Galactic Elemental Beings Healing Solstice Virtual Retreat
Join us for the 3 day Solstice Channeled Healing Retreat with Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu to receive healing from the Elemental Beings and to offer Earth Healing aiding the Galactic Elemental Beings coming on to Earth to aid the Ascension process.
Includes an honouring New Earth Ceremony at Stone Circle over Solstice Time
Fri 20th, Sat 21st, Sun 22nd of December 2024
Live on Vimeo Video, Attendance on Location and Video & Audio recordings After the Event
Exchange is £155 or £186 for the UK inc VAT
Option to add a personal channeled message from the Galactic Elemental Beings
You are most welcome to join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu over 3 days to celebrate the Solstice Point this December 2024 with the wonderful Elemental Beings of Nature to receive their deep healing for you in the magical ancient land of Dalriada on the stunning West Coast of Scotland.
For us in Scotland it will be the shortest day of the year on Saturday 21st December with at 9.21am GMT where we will gather at the Temple Wood Stone Circles to honour, like our ancestors would have on this special day.
The Winter Solstice is the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is the longest. It does not matter where you are in the world you can join us virtually for a wonderful healing experience from the Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings.
In this retreat Alphedia will channel the consciousness of Mother Earth as well as the Fairies, Elves, Mermaids, Air Dragons, Unicorns and Salamanders as well as any other Nature Spirits who decide to come forward to connect with us.
We have been supporting Mother Earth with her movement into 7th dimensional Earth Template and this Solstice, Gateways are opening for more Nature Spirits and Elementals to come to Earth.
These Galactic Elementals Beings are bringing healing wisdom from different Star Systems to support not only the vibration of the Earth rising, but to support new healing energies to support humanity and the other beings living on Earth.
In this Retreat Alphedia Arara will be channeling through the new Elemental Beings with their healing codes to support you in your own inner healing journeys as great souls incarnate on Earth.
This will be a very nurturing Retreat offering opportunities for personal healing, Earth healing and personal guidance to assist you for the next stage of your Earth walk.
Alphedia has been channeling elementals since she wrote her first book over 20 years ago about their environmental messages called 'Messages from Nature’s Guardians'.
It is her mission to support humans and Elementals building bridges of communications and belief in each other and our roles to support the New Earth Creation.
The Solstice time is about honouring the wisdom within you, honouring Mother Earth for all she supports you with and deepening your healing connection with the Nature Guardians.
We will work with the 4 main elements within our bodies - Earth, Air, Fire and Water and receive healing activations and attunements with them and their Nature Guardians.
The Elemental Beings will support you in bringing all the elements within your body back into balance which is required for greater health going forward.
Every Elemental Being uses different healing frequencies.
Through channeled meditations, crystal ascension sphere attunements, activations and shamanic channeled journeying Alphedia will open you up to this magical realm.
Not only will this be very healing for your soul, but it will uplift you, bring joy back into your life, purpose and meaning too so you can move into the year ahead rejuvenated, nurtured and feeling important and loved.
This Solstice Celebration will be split into different sections (it will be same video link for each):
Friday 20th December 6.00pm – 9.00pm GMT - Eve of Solstice
Alphedia will open up our Solstice Circle by calling in your name into the sacred circle connecting with the consciousness of Mother Earth, who will bless you and provide a nurturing healing experience for you in deep guided meditation.
You will be led on an invocation to call in the Elemental Beings guides to connect with you and to set your intention for your three day Solstice healing journey.
We will go on a guided channelled live meditation to prepare our energy fields and to let go of anything you are carrying that you wish to release.
If you are suffering any illnesses or unwellness in your life, any worry or concerns we begin the healing experience right away by supporting you with this first.
This will be a cleansing preparation meditation with sound healing from the sacred instruments of Tibetan singing bowls, Crystal bowls, chimes, hang drum and percussion.
In order to open up our energy fields to be able to receive maximum healing from all the Elementals.
Throughout the retreat you will receive channeled guidance (if on the live call) from Alphedia to assist you with all the healing meditation experiences.
Alphedia will bring through a live channeling from Mother Earth about the retreat purpose and the Galactic Elemental Portals we will be opening on Earth.
Alphedia will teach you about the 4 elements within our bodies and the Elementals connected with each.
We will start to healing these 4 elements within us and receive four powerful attunement meditation journeys of healing with the Elemental Beings on the Eve of the Solstice.
We will start with the Earth Element and take you on a Crystal Ascension Sphere attunement.
This a silent meditation journey for around 10 minutes where you energetically will journey with the Element and receive healing and wisdom and attune your frequency.
We will go a powerful channeled guided meditation transmission with the Gnomes, Elves and Fairies to access deep healing from these powerful and magical beings of light.
We will then work with the Water Element and receive our Crystal Ascension Sphere attunement to balance this element.
Then Alphedia will channel a powerful healing transmission with the Mermaid, Undines, Sprites and Dolphins.
We will then move to the Air Element and receive our Ascension Sphere attunement with that element.
By now you are ready to meet with the Unicorns, Air Dragons and Slyphs to go on a magical guided meditation journey with them.
Lastly we attune to the Fire Element in our Ascension Spheres to balance this within you.
For this transmission it will be the Fire Dragons and Salamanders who lead you on your journey of soul healing.
We will finish with a grounding crystal skull healing from Master Sherling our Large Merlinite crystal skull
Day 2 is Solstice Day - 9am GMT
We will gather at the Temple Wood Stone Circle at dawn to celebrate the Solstice Point at 9.21 am GMT. Here we will drum in the Solstice morning to activate the energies of the stone circles.
(Please not this is a remote location and the signal is never very strong. Keep logging back in if you get disconnected we will keep transmitting and the recording will be perfect)
We set our intentions on the shortest or longest day of the year for the next turn of the wheel.
Temple Wood Stone Circle, Kimartin Glen, Argyll
(if you wish to physically come to the stone circle please let us know in advance)
This mysterious and ancient landscape of stone megaliths still holds it secrets of purpose and ancient ceremonies as well as powerful Earth leylines.
This Earth healing Solstice ceremony will honour the ancients we will drum and call them forth to share with us their wisdom that our soul can hear.
To remember ancient spiritual ceremonies we too as souls have taken and to reclaim the knowledge of them.
We will do a gratitude offering ceremony and pray for the enlightenment of mankind.
We will work with the crystal skulls to connect with the Earth template.
(If you don’t have a skull you can use a crystal or a stone from your garden)
We will honour the Scottish Sun God Lugh and gives thanks for the Sun’s healing rays.
We will open the Stone Circle's energy gateways so we can get the codes we require and prepare it for the Galactic Elemental Beings.
Saturday 4-6pm GMT
In this session we will connect into the energies of the Solstice Point and Mother Earth.
Alphedia will start with an invocation to connect deeply with Mother Earth and lead you on a powerful meditation channelled live.
This will be journey to not only expand your consciousness in Galactic awareness but also to aid you in remembering your path as an Earth Healer in this incarnation.
What you signed up to help with and support Mother Earth using your unique healing gifts.
We will then receive a live channeling from Mother Earth on this Solstice and what Galactic Elementals you are assigned to connect with and support coming to Earth.
You will then have a Galactic Elementals Crystal Ascension Sphere attunement to raise your vibration and receive any healing your require.
You will go on another guided meditation journey to find out the Galactic Elementals you are here to assist and connect with their energy and be assigned a guide. This healing journey will be supported by sound healing through the Tibetan singing bowls and percussion channelled by Alphedia.
You will receive personal messages about your mission during this meditation journey. We will be opening the 7th dimensional portals to the Galactic Elementals preparing for their arrival the next day.
Day 3 6-8pm GMT Sunday 22nd December 2024
Today we bring the Galactic Elemental Beings to help the 7th Dimensional Earth template strengthen!!
This is a momentous opportunity for us all, one we have as souls worked towards for thousands of years holding our inner light.
Growing and developing as souls to ascend in consciousness higher and higher!
This will be a channeled transmission journey where will perform exciting energetic work to open all the Portals and Gateways and assist the arrival of these Galactic Elementals onto Earth.
It will be a day of celebration in the many Realms and Dimensions.
Alphedia will channel this whole experience for us.
We will finish the session and close the Retreat with a beautiful solstice gong bath with Auraengus Manu on his Lotus Gong.
Channelled Message from Mother Earth
"Greetings I am delighted to call you forth to aid the return of the Galactic Elementals through the 7th dimensional portals I am opening up this Solstice.
Many of you are very connected with the Elemental realms from times of Lemuria and Atlantis but also from Galactic experiences also.
The Portals now opening will allow higher consciousness of the Elemental Realms to seed new light codes onto Earth.
As the Nature Realms accelerate their evolution new emphasis will enter humanities consciousness to protect the environment.
New innovations to clean up pollution and new awareness of habitat protection will come into being.
A whole new way of humans living in harmony with the rest of the planet can be born forth.
This is the start of the movement away from the drivers being greed, manipulation, extortion and war that is a scourge on my surface.
I am delighted to offer you deep healing and to establish a greater connection with your brethren in the Elemental realms.
Galactic Elemental Beings Healing Solstice Virtual Retreat
20th - 22nd December 2024
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]
Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.