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Soul Channelling

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Soul Channelling
Product Details

Alphedia Arara offers 15 minute Soul Channellings to assist you on your life path. These are channelled directly by Alphedia letting the guide speak directly through her.

Would you like to know about your Soul’s Mission here on Earth? Do you want some guidance on your life and your higher purpose at this time? Would you like practical guidance on health, career, relationships, spiritual knowledge?

Alphedia channels the higher realms and allows beings of light to speak through her to give you a direct message for your soul’s growth and knowledge to assist you.

Guidance comes from the being of light who wishes to communicate with you; it could be an Angel, Fairy, Nature Spirit, Star Being, Ascended Master, Goddess or other Guide. You can request a particular being you wish to hear from at point of booking also.

In recent years many have wished to have their soul names brought through or their walk in dates of birth and information.

Fascinating healing, insights and information can be brought through, it is an amazing experience to hear their words. Many people book sessions again and again to aid them in their lives and healing.

Soul Channelings are around 15 minutes of direct talking from the Being of Light that comes forward for you.

You can email up to 3 questions to be asked or just leave it up to the deity.

They are recorded in her Sacred Space at Dalriada, the ancient kingdom of the standing stones and circles in West Scotland and are emailed out to you as an MP3 audio recording.

You should receive your Soul Channelling within one month of purchase .

If you have any question you wish asked (maximum of 3) please add them to your order.


"Thank you for such a beautiful, profound inspirational message. Thank you for being you and sharing your gifts. I only awoke 3 years ago and am a channel (not doing it for a living yet) as well. Your workshops have opened me up so greatly and have allowed me to open up to elementals and star beings and other beings of light. Thank you!" Delia, USA

"Words alone do not convey the profundity of my gratitude and appreciation for my channeling session!!! I could not stop crying happy tears throughout those 17 minutes!!! It was a very emotional experience. I was filled with so much joy and LOVE. It was healing to have answers on the many aspects of my life I have been wanting in regards to my Earth walk. Thank you for delivering my beautiful soul name. The tears stopped when I heard my name. I completely calmed myself and felt at peace. It was an inner recognition and knowing. Wow. You are the best!! I value your wisdom and gift that you share with the world. Keep up the incredible work Alphedia. Lots of love and light." André, Western Australia

"Thank you so so much for my soul channeling. It was beautiful and I cried when I listened to it the first time. I will need to listen again a few times, there was so much great advice and information. I will be in touch about some of the things which were mentioned. But I just had to email you straight away to thank you. It really is a wonderful gift you have. Thank you so much. It is going to help me greatly and then I can help my children. Many many thanks." Sharyn, UK

"Hey Alphedia, It was truly a honour for you to share your gift with me. Your voice is comforting. Your reading has inspired me to pull my life into the heart path. From a business man perspective I think you are fantastic. And from a personal level, I appreciate the awakening :).” Lucas, Australia

"Hello, you made a Soul Channeling for me last year. When I heard it for the first time, on my birthday last year, it all made a lot of sense and I intended to write to you, but then time just passed. 2016 was a huge year for me, filled with intense inner transformations. Your channeling came to my mind a few times, but I never heard it again until today.

A year later, my Dragon Guide reminded me again to hear it, so I did it today. And I felt it all over again, but more intensively. It was like if you were here with me, I felt all the energy work even more than last year. And I received even more telepathic information.

Today I had this feeling that, last year, when I heard it for the first time, it was like if my cellular matrix had opened a door and today, hearing it again, concluded that process. I don't know if this makes any sense to you, but it was how I felt it.

As you said, I feel that now I really need to listen to it often, because it helps me to receive more telepathic information. I wanted to thank you so much, because you gave me a lot of pieces that were missing so I can complete some puzzles! 🙂 Alphedia, thank you for being here. Thank you for your existence. May your path be bright and blessed, always." Johanna, Portugal