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🟡 Entering the Void

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🟡 Entering the Void
Product Details
Workshop date: 2 June 2019
Duration approximately: 2 hrs
Please note: Audio download available. There is no personal message available with this recording

This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. No personal message is available. Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu channelled and recorded this workshop in the New Moon Portal. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.

Entering the Void with Ascended Master Lanto.

Working with the voidal energies in this workshop will give you healing, peace and the ability to create your dreams into reality.

Alphedia Arara was asked by the Ascended Master Realm to bring through a healing transmission for you all using the Voidal energies.

The Void is the space of creation, the Void is the space of Love and the Void is the space of all that is.

When one enters the Void space one surrenders the ego control, and led by Ascended Master Lanto he explains to you why the Ascended Masters are urging souls to let go of the ego control.

In this transmission:

  • The Ascended Masters will explain to you how to use the Void as an ascension tool.
  • How to use the Void to re-energise you.
  • How to support your holographic matrixes for the shifts that are to come at the Solstice and then at the Eclipses in July.
  • This will be an opportunity for you to be taken deep into the void
    • for your guides to heal you,
    • for you to gain information,
    • for you to create.

Your soul knows on a higher conscious level all that it is wishing to create in this reality in this timeline but often it is the lower ego mind that gets in the way.

Alphedia lovingly guides you into the Voidal space, working with her black obsidian Void Crystal Skull Siron.

Siron will hold the energy of the Void for those of you who are struggling to let go of the ego mind control.

The ego mind is the mind that lives from fear, anxiety, anger, sorrow, grief, jealousy, envy, any of the lower emotions that vibrate below Love.

This will be an opportunity for you to break free of those states of being.

And you will also work in the Void space to dream into being the 5D Earth of love, unity, joy and hope, but most of all this experience will bring peace to your soul.

Channeling from Ascended Master Lanto

“Greetings, greetings, greetings. I am Master Lanto to come forward to support you in my new role at this time.

I have now become the Chohan of the First Ray of Light, I am doing this only for a short period of time but it gives me the opportunity to assist you all in returning to the basics.

For when you build a house, if the foundation is not strong it doesn’t matter how well the roof and the upper part is built it will collapse.

So I will be working with your first chakra, the root chakra, helping you process any destabilsation energies you have stored there, anywhere you are not surrendering to the voidal energies.

What we the Ascended Masters have seen, having been through our own ascension on Earth, is how the negative grids penetrating the morphic fields are keeping you all in a state of destabilsiation but when you are comfortable within the Void space within this is no longer so.

Through deep healing meditation transmissions, sound code frequencies, your soul has this opportunity for a deeply healing experience and it is my privilege, honour and joy to support you with this. Adoni.”

As always, Alphedia Arara will not only be channeling the words of Master Lanto but supporting your healing journey through channeling the Tibetan singing bowls, the crystal pyramid, crystal singing bowls, percussion and voice toning.