Sunday 6th March 2022
9:00pm – 10:00pm GMT
£10 (£12 for UK including vat)
(There is no video or recording of this distant healing session)
Join Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu for this second healing of this Chakra upgrade healing series with the massive 25 kg snakeskin jasper crystal skull Lunarity.
This week will focus on the Sacral and Naval Chakras.
When we move into 5th dimensional consciousness our Sacral Chakra separates into the naval the belly button.
The Sacral Chakra is about creativity, sexuality, abundance creation, healthy emotions and inner child.
The Naval chakra is the chakra of friendliness, sociability, feeling at ease in the company of others.
It is important as we move through this year of 2022 it is important that we are able to create our dream reality.
That we feel confident in who we are and sexually powerful and in balance.
Issues with the Sacral and Naval chakra show up as sexual repression, inabilities to form healthy relationship, inabilities to manifest and create wealth and fear of judgement or being found out.
A lot of the issues in these chakras are originating from past life experiences repeating a cycle in this lifetime.
Lunarity who is a powerful timeline crystal skull will not only be working on upgrading your sacral and naval chakras but also working deeply with you to heal past life traumas particularly sexual traumas as well as stagnation energy in creating your reality.
If you worry about money or not having enough this is because you have blocked the flow of creating the wealth or issues to generate wealth.
If you struggle with intimacy or trusting others then you shut yourself and your higher chakras down to receiving this.
In this hours transmission Lunarity will:
This one hour crystal skull healing will be very powerful
- The first twenty minutes of the transmission Lunarity will work on opening the Sacral and Naval chakras and deeply clearing out stuck energies, implants, removal of cords from others and expanding it
- The next twenty minutes will be dissolving away any past life traumas affecting this chakra so you can feel lighter, more creative and able to manifest with ease
- The last twenty minutes will upgrading, revitalising and balancing this chakra to give you energy and wisdom which will strengthen the whole chakra system
Channelled Message from Lunarity:
“Greetings, greetings, I am Lunarity, it is with honour and joy that I come forward to offer you this group healing.
As humanity moves further into integration of the whole. The One Chakra opens as a possibility for all
Some have prepared and are starting to integrate all the chakras within having mastered the individual challenges each chakra represents.
These two chakras are of key importance as humanity creates the New Dawn.
The new 5th dimensional reality is ready to exist within.
I look forward to offer you deep healing in your ascension path.
To free you of burdens and traumas no longer necessary for your soul to carry anymore and to activate the creative fire within
Book Healing Transmission
As always Alphedia Arara will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Lunarity.
If you are a walkin soul then you can say the name of the previous soul in the comments to have them cleared too even through they are not on Earth anymore.
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving healing transmission.
If you book at least an hour prior to this transmission your name will be placed under Lunarity and called in by Alphedia Arara at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Lunarity and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Lunarity and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Lunarity Crystal Skull: Past Life and Ancestral Healing
Sunday 19th December 9-10pm GMT
UK: £12 (inc Vat), Rest of World £10
Please book at least one hour prior to the transmission for Alphedia to place your name under Lunarity
There will be no audio, video or recording of this real time transmission.
It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.
Testimonials from Previous Group Healings
“For a powerful healing for not only us but also for our ancestors and our descendants too. Feeling blessed to have experienced it❤❤❤” Anne, Lunarity Group Healing
“Amazing, with lots of insights. At the very end Lunarity asked me to feel the love from my ancestors. Wow, so powerful! THANK YOU ALPHEDIA & LUNARITY!!!💗🙏💗” – Amy, Lunarity Group Healing
“Wow, totally blasted away and still integrating. Became very tired approx 1 hour before the transmission. Started meditating and was off and gone immediately. If one of my cats hadn’t started asking for attention after one hour I probably would have fallen into very deep sleep immediately after. Remember small bits of several recurring themes passing through my field. But not much detail. Will tune in again this evening and ask dear Ardmano if there is anything that I need to remember or integrate consciously. Feeling at ease and tired today. Decided to relax and take it very easy to allow further processing.
Thank you🙏so much dearest Alphedia and Ardmano! Feels like a major shift!!😘🤩💝💖🌈” – Ardmano Group Healing
“Immediately felt lighter – much lighter – after the session – a lot of release continued from my night before – feminine energy blocks – and slept through the night. 3 cheers for me. And Ardmano” – Ardmano Group Healing