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🟡 Activating your Spiritual Codes with Master Melchizedek and the Whales workshop

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🟡 Activating your Spiritual Codes with Master Melchizedek and the Whales workshop
Product Details
Workshop date: 9 June 2017
Duration approximately: 2.5 hrs
Please note: There is no personal message available with this recording. Audio download available.

This recorded workshop is about activating your unique codes within. As every soul comes to Earth they bring with them unique codes of light. Master Melchizedek and the Whale Consciousness bring through channelled guidance.

This workshop is now available on MP3 audio download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. No personal message is available with the recording. This was recorded in a Full moon portal but can be listed too any time your soul feels the call to learn these healings and teachings.

🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.

Alphedia Arara channels Master Melchizedek and the Whale Consciousness on the full moon in Sagittarius.

The whales are the anchors on the Earth. They anchor the Earth energy grids and anchor the codes and the frequency shifts deep in their aquatic environment.

Master Melchizedek is a high priest and he oversees the missions of light for many on their Earth walk.

This moon allows you to harness the codes that you carry for they lie dormant until you fully activate them. And by activating your codes of light you not only increase your energy vibration but you increase your energy levels, psychic abilities, health and soul happiness.

This moon provides you an opportunity to look at why the activation of your codes is important for you at this time and why you have come to Earth to carry them.

In this workshop Alphedia channels live and leads you on a self realisation exercise to maximise your healing at this full moon time and then takes you on a channeled guided meditation.You also receive a whale consciousness ascension sphere attunement to receive healing from the whale wisdom.

Your whale matrix chakra which is beneath your feet is activated and this will allow you to ground and anchor more on the Earth plane.

This allows you to be more centred and in alignment with the earth energy shifts. This powerful moon allows you to feel more connected with who you are.

Channelling from Master Melchezidek

For those of you who are feeling stressed, anxious and worried, even lethargic and bored, these are all signs that you are disconnected to your Divine Truth and you are feeling the call to step into alignment.

Now is the time to fast track. After the solstice there will be a shift in energy. This energy will catapult you forward at great speed and so this moon is a preparatory moon for you to prepare your energy system.

For you to be allowed to recognise the codes of light that you carry and have a deeper understanding of what they are and how to activate them.

I will take you up to my ashram, my temple and do the activation work and then take you deep, deep into the ocean energies to commune with the whales for many of you have come to Earth with the mission to work with the dolphin and whale consciousness.

Many of you have done this work before particularly in the Atlantic Epoch but now it is time to hear the song of the whales. To recognise their wisdom and the gifts that they offer on Earth. For they are vast beings of light and to receive whale healing is one of the most beautiful opportunities your soul can experience.

For when you come into alignment with the consciousness of the whales your vibration is expanded to the 10th dimension. And from this place 10th dimensional consciousness living, many doors are opened to you.

This moon offers you this opportunity to open the doors to your potential and it is privildegq for e to help you harness and accept this. Know that this moon is a catalyst, choose to use it and your wings will spread and you will soar.”

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.