Elemental Beings Online Shop

Water Dragons Workshop

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Product Details
Workshop date: 23 February 2013
Duration approximately: 2.5 hrs
Please note: Audio download available

This workshop is now available on Audio MP3 recording download automatically at purchase. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course.

Workshop took place on 23rd February 2013.

The Water Dragons are Guardians of the seas and oceans and represent the feminine aspect of the Dragon realm. They live in deep underwater crevasses. They offer you healing on your emotional body.

Dragons are one of the most powerful Nature Spirits and offer humans the opportunity for transformation, divine alchemy, psychic development and protection.

The Dragons wish to reestablish a connection with humans and souls who have worked with their magic in the past to assist us in our our development at this time but also to assist with Gaia’s healing/rebalancing process and to bring back ancient knowledge and teachings from their realm.

The Dragons return now the wisdom they are carriers for and offer it to us each as we are unique and individual and hold all hold keys to different aspects of creation and have different vital roles for our own evolution and that of the planet we dwell on at this point in time.

Perhaps you feel restless, anticipatory, excited or just enchanted by the possibility of re-establishing a connection to the Dragons. They also wish to work with those who are feeling lost, stuck and unsure where they are going.

In this workshop Alphedia Arara introduces you to the energy of the Water Dragons.

They are the Elemental guardians of the seas and oceans and represent the feminine aspect of the Dragon realm. They live in deep underwater crevasses and can be called upon to clear one’s emotional body.

They purify the negative energies that the deep ocean is a sink for on planet earth. They also keep the ley lines under the seas and oceans clear so energy can flow freely around the planet.

  • You go on a chakra clearing and balancing meditation to attune your energy system to that of the Water Dragons.
  • You have a Water Dragon attunement with the Ascension Spheres

Alphedia channels the Water Dragons and finds out how they can help us to transform and heal our emotional bodies at this time with their help. You are then taken on a guided meditation to connect with them and then perform some healing work for Gaia on the under water ley lines.

A symbol will be given to you from the Dragon realm to carry in your energy system to aid your personal transformation of your emotional body structure to assist the shift from the duality of the 3rd dimensional world into the 5th dimensional New Dawn allowing you to step away from negativity and to a place of emotional joy, bliss and peace.

We conduct a ceremony with a Water Dragon beside the Powseil Burn and work with the female energy of the Berlinus line known as the female Dragon line.

Drumelzier Hall is located both on a ley line known as the Belinus line, and the Merlin line allowing you to access the high frequency energy of Mother Earth and greater transformation by meditating and being within the energy of these lines.

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