Star Being Skulls
The star beings skulls are coming forth on to Earth now to aid us with star connection as we move into Oneness with all of creation
How to Work with Star Beings Skulls
If you are drawn to work with star skulls you are ready to awaken your inner star seed wisdom! We are souls who have come onto Earth through the star gate portals and are remembering now our Galactic mission. The star being skulls that choose you want to aid you with your Galactic mission. To remember your training in their star systems and help you in your healing and psychic work.
You can meditate holding onto them and allow yourself to journey with them. You can sleep with them with you to work with them in your dream time. You can place them in crystal healing grids. You can take them to energy sites to pick up the codes and download frequencies for Earth healing. Working with the star beings skulls intuitively is the best way just trust you inner guidance there is no right or wrong way to work with them as long as you are working with them from a place of loving intentions.