Sunday 17th October 2021
Alphedia Arara’s beautiful Scottish Serpentine, 10.5 inch, dragon skull Anka is offering this weeks crystal skull healing to celebrate World Dragon Day!
Anka Dragon Skull carries the energies of unconditional love and the abundance codes, peace and calmness.
She is a profoundly healing dragon skull who has the ability to transmute from your energy matrix dense, stuck, lower frequency energies that are no longer serving you as you ascend into the higher consciousness realms of the New Earth.
In this one hour transmission Anka will be working on your multi dimensional self.
She will be working on assisting your soul in releasing what no longer serves you.
We all get stuck in old patterning unconsciously, most of this has come from our past life or ancestral history.
She will work with you to assist you in reclaiming your inner power and raising your energy frequency so you can understand and integrate higher consciousness ways of being.
She will also be working on healing anything that is out of balance within your physical body as you are still moving through the crystallisation process and integration process into the New Earth Template.
Anka will work on shifting limiting belief patterns aiding you in changing the way you view situations in your life.
Supporting you in understanding why you manifested them and giving you the opportunity to choose a different path with a higher consciousness view point in life.
This healing is an opportunity to let go of a further layer of your ego self and move into living more in the NOW moment in love, joy, peace and bliss in every moment.
This will bring you into alignment with your pure true soul self and also to support you in your World work for Mother Earth.
As you release with Anka and the dragons you will feel lighter, unburdened and more able to navigate this challenging time on Earth from heart truth.
In this 1 hour healing:
Anka will start with running a balancing and clearing healing programme for the first 20 minutes to bring you into inner harmony and realignment.
The next 20 minutes Anka will go deep into your matrix and work with your soul in releasing and transmuting deep stuck and stubborn beliefs that are limiting your potential, causing ill health, abundance lack and soul unfulfilment.
The last 20 minutes you will work with Anka on creating the life your soul is wishing you to lead to support you in your Earth Mission and living in family and inner harmony, downloading the codes from the New Earth Template to support you with the inner changes and shifts.
Channelled Message from Anka:
“Greetings, greetings, greetings,
it is with honour and joy that I come forward and thank you for supporting us Dragons in our Day of Celebration.
Now is the time on Earth to embrace change.
So many humans are stuck because they do not embrace change.
So many humans do not even know they require to change; happily taking lifetime and after lifetime to make any soul progress.
Part of the role for the Dragon realm in the New Earth Template is to assist humanity in speeding up their inner healing process and to advance the consciousness of the human collective.
To do this however humans have to be willing!
Many of the Dragon Priests and Priestesses from Atlantis have returned again to support this process.
Humanity no longer has to stay in suffering.
I call upon the pioneering souls who remember that Dragons can assist and aid you in releasing what is keeping you trapped, limited from expressing your full soul potential.
I am excited to offer you further liberation!
As always Alphedia Arara will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Anka.
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission through your multi dimensional self.
Enjoy your inner healing meditation with Anka.
If you book at least an hour prior to this transmission your name will be placed under Anka and connected in by Alphedia Arara at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Anka and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Anka and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Anka Dragon Skull Healing Transmission: Releasing What No Longer Serves
Saturday 17th October 9-10pm BST
Please book at least one hour prior to the transmission if possible
There will be no audio, video or recording of this real time transmission.
It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.
Book Healing with Anka
Testimonials from Previous Group Healings
“Thank you Anka such beautiful healing energy! Always soothing and reassuring xx”
“That was very powerful Alphedia! Lots of healing happened, chakra healing, healing on the right side of my head and much more.. thank you Zooranka & Alphedia✨”
“The healing last night was amazing! I thought I was asleep (which shows I wasn’t as you never think you’re asleep when you’re asleep) then woke up on the dot of 9pm. I definitely think I’m much calmer in general since doing all the skull healings xx”
“Loved the healing with Samanka! As Auraengus said, it felt as though she was etherically re-wiring and making new connections in my brain. Just before the end and integration I most definitely felt a warm flood at my temples! Amazing! Felt quite altered and with a new clarity ….. fab healing, thank you! ” – Samanka Group Healing
Wow, totally blasted away and still integrating. Became very tired approx 1 hour before the transmission. Started meditating and was off and gone immediately. If one of my cats hadn’t started asking for attention after one hour I probably would have fallen into very deep sleep immediately after. Remember small bits of several recurring themes passing through my field. But not much detail. Will tune in again this evening and ask dear Ardmano if there is anything that I need to remember or integrate consciously. Feeling at ease and tired today. Decided to relax and take it very easy to allow further processing.Thank you so much dearest Alphedia and Ardmano! Feels like a major shift!! ” – Ardmano Group Healing