Sirian Temple Building Master Golden Tiger's Eye Star Being Crystal Skull 2"*
This Star Being connects with the consciousness of a Sirian Temple Building Master.
Crystal Properties
* Tiger's Eye is a stone of the Golden Ray, helping to connect with the Christ Consciousness.
* It helps with lifting dark moods, alleviating depression.
* Creates a high vibration within a grounded state.
* It works on the Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakras.
* Tiger's Eye energises the body, improving strength to overcome fatigue or discouragement.
* It aids with mental clarity and is an excellent stone for advanced meditators.
* Tiger's Eye assists with healing issues of self worth and helps one overcome self criticism.
Length: 5cm
Width: 3.5cm
Height: 3.5cm
Weight: 83g
If you wish to keep the information about this crystal please make a copy before you order.
Includes MP3 guided meditation to connect to your Crystal Skull channelled by Alphedia.