“This mission is going well for the Melchizedeks but we must keep up momentum.
Do you feel the call in your heart to be of service? do you feel the call in your heart to be Love? do you feel the call in your heart to complete the reason you have come to Earth?” Master Melchizedek
Saturday 29th February 2020
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm GMT
Glenholm Spiritual Centre, Broughton, near Peebles ML12 6JF
UK £72 inc vat, Rest of World £60
Master Melchizedek has come forward to ask Alphedia Arara to lead the members of the Order of Melchizedek, of which there are millions of you present on Earth, through the next stage of the Earth mission now the new Earth Templates have been upgraded and released.
Melchizedek wishes to come forward to speak directly to the members of the Order to explain how the role of the Melchizedek O rder is changing and how this affects your own Earth walk journey at this time.
Melchizedek is bringing forward meditations, attunements, but he is keen for activation work.
There are dormant codes lying within members of the Order who knew that when they came to Earth they may have to release and open these at some point if the consciousness of Humanity has risen enough.
Luckily now this consciousness has risen, it has increased and this is allowing, not only the opportunity for you all to have a massive soul upgrade, but for the collective mission to increase its effectiveness on Earth.
Many of you were sent as part of the Melchizedek Order as Earth healers, Earth Ascension supporters but each of you have your own individual roles that you are partaking in and part of the Melchizedek Order of Light.
Many of you are anchoring codes and frequencies, many of you are teachers, are healers and activators and Melchizedek wishes to go through with you all now the collective mission change and how this affects you all.
He will also show you where you are struggling at this point on the Earth Ascension path and give you techniques and tips on how to navigate this as a collective consciousness light force.
This will be a channeled transmission which will support you all in moving to this place of inner understanding of the next stage of the path ahead.
You will receive colour healings, crystal healing, transmissions and also the opportunity to negotiate and navigate your Soul Ascension path within the Order if it is not playing out the way you’d hoped it would on Earth.
Master Melchizedek was High Priest in Atlantis and he will also be activating Priest, Priestess codes within you again through initiations of soul mastery.
You will be given exercises to do with him in dream time from him and a reconnection with those not present on Earth at this time but within the order on the other side supporting you through your initiations.
Channeled Message from Master Melchizedek
“Greetings, greetings, greetings, I am Master Melchizedek.
I come forward at this time to support you through your soul evolution and to aid you in this Earth walk reality experience for you are all Melchizedeks, you are all Master Melchizedeks but I am the overarching consciousness helping support you, the diligent workers, in this evolution of Humanity’s consciousness awakening.
You are all remembering the important role that you have and this year in particular, the year of the heart opening, takes you deeper and deeper out of the ‘I’ and in to more of the collective ‘One’.
And it is the movement into the collective One consciousness that I can see many of you are struggling with at this time.
Those who are still attached strongly, keenly, to the ego, there his no judgement of this, it is just an initiation your soul is choosing to go through.
Know that you are ready, able and willing, I can see this for the next stage of the mission and you may wonder why now I have come forth?
I needed to wait to assess how you were all coping with the new Earth Templates and after two months I am now able to see the work that you are asking for at this time.
If you hear the call of working with me live this way, as soon as you commit to the experience you can start to speak with me, write your list of the help your soul is requiring at this time you feel and we will begin the healing experience.
Depending on who shows up for the transmission will depend on the work that we will do but know you are valuable, know you are loved, know you are supported.
This mission is going well for the Melchizedeks but we must keep up momentum.
Do you feel the call in your heart to be of service? do you feel the call in your heart to be love? do you feel the call in your heart to complete the reason you have come to Earth?
Know that you don’t just come on a mission you come for soul experience, soul peace, soul nurture, growth, and although we work as a collective team you have other work to do as I am aware.
So I hope to make this process easier for you,
It is with joy and honour we do this sacred work. Adoni.”
The New Earth Mission – Master Melchizedek
Purchase Recorded Option: UK £72 inc Vat; Rest of World £60
Includes an MP3 recording of the workshop.
Please read the About Workshops page for more details.
Buy Recorded Option
Master Melchizedek Ascension Sphere Set
UK £36 plus carriage, Rest of World £30 plus carriage
We on Earth have been given this meditation tool to assist in our own personal spiritual development and in working together with others, the raising of the collective consciousness. By using the Ascension Spheres people can access and attune to the energy of Archangels, Gods & Goddesses, Star Systems, Planets, Elementals, Rays and other higher energies. Ascension Spheres consist of 8 crystals or stones which contain a special energy portal, in a tin and satin pouch, with instruction sheet.
These are imbued with the essence and presence of Master Melchizedek to enhance your growth and experience while engaged on the workshop, and during meditation.
Buy Master Melchizedek Ascension Spheres