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Imbolc Rainbow Dragon Stone Circle 7D Activation

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Imbolc Rainbow Dragon Stone Circle 7D Activation
Product Details
Join Alphedia Arara at the Temple Woods Stone Circle on astrological Imbolc 2025 to harness a Rainbow Dragon activation channelled at the exact astrological point when the Gateway within the stone circle opened. This activation is to support the movement of being able be the real soul you in physical human form as you shift to 7th dimensionality. The Rainbow Light Codes that are being released will energise and heal your energy matrix.

1 hour activation including 30 minute channelled Rainbow Dragon meditation.

Rainbow Dragon Channelling.

15 minutes activation at the Stone Circle over the Imbolc Astrological point for the Rainbow Light codes to activate

Crystal Dragon skull silent meditation for grounding, healing and integration.

This is available on automatic download in Video and Audio MP3 format.

The Temple Wood stone circle is located in Kilmartin Glen on west coast Argyll in Scotland which is one of the largest megalithic sites in the UK. The Rainbow Dragon wishes to bring through this activation of Rainbow Light to flood into our matrixes to not only strengthen our energy field and energy levels but to assist you with aligning with the real you so allowing more of your soul expression to come forward.

As humans we are souls of light but when we go through the veils of illusion to come onto Earth we forget our connection with Divine source is the main purpose for being in body.

As we grow up we are imprinted by our parents and caregivers, our education system, our governments and legal systems and we take on personalities to cope with all this imprinting.

Maybe you are a people pleaser, maybe you are the doormat everyone uses and dumps on, maybe you are the fighter or antagonist, or perhaps you are the carer, the healer of everyones issues, the go getter, the activist, the creative one, the problem solver, the fixer, the dreamer who struggles with responsibility, the reliable one who has to organise everything.

What ever your persona you have taken on is NOT the real you and now after this astrological mid point between Solstice and Equinox the energies are shifting to allow the REAL you to come to the forefront.

To be able to be the expression of the Divine you are in human form is the greatest gift from Source.

The Rainbow Dragon of Temple woods wishes to give you this GIFT. So you can be without all that is not true to you. This activation from the Dragon is unburdening you with a powerful Rainbow Light activation.

The Portal will be open fully for 3 days and allow these three days after the activation is listened to for changes to occur in your life. Give yourself space to integrate this powerful Dragon activation which Alphedia will channel live at the Imbolc point of 14.11 GMT.

Channeling from the Rainbow Dragon

"It is a great honour to come forward to support you at this powerful astrological point.

Many of you are ready for this next upgrade in your energy matrix where I will start by clearing your channels of light and transforming any negativity held in your matrix.

As the energies are increasing the lower energy junk in your matrixes and old energies require transformation to help you feel more vibrant and alive as a soul within a body.

If you have been feeling exhausted, run down, uninspired and unenergised it is because your soul has been bogged down with energetic grot from others and the collective humanity consciousness.

The Rainbow Dragon light will not only provide you with a big energy upgrade but a soul liberation experience.

Where you can feel yourself and be the true expression of yourself that you may never have felt in body in this life before.

Now is the time for humanity to be focussing on true soul expression.

Letting go of feeling of unworthiness, fear, anger, ridicule and moving into celebration through the Dragon Rainbow light codes which are being released now onto Earth.

This is an exciting opportunity to to make the movement and evolution to the next stage of liberation for humanity in the creation of the utopia on Earth in 7th dimensional form.

The Rainbow Dragon light will help you to recalibrate, get back on course as a soul and to honour and revere yourself for the AMAZING soul of light that you are.

This will be an uplifting activation for those ready to more forward in their soul ascension and increasing their energy vibration to create a happier and healthier life being in true alignment with who you are really are.


Alphedia activated the Rainbow Dragon in Temple woods with an Earth Healing Retreat group in 2017. In this activation Alphedia and Auraengus will travel to the Stone circle and channel the Dragon to activate the Imbolc codes coming onto Earth to support us at this time.

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker in order to hear all the frequencies of the transmission.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]. & [email protected]

Technical issues: [email protected]

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.