“The energies offer you the opportunity to surrender yourself from the old matrix. To move forward in activating within you the higher mind-body codes. What this means is that it’s an opportunity for you to rebirth, to surrender, into your own Divinity.”
Solar Eclipse Galactic Masters Workshop
The eclipse takes place at 19.22: UTC; 20.22 BST
Tuesday 2nd July 2019
7:00pm – 10.00pm BST
Glenholm Spiritual Centre, ML12 6JF Scotland
In this powerful Solar Eclipse Galactic Masters Transmission Workshop Alphedia Arara will:
- channel live on the day the Galactic Masters explaining the work they are to be energetically doing with you.
- We will start with a self realisation exercise to look honestly at where you are still holding yourself back from fully committing in the movement into this collective Oneness.
- You will receive an Ascension Sphere attunement to the Sirian Star Beings.
- At the eclipse moment we will go outside and stand under the stars (although they will be hiding due to it still being light in Scotland!) to receive the star codes of the eclipse.
- We will then go on a powerful channelled guided transmission meditation to receive deep healing from the Galactic Masters, you will be assigned your own guides and be shown the next stage of your soul evolution.
You will also receive healing vibrationally for any issues going on for you physically with the upgrade shifts occurring within Mother Earth.
For more background on the eclipse energies listen to Archangel Metatron’s monthly ascension report.
(This is free to listen to and share with others on link below)
Eclipse Season July 2019 - Metatrons Report, Free to Listen
Channeled Message from the Galactic Masters
“Greetings, greetings, greetings we are the Galactic Masters.
We come forward to offer you a transmission over this Total Solar Eclipse in order for you to harness the energies of this eclipse which will catapult you in to higher conscious understanding and move you more fully into your intuitive self.
The energies offer you the opportunity to surrender yourself from the old matrix.
To move forward in activating within you the higher mind-body codes.
What this means is that it’s an opportunity for you to rebirth, to surrender, into your own Divinity.
It allows you to move forward as the way showers catalyzing the changes within Humanity and to be free and liberated from the old paradigm matrix.
We the Galactic masters have come forth as all of the Galaxy is affected by this total Solar Eclipse on Earth.
Gaia has already increased her vibrational frequency at the Solstice and this eclipse heralds in the opportunity for you to no longer follow the herd but to lead through the heart.
We wish to take you to a temple on Sirius A.
This temple has been prepared for deep healing for you, to let go of the stubborn lower vibrations that are still clinging on.
We will take you into different chambers, depending on what healing you as a soul require at this time, and we will assist you as you take the spiral path to access the one-God mind.
Now the one-God mind is a space of all knowing, is a place that is within you that remembers, it’s a place with no separation as you embark upon the completion of the movement out of the separation.
We wish to assist you with healing the physical matrix which is where you will be feeling the shifts of the higher vibration light.
We will bring forth a Great Central Sun attunement, to realign the magnetic pole structure within your neurons of the brain, this will refine your radio signal to Divine Light.
Many of you are feeling tired because of the shifts that have been occurring and this will be as if charging in to a battery pack, bringing forth bursts of energy to help catalyze you, motivate you, forward to the next stage of the collective mission.
So this eclipse is all about working on the individualised self, to complete the healing you require to move in to a deeper connection through the intuitive heart and the collective mission harmonics.
A lot of this information that we will bring forth in light-code language through activation of the pineal, the piturity and thyroid glands can only be processed through the heart and know we will get you to this place where you are able to receive this.
This Total Eclipse marks the end point of the old way of being.
You will be assigned Galactic Masters from different star races who wish to take you on you own 30 day personal journey of soul evolution.
Our transmission will not only support you in coming more fully into your true Divine power but assist you in moving away from sleepwalking through life on Earth.
You are all here for your own unique individual missions but think of us through this transmission as your repair team, ready to assist to bring you back to wholeness.
It is with us in great honour, joy and light we connect forth. Adoni.”
As always Alphedia, as an experienced facilitator and channeler of the Starbeings, will support your journey with sound healing with the crystal singing bowls, crystal pyramid, drum, percussion, Tibetan singing bowls as well as her light-language and voice tonements.
We look forward to welcoming you to this powerful transmission.
Distance: Solar Eclipse Galactic Masters Workshop
Book Distance Option
Central Sun Ascension Sphere Set
UK £36 plus carriage, Rest of World £30 plus carriage
We on earth have been given this meditation tool to assist in our own personal spiritual development and in working together with others, the raising of the collective consciousness. By using the Ascension Spheres people can access and attune to the energy of Archangels, Gods & Goddesses, Star Systems, Planets, Elementals, Rays and other higher energies. Ascension Spheres consist of 8 crystals or stones which contain a special energy portal, in a tin and satin pouch, with instruction sheet.
These are imbued with the essence and presence of the Central Sun to enhance your growth and experience while engaged on the workshop, and during meditation.
Buy Central Sun Ascension Spheres