Thursday 30th March 2023
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
£10 (£12 for UK including vat)
(There is no live video or recording of this distant healing session. It is an energy transmission of healing)
Alphedia Arara invites you to work with her stunning 4kg malachite crystal skull Chryon on strengthening your personal boundaries.
Malachite is a highly protective crystal that was prized in Greek and Eqyptian times.
It is deeply healing for the heart and considered a transformational crystal.
Chryon will work to aid us in not being taken advantage of in life.
This allows us to be able to say no to others and to feel strong in our own personal space.
This is particularly important if you have experienced trauma, abuse, gas lighting, ghosting in the past.
It can also be you have never learnt about personal boundaries and feel you have to give to others to be of service, to be liked, to be well thought of.
It is particularly important to have personal boundaries within a family set up particularly if you are a parent.
When we strengthen our personal boundaries we do not let others take advantage of us and we are able to recognise our own limits.
To no longer over do or drain our energy giving out to others.
This can include non physical beings and guides who may make requests of us as well.
Part of having good personal boundaries is the ability to reference within the heart space.
Chryon with assist us with this process.
In this healing transmission:
- For the first twenty minutes Chryon will be working on your inner drivers, thought forms, beliefs that are stopping you having strong personal boundaries.
- The next twenty minutes he will be working strengthening your personal boundaries in what every way is required for you.
- And the last twenty minutes he will be working with you on being able to open your heart space so you can reference situations from this loving space within.
Channelled Message from Chryon:
“Greetings, greetings, greetings, I am Chryon.
I am delighted to have this opportunity to offer you all this powerful healing.
In this transmission I will take great joy in supporting you in your inner personal boundary strengthening.
As the energy intensifies on Earth it is means many humans are destabilising and starting to spin energetically.
This makes them unstable and often unconscious of their actions.
This can manifest in demands that are unreasonable, extreme behaviours and reactions to situations.
Unless you have strong personal boundaries it can be hard to say no to someone especially when you feel you can help.
However you are only helping someone if you are not injuring yourself.
This is why it is so important to be able to reference from within your actions.
It is also important to not be requesting too much from others yourself and to be aware of others limits and boundaries.
Do you take others into account with your own actions and requests?
Are you able to tune in and know when and who to ask for help from and when it is appropriate to do so?
I will help you strengthen in any area you feel your require.
I will bring the joy frequencies into your heart again and support you in stabilising at this time on Earth.
It will be an honour and joy.
As always Alphedia Arara will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Chryon.
There will be no live recording or video of this, so no links to join, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before and after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Chryon and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
Know your multi dimensional self receives the healing in real time.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Chryon and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Thursday 30th March 2023
9:00pm – 10:00pm BST
£10 (£12 for UK including vat)
Please book at least one hour prior to the transmission for Alphedia to place your name under Chryon
There will be no audio, video or recording of this real time transmission.
It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.
Testimonials from Previous Group Healings
“It’s awakened my own spiritual path again!! Been more focused xx 🙏 I love the skull healings think they are great.” – Sherling Group Healing
“Loved the healing with Samanka! As Auraengus said, it felt as though she was etherically re-wiring and making new connections in my brain. Just before the end and integration I most definitely felt a warm flood at my temples! Amazing! Felt quite altered and with a new clarity ….. fab healing, thank you! ❤️” – Samanka Group Healing
“As it was very early here in Oz while the transmission took place I was still asleep. Had several confronting dreams where I am judged by others, highly unusual comparing to what my sleep has been of lately. Feel like it definitely had to do with the healing and those things which no longer serve me having been brought up to be transmuted. Was told by my guides this morning to take it easy and allow time for integration as the work that was done was one of the biggest. Thank you so much Zooranka and Alphedia, after the integration of last week’s session I felt a world of difference, can only imagine the greater freedom that will come from this session!💛🌸🐲 Update: and my dad called me pretty much as soon as I got up, I mean of course 😂” – Zooranka Group Healing