Zebra Quartz Crystal Skull 4"
Meet La Ru Ta! She is a beautiful zebra jasper skull with a quartz geode
"Greeting I am here to assist my guardian with raising their energy frequency to hold more light. I will only only support your soul ascension and deep soul healing but also provide powerful protection to enable you to ward off psychic attacks. I will bring through wisdom to you from the fairy realms and bring through diamond light codes to support you in detoxification, and unlocking your past life wisdom. I am a multifaceted skull ready to be active in my healing support.
This gorgeous Zebra Quartz Skull has a geode formation within its crystal matrix.
Crystal Properties
* Quartz is the master healer, the most versatile and multi dimensional stone.
* An energy amplifier and the most easily programmed crystal to work with to assist with achieving any goal.
* Works at the vibration level of the person who is requiring healing or undertaking the spiritual work.
* Deep soul cleanser but it is also the stone of light, bringing heightened awareness to whoever works with it.
* Quartz is the stone of clarity and is powerful to use to strengthen your psychic abilities.
* Stimulates and opens all of the chakras as well as expanding the auric field.
* Quartz connects with the storm element and brings clarity to thoughts and purpose to one's mind and heart.
* A geode formation has many crystals pointing inwards, contained within an outer form.
* The energy is held and amplified within the matrix.
* If the geode is open, the energy is softened and will flow outwards slowly as required.
Length: 11cm
Width: 7cm
Height: 10cm
Weight: 1576g
If you wish to keep the information about this crystal please make a copy before you order.
Includes guided meditation (MP3 download) channelled by Alphedia to connect to your Crystal Skull.