Healing Your Life In All Respects : Elohim Angels Workshop
The Elohim Angels, who are the closest angels to the Divine, wish to support us with their high frequency light. To teach us and to assist us in moving in to the place of perfect health and balance in all areas of our lives.
This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.
Workshop took place 12th December 2019.
The Elohim Angels of Light came forward to ask Alphedia to channel them to assist us in healing all aspects of ourselves.
We are all on this journey of Ascension and yet all have our own hurdles in manifesting healing in every area of our lives.
Whether you are seeking healing in your physical health, mental health, emotional health, relationships, career, finances, Spiritual Ascension, the Elohim Angels, the closest angels to the Divine, come forward with their high frequency light to support us, to teach us and to assist us in moving in to this place of perfect health and balance, prepared and ready for the Gateway opening at the Solstice.
This Full Moon was in Gemini, the air sign, and it brings in this opportunity for us to look at where we have got to as souls and where we have the opportunity to heal.
The portal shift at the Solstice marks the end of a seven year cycle. A seven year cycle that started the Ascension for Humanity and Mother Earth and also gave us the opportunity to shed, to release, and to heal that which was blocking our souls progression in the past.
As always with the Full Moon workshops Alphedia Arara channels live the Elohim’s Full Moon message within the energies.
The moon was fullest at 5:12am GMT and so this course was channeled within the Full Moon portal.
- You have the opportunity for a deep self-realisation exercise, allowing the Elohim to show you where your life at this time is requiring healing and assistance
- You receive an Elohim Ascension Sphere attunement, which is your own individual personal healing from them.
- You are then taken on the powerful Full Moon channelled meditation.
You are supported with sound healing through the Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, the elemental chimes, percussion and voice toning Alphedia is guided to channel through.
As always with the Full Moon workshops you have the opportunity for self reflection and the opportunity to manifest, to dream and to bring in the new reality that your soul is wishing to create for itself at this time.
Greetings, greetings, greetings, it is with great honour, privilege and joy that we come forth.
We wish to take you on a journey, a journey that culminates in the creation of the Divine expression through you.
You are being called now to be willing to raise your energy frequency, to raise your vibration, to support you on this journey of soul healing; becoming aware of where healing is required in your life for it is not always conscious what your stumbling blocks are.
We will take you to our Elohim Temple of Light which is of tenth dimensional frequency.
We will teach you the three keys to perfection as a soul whilst incarnate in any realm and dimension.
It will aid you, teach you and support you in loving yourself unconditionally, accepting yourself unconditionally and approving of yourself unconditionally.
For many of you have been focused on the love of self, but the acceptance and the approval are key also.
Now approval only comes into the Earth walk reality for it is only the judgements programmed into you through the lack frequency that stops souls approving of themselves unconditionally and this is a key one that many of you will notice massive great benefit from.
We are loving beneficial angelic light beings who wish to support you in creating your soul’s perfection expressed through your Human form.
Do not underestimate the power of doing this energy work to heal, transform your lives.
And as we are on the cusp of another stage of the New Dawn of Evolution of Human Soul Reality we are excited if you hear our call, if you know in your hearts you are ready to bring through the changes no matter what.
The universe will provide for you all the tools, all the support, all the knowledge that you require.
The key is to take action and to ask and to be ready to receive dear ones.
We look forward this exciting opportunity now. Adoni.”