 Merlin and Gaia Opening your Heart Workshop 22/09/2017£42 Buy Now🟢 Magic of Mother Earth Solstice Workshop🟢 Magic of Mother Earth Solstice Workshop 21/12/2016£30 Buy Now🟡 Realign Soul Truth to Earth Frequencies Workshop with Greek God Pan and Master Hilarion🟡 Realign Soul Truth to Earth Frequencies Workshop with Greek God Pan and Master Hilarion 12/03/2017£48 Buy Now🟢 Fortingall Retreat Solstice Earth Healing Retreat🟢 Fortingall Retreat Solstice Earth Healing Retreat 10/06/2016£120 Buy Now🟢 Beltane Mother Earth and her Elementals Workshop🟢 Beltane Mother Earth and her Elementals Workshop 02/05/2015£42 Buy Now🟢 Earth Healing Meditation Archangel Auriel and Archangel Uriel🟢 Earth Healing Meditation Archangel Auriel and Archangel Uriel 30/01/17£30 Buy Now1 - 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