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Great God Pan and Master Hilarion Realign to Earth Frequencies Workshop

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Workshop date: 12 March 2017
Duration approximately: 4.5 hrs
Please note: Audio download available. There is no personal message available with this recording

This workshop is now available on MP3 audio recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.

Workshop took place on 12th March 2017.

God Pan and Ascended Master Hilarion wish to realign you to the energy frequencies of Mother Earth, so you can fully harness and benefit from her gifts of light.

In this full moon workshop the powerful energies of Pan, the Greek Great God of Nature, and Ascended Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray of Light, the Green Ray of Truth and Healing came forward to offer us wisdom.

The full moon took place in Virgo and occurred at 2.53pm GMT on 12 March 2017. The energies of this moon were all about rooting to the earth. About aligning with her ascension path and reconnecting to her truth, and the truth of the natural realms.

Pan the Great God of Nature oversees the Elemental Realms and came forward to aid us in our connection to Mother Earth.

Ascended Master Hilarion is the overseer of the Temple of Truth of the etheric planes, near the Greek island of Crete. He was a High Priest in the Temple of Truth and moved the Flame of Truth to Greece just before the fall of Atlantis. He has had many lifetimes on Earth, one of his most famous ones being the apostle Paul in the time of Jesus Christ.

Hilarion comes forward to help you reconnect to the truth of the Universe, the truth of who you are, the truth of your mission on Planet Earth.

Unless we are rooted and anchor into the earth as souls within a physical shell we do not vibrate at the correct frequency, we therefore manifest ill health, disorientation, disattachment from our soul truth. Life does not flow easily for us, doors do not open and these two deities wish to realign you to the energy frequencies of earth, so you can fully harness and benefit from her gifts of light.

  • In this workshop Alphedia channels Pan and Hilarion.
  • You go on a self realisation exercise to look at how connected you are to the rhythms and the wisdom and the information that the earth realm is offering you to look at how much you are embodying your soul truth.
  • You are then taken on a guided meditation to help you clear the barriers to you being your soul truth and integrity at all times so that you can be an expression of divine truth.

Channeled message from Hilarion and Pan

Greetings we come together as one voice. We’ve come together this moon to connect you with your soul truth, but also to connect you with your Ancient Greek heritage, wisdom and knowledge, for many of you had lifetimes during the Ancient Greek civilisation that you are ready to explore, to acknowledge, to reawaken and to heal now.

The energies of this moon in Virgo are offering you an opportunity to re-evaluate yourself, where you are at, and to release and let go of the barriers of accessing, expressing and being in your truth.

Now for many of your race you are unwilling to look at yourself this deeply but for those light workers on the path, for now it is of vital importance for you to reconnect with your inner truths as a soul, otherwise you will become disorientated by the great shifts Mother Gaia is planning for the back end of this year 2017.

Our energies support you and reconnecting with the nature realms and reconnecting with mother earth, for their is a great yearning and longing in your hearts to be at one with your Great Mother, who wishes to nurture you, wishes to support you and who wishes to align you.

For when you are aligned to your truth, the Earths truth to Universal truth, barriers and blocks disappear. Your ego loses grip and hold, the pain body has to release. For it’s not a natural state to be in pain dear ones and as you ascend beyond your pain body, beyond your egos control you move into a place of healing through the heart and Master Hilarion will use this Fifth Ray, the Green Ray of Light.

You will receive an attunement through this ray.

A recognition and a coming home for many of you who have ascended already through the Fifth Ray of Light.

But as you walk onto the earth plane it is often easy to forget, as the veils can be thick with illusion.

And we’ll bring you back into piece and harmony and oneness with your natural world around you.

For those who are Earth healers this will come as a great sense of relief for through the energies of this moon Mother Earth is restating her claim as being sovereign.

And she is beginning to break down the barriers and the structures of your third world order that are becoming incompatible with her new vibrational frequency.

Know that this moon is about you making this shift out of fear that keeps you living in an illusionary world. For you are already beloved ones, to awaken and align to your purpose, your path and your birth right.

We are honoured to be of service. Namaste, Blessed Be”
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