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🟢 Merlin Reconnect to the One Heart of Gaia Workshop

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🟢 Merlin Reconnect to the One Heart of Gaia Workshop
Product Details
Workshop date: 7 May 2020
Duration approximately: 2.5 hrs
Please note: Audio download available

As you delve deeper into Mother Earth’s heart you become fuller, more abundant, healthier and more confident.

Workshop is now available on Video and MP3 recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message not available.

Workshop took place on 7th May 2020.

Alphedia Arara invites you to join her and Merlin the Celtic Earth Magician Wizard to celebrate the Full Moon in Scorpio. The Full Moon occurred at 11:45 am and Merlin comes forward to support us in preparing for the Heart Codes opening during May 2020.

Now as Mother Earth starts to release further Heart Codes this gives Humanity the opportunity not only to heal through the heart, but to live and to be in Heart-centred Consciousness at all times. Now Merlin is the Divine Alchemist and he is offering to help you in this watery Scorpio Full Moon healing point to really embrace and balance and heal any emotional disturbance affecting your Heart Centre.

Often we are unconscious of imbalance within the Heart as over many incarnations on Earth we have adapted and learnt how to shut our hearts down to the pain and traumas we experienced. This is an opportunity Merlin says to deeply purge the past and step fully into your Sovereignty going forth.

Know you have this opportunity to re-claim your Soul Sovereignty and release any areas where dis-empowerment has occurred for you in any of your Earth walk experiences. We work with Mother Gaia, who envelopes you in her beautiful newly releasing Heart Codes and works with you to free you from whatever is causing you suffering or limiting your inner happiness and soul growth at this time.

As you delve deeper into Mother Earth’s heart you become fuller, more abundant, healthier and more confident. Your aura expands, as does your consciousness as her unconditional love flows from her heart to yours overriding any blocks and heart wounding you have experienced. In essence setting you free to be all you came here to be.

  • In this full moon workshop Alphedia channels live Merlin and Mother Gaia at the start to bring forward current information while in the Moon portal.
  • You go on a beautiful meditation to connect with the Scorpio Full Moon and have the opportunity, through your self realisation exercise, to receive inner wisdom on your heart’s movement into the One Heart of All.
  • Merlin focusses on actively doing Earth magic upon you whilst Mother Earth stabilises your heart centre. In essence he performs psychic heart surgery to allow you this opportunity to shed trauma and pain and to fill you up with abundance, joy and happiness.
  • You receive a Merlin Ascension Sphere attunement healing as well as a Gaia Mother Earth one.
  • You then go on a powerful guided meditation, supported through sound healing where Merlin and Mother Earth lead you into this place of inner compassion, strength and heart felt connection with all. Starting to reconnect you to Oneness in your heart.

As you open your heart more fully you increase your clairsentient abilities, able to feel your way through life, disconnecting from old programming and healing you as you fast track your spiritual awareness and evolution.

Channeled Message from Merlin

Greetings, greetings dear ones it is with honour and joy that I Merlin come forth.

Many of you are starting to remember your Divine Mastery, you are remembering that you are Alchemists and Magicians of the Earth.

I am working in this session with the consciousness of your Earth, your Mother Gaia, helping you to journey further into your One Heart Connection with Her.

This is giving you the opportunity to self heal, but also the opportunity to be Love at all times.

We will take you into the Heart Chamber of Mother Earth.

I will take you into an ancient grove of Oak Trees.

Here we will work on commanding the Earth element to your strengths and to connect with the inner aspect of your Earth Magician within.

I will be awakening aspects of your dormant Earth Magic that you hold within your soul so that you remember fully work that you have done with me in the past to heal Mother Earth.

You will then go through the Portal into her One Heart Consciousness.

This is a space like the void but it is the pure Heart Codes of the Earth.

Here you will be assigned your Earth Heart mission, for life on Earth changes from this time forth.

Some of you will be assigned specific roles of practical action to take, some of you will be assigned energetic roles.

Some of you will be given codes to anchor and hold and others of you will be assigned companions and guides to aid you in deepening your connection to the One Heart of Gaia.

Many of you have been longing for this full re-connection with Mother Earth.

To come back into your Sovereign power of Oneness and to further disconnect from the 3rd Dimensional matrix drama, for returning to nature and your connection with her is key at this point.

I will channel through a short personal message, for those who wish it, on your role and support you through the healing process your heart requires at this time.

This will be a beautiful, powerful, healing experience for you all and know you are deeply loved at this time, supported all ways.

Adoni Blessed Be.”

Merlin Vortex

After the meditation we receive a Merlin Vortex Session from Auraengus Manu to integrate the shifts for everyone and for him and Merlin to work on any soul issues which present for you.

This whole workshop experience is supported through sound healing with Alphedia Arara playing the crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, percussion, voice work and drum during the meditations.

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.