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Awakening Wizard Within Healing Upgrade

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Awakening Wizard Within Healing Upgrade
Product Details

Calling all budding Merlin Wizards to the Awaken the Wizard Within Upgrade!!

Merlin has asked Auraengus Manu and Alphedia Arara to work with those of you who wish to continue on with your Merlin healing work.

This upgrade is to continue to work with the Vortex energy in the New Earth Template.

You have learnt how to run and work with the original Merlin healing white light energy.

Now Merlin has requested to be able to bring through new energy flavours for you to be upgraded with.

(This workshop is now available on MP3 audio and MP4 video downloads automatically at purchase. The course is cut into manageable audio tracks for listening to if you are unable to complete the course in one sitting. Alphedia calls in the energy of those booking at a later date so you will be back in the portal no matter when you are ready to experience this course. Personal message is no longer available.

There was a video recording of this course as it took place without a live audience in attendance. No matter when you listen to this recording you enter the portal and will receive the healing wisdom available now on Earth in this timeline. Personal message is no longer available.

This was channelled in a full moon portal to bring these teachings to us on Earth but can be listened to any time your soul is guided to these course teachings and healing. They are just as powerful as when recorded live through Alphedia Arara.)

In this Upgrade Workshop:

You will receive a Live Channeling from Merlin through Alphedia Arara

Update from Auraengus Manu with question and answer opportunity if you are live on video.

Worksheets on running the new energies on yourself and clients channelled by Merlin via Alphedia.

Receive a guided personal healing from Merlin, Vortex to run on yourself for preparation and refamiliarisation of his healing vortex.

Merlin New Earth Ascension Sphere attunement.

New Earth Alignment Vortex session to upgrade and align to the New Earth energies run through you by Auraengus Manu

Diamond Light Vortex to activate the Diamond Codexes in your matrix run through you by Auraengus Manu


Practice with a partner running these energies on each other

Grounding from Merlin

It might be an idea for you to keep a journal devoted to the teachings and practice sessions for easy reference.

If you can’t do the live event book distance and make sure you send a photograph of yourself when booking so you can be paired with another after event participant to practice your sessions.

Auraengus Manu will make himself available to assist with any issues arising from the upgrade during the week after, email with queries.

Channeling from Merlin

“Dear ones what a delight to call you forth once again!

I am impressed with your keenness and your healing abilities.

You have been diligent students and I am excited to see the awakening within you remembering your work from the past.

I am now ready to introduce an upgraded version of the energies that can be run on humans now in the New Earth Template.

Your human energies require aligned to the New Template.

By doing this you will amplify all your healing sessions.

When working on others you will be more powerful and when you feel their energy is ready for the upgrade after healing with you, you can run this energy on them too.

The Diamond Light will upgrade and activate for faster ascension of the soul.

I am very excited to bring this through for you all and know you are ready for this upgrade.

Be confident in your abilites and work for the light

Blessed Be. I am Merlin”

After the Event Option Distance Option

Your energy will be called into the sacred space at the start of the workshop

A link to the Video and the MP3 audio recording of the workshop will be sent to you after the audio files have been processed.

Select After the Event option when buying.

Please add your photograph when booking for being paired up with another distance participant (Recent face shot please)

Transmission Preparation & information

In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.

Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.

In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.

Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at [email protected]

Technical issues you can email : [email protected] or what's app +447799963882

Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.

Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.